Ask A Stupid Question, Get A Stupid Answer


Somebody that she swiped right.

What is a New Year's resolution you can keep?

Not to have a potty mouth

Did brown sugar rot Jagger’s teeth?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

They did, but they got no satisfaction from doing it.

Why oh why can't you always get what you want?

Scientologists don’t cruise!

Why did Amy Winehouse f**ck herself in the head with Superman?

Because she was engaged to batman

If the earth was an apple then what fruit would the moon be?

The moon wouldn't be a fruit, it would be a cheese. Gouda.

If there s a material girl, is her boyfriend made of polyester?

They 're right here, under my thumb.

Why can't we do something about those people who have to work eight days a week?

They’re so stupid there is no help for them.

Why is it Sweet Home Alabama? Why not Sweet Homeless Shelter in Los Angeles?

Skid Row already a band name.

What's Eddie Murphy's fav thing to order when he rolls down the car window?

He likes to projectile vomit

If West Virginia is is the #1 state for opioid overdoses, why the heck did Glen Campbell want to go home there?

"Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia"

If you flatulate in polite company, what recourse do you have?

Any color that is sanguine

If FedExSmartPost is so smart, where is my frickin mail today?