Recommend me disgusting, repulsive, wrong movies


Watched the scene that was supposed to be wrong. It's very tame and boring stuff. Also, it's very short.
You gotta watch the whole movie. For the context.

Also the scene where Bronson menaces a guy with a dildo. And the other scene where he makes a guy eat his gold watch.

I couldn't handle more than a few minutes of La La Land.

I couldn't handle more than a few minutes of La La Land.

How about Moulin Rouge?

How about Moulin Rouge?
Never got near that.

How about Moulin Rouge?
I didn't like Moulin Rouge on first watch, but then discovered I kind of liked the scene on top of the elephant where the two characters had a song medley/montage where one song melded into another. Then I thought it would have been neat if they did the whole movie (or a different movie) by tying one known song into another to form an operatic narrative (just as they did for that one scene).

<The Wolf of Wall Street>
Gideon, please...
Not one mention of Follow That Bird?!
Good torture porn isn't bad but my mom liked it more than I did.
I came across this today. The first page contains fairly well-known films, but pages 2 and 3 get more obscure.
Not bad. Thanks! EDIT: WTF they actually put a Dogma JAV there, the hell?!
Good shit. At times, the mosaic obscures half the screen!
I see what you did here.
Has Greasy Strangler been recommended yet?
I saw the trailer for that thing. Looks absolutely madcap.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Not saying any of these are great entertainment, some are fun, but they fit the criteria:

Gutterballs - Nasty ****ing slasher and very ****ing dumb. You'll get ****ing sick of ****ing hearing the ****ing eff word. Half the ****ing script is ****ing eff words.

Hanger - Same director as Gutterballs. This is ****ing bad, looks ****ing terrible and is really ****ing awful. Writer/Director probably wore out the F-U-C and K's on his keyboard writing these two movies.

Dear God No! - Grindhouse wanna be biker/Nazi-sploitation.

Frankenstein Created Bikers (sequel to Dear God No!) - More epic than Dear God No. Looks a lot better. A little long but is more awful than Dear God No

The Night of Something Strange - horror-comedy. First scene is necrophilia. Second is incest/rape. Yeah, real funny stuff.

Run Bitch Run - Rape revenge grindhouse wanna be.

The Manson Family - Title says it all

The Girl Next Door - Probably the most well known of all these movies. Young girl is tortured by her aunt, cousins and neighborhood kids.

Moebius - I only watched it once a while back but it was pretty good. The best movie here but it's kind of hard to explain.

I Spit On Your Grave
The original (1979) is so bad that parts of it are almost comedy, but the remake - ah the remake (2010). Finally a remake that exceeds the original in far more satisfying ways.

The original is just a violent rape & revenge flick, but the remake is "sweet revenge" as each act of vengeance is an ironic take on the crimes committed against the victim which provides a sense of creativity and poetic justice that was not present in the original.

Moebius - I only watched it once a while back but it was pretty good. The best movie here but it's kind of hard to explain.
I rewatched this for my October Horror Watch. I like the WTF did I watch films.

I have seen a lot and proud!

Don't care if others think they are crap.

Not saying any of these are great entertainment, some are fun, but they fit the criteria:

Gutterballs - Nasty ****ing slasher and very ****ing dumb. You'll get ****ing sick of ****ing hearing the ****ing eff word. Half the ****ing script is ****ing eff words.

Hanger - Same director as Gutterballs. This is ****ing bad, looks ****ing terrible and is really ****ing awful. Writer/Director probably wore out the F-U-C and K's on his keyboard writing these two movies.

Dear God No! - Grindhouse wanna be biker/Nazi-sploitation.

Frankenstein Created Bikers (sequel to Dear God No!) - More epic than Dear God No. Looks a lot better. A little long but is more awful than Dear God No

The Night of Something Strange - horror-comedy. First scene is necrophilia. Second is incest/rape. Yeah, real funny stuff.

Run Bitch Run - Rape revenge grindhouse wanna be.

The Manson Family - Title says it all

The Girl Next Door - Probably the most well known of all these movies. Young girl is tortured by her aunt, cousins and neighborhood kids.

Moebius - I only watched it once a while back but it was pretty good. The best movie here but it's kind of hard to explain.
3 there that I haven't seen, added to watchlist

Now I gotta see "Fat Girl".
is that a Good one?

I will give this one a try ,, thanks Dear