Recommend some Foreign Faves


Project Mayham, you and I have similar tastes. No Man's Land is a favorite of mine. Another is the documentary Promises, which was awesome. Monsoon Wedding was a great movie that I've recommended to plenty of folks. Have you seen it?

Ah, ah, all you No Man's Land lovers...

First of all, the film is directed by a veteran of the depicted war. Tanovic, having fought with the Bosnian muslims, has a lot of personal baggage in there and he did his darndest to diminish the Serbians to the core. First, look at the depiction of the Bosnian soldiers. The guy is running around trenches dressed in jeans, converse all-stars and a Rolling Stones t-shirt (presumably, Bosnians are avant garde Europeans), while Serbian soldiers are fat, greasy grunts in traditional soldier uniforms. To top it all, story reveals how the Bosnian soldier is a macho type (talking about ex-girlfriends from Banjaluka), and Serbian soldier, in a 4th grade humour generalization attempt, is a homosexual (the scene in which the Bosnian soldier searches through the wallet of the Serbian guy and finds a photo of another guy, looking away from it in disgust). The only accurate depiction in the film is the futility of UN forces, but who cares abou that when the problem is shallowly, subjectively tackled and your average cinemagoer is more likely to sympathize with the macho rocker Bosnian than with the homo Serbian grunt.

For a more objective picture of the Bosnian war, try watching Pretty Village, Pretty Flames by the director Srdjan Dragojevic, which is a Serbian production which slams down pretty hard on both sides (self-criticism is harshly evident), showing them for what they are - a crossover between men who are thinking "what am I doing here ?" and beasts awakened by the sight of war.
(signature space for rent)

Originally Posted by greentea
Project Mayham, you and I have similar tastes. No Man's Land is a favorite of mine. Another is the documentary Promises, which was awesome. Monsoon Wedding was a great movie that I've recommended to plenty of folks. Have you seen it?
i've been meaning to see Monsoon Wedding, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Make it happen!

Put me in your pocket...
Thought I'd bump this thread back up.

I just saw...Together(2002)
directed by Kaige Chen. ('Farewell my Concubine')
I loved it. It's about a father who wants the best for his son and works hard to give his son a chance to have a bright future, and his 13 year old son who is a gifted violinist. It's a heartwarming and touching movie. If you like relationship based movies or movies based on music, you'll like this.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Andrei Rublev Andrei Tarkovsky (1969)

Belle de Jour Luis Bunuel (1967)

Battleship Potemkin Sergei Eisenstein (1925)

La Belle et la Bete Jean Cocteau (1946)

The Bicycle Thief Vittorio De Sica (1948) (My favorite)

Day for Night François Truffaut (1973)

Les Diabolique Henri-Georges Clouzot (1954)

Fitzcarraldo Werner Herzog (1982)

Grand Illusion Jean Renoir (1937)

High and Low Akira Kurosawa (1963)

Lola Montes Max Ophuls (1955)

M Fritz Lang (1931)

Le Million Rene Clair (1931)

Nights of Cabiria Federico Fellini (1957)

A Nous la Liberté René Clair (1931)

Rififi Jules Dassin (1955)

Shoot the Piano Player François Truffaut (1960)

Throne of Blood Akira Kurosawa (1957)

Un Chien Andalou Luis Buñuel (1928)

Vampyr Carl Dreyer (1931)

Weekend Jean-Luc Godard (1967)

Woman in the Dunes Hiroshi Teshigahara (1964)

The Wages of Fear Henri-Georges Clouzot (1953)

I saw Run Lola Run for the first time today. It’s certainly a one of a kind, and I can wholeheartedly recommend it.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Put me in your pocket...
I was looking through the foreign section the other day and couldn't remember the names of some of the movies members had suggested. So, I thought I'd take another peek here and bump this up. There's some really interesting posts.

I didn't see these listed and wanted to recommend them if anyone is interested.

Dirty Pretty Things (2002)

To Live (Huozhe) (1994)

I personaly loved ''Like The Water For Chocolate'', its a mexican movie I believe.
»-(¯`v´¯)-» What we are never changes. Who we are never stops changing. »-(¯`v´¯)-»

The Emperor of Ice Cream
To whoever posted La Haine, Jean de Florette and Manon des sources:
Excellent selections
People demand freedom of speech to compensate for the freedom of thought which they avoid.

Registered User
Ok two of the best are

Audition and City of God. Im surprised no one has sed these yet.

Those films are all pretty good I must say, saw Run Lola Run yesterday. Damn good too.

Ok - some my favourites from foreign filmakers are:

Brotherhood Of the Wolf - France - Bloody marvellous. Jim Henson's creature shop made the beast, for those not in the know. Fine example of european filmaking, as is..

Das Boot - Germany - Moody, atmospheric, startling and claustrophobic. I know a small surviving group of former U-boat seamen, they say its a documentary not a film! Like they filmed it as it happened they say.

Stalingrad - Germany - Private Ryan? Who's that? These are real stories of survival in war. Great. Not that I'm one to bag other people's fave movies, so no offense to Ryan fans.

Solaris - Russia(?) - Need I say anything? Not 2001, but solid.

Ghost In the Shell - Japan (anime) - Now this rivals anything out of hollywood. Solid, mature animation with great story and "performances".

Metropolis - Germany - Classic, just inspired filmaking. A feature way ahead of it's time.

Anatomie - Germany - Great slasher flick with originality instead of formulaic hack n slash and cliche'.

Patlabor 1, 2 & 3 (Wasted Thirteen) - Japan (anime) - Great techno/political thrillers about a unit of patrol mechs in Tokyo. This anime stuff can never be made live action. Not the same at all.

Well, there's a few - like em or hate em, grab a copy and see em.
Hail to the king baby.
"More success than most, but not as much as some.."

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Bob Le Flambeur Jean-Pierre Melville

The Blue Angel Josef Von Sternberg

The Burmese Harp Kon Ichikawa

The Children Of Heaven Majid Majidi

The Conformist Bernardo Bertolucci

The Eyes Without A Face Georges Franju
Graphic horror movie, even by today's standards.

La Femme Nikita Luc Besson

Forbidden Games Rene Clement

Lamerica Gianni Amelio

Last Year At Marienbad Alain Resnais

My Life As A Dog Lasse Hallström

Nosferatu F. W. Murnau

Shoe Shine Vittorio De Sica

Umberto D Vittorio De Sica

Viridiana Luis Bunuel

Some Foreign Stellar favorites:

Battle Royale - I'm a fan of Japanese movies, and I'm a fan of uber-violence, so this is a perfect matching. Teenagers are brought to an island and forced to kill each other. Introduced the actress who plays Go Go in Kill Bill Vol. 1. Quentin approved!

Maria Full of Grace - This is a real tear jerker of a flick, if you can find it. Tells the story of a Columbian girl who's a coke mule. She transports drugs to the states by swallowing capsules filled with heoin. An emotional wipeout.

City of God - One of the best films I've ever seen, foreign or american. A powerful display of life on the streets in Rio De Janiro through the eyes of children. A place where kids as young as 10 carry guns and rob and kill.

Those are some recent faves. I can list more, I'm just tired....
Stellar Music......By Stellar:
Sleater-Kinney - One Beat
The Sleepy Jackson - Lovers
Jeff Buckley - Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk
At The Drive-In - Acrobatic Tenemant
Air - Moon Safari

"I'm the man,"
~ David Carradine, Kill Bill Vol. 2

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
If you're a fan of City of God, you should check out Luis Buñuel's Los Olvidados.

Shallow Grave
Suicide club
Man bites dog
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Boondock Saints

I only started watching world cinema last year so I haven't seen much but some I like are:

Amelie (France, 2001) a very funny, very moving urban fairytale

La Vita e Bella (Italy,1998) funny and touching tale of a Jewish father's attempts to hide from his young son the horrors of the Holocaust. Roberto Benigni deserved his Best Actor IMO, but everybody that year did.

The Son's Room (Italy, 2001) poignant drama about the effect on a family after the death of a child. A very worthy Palme D'or winner

Divided We Fall (Czech Republic, 2000) riveting often darkly funny drama about a couple who hide a Jewish friend from the Nazis during WWII and the lengths they go to to cover him up.

aww good ole Roberto Benigni great actor. One of the best foreign actors imo...for you that are familiar with life is is beautiful check out Johnny Stecchino (1992) for his lighter side as he takes on duel roles in this gangster comedy

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Japan - Fallen Angels
In the Mood for Love
Grave of the Fireflies (anime)
Woman In The Dunes

Mexico - Amores Perros
The Crime of Father Amoro
Y To Mama Tambien
Like Water For Chocolate

Italy - Malena
The Bicycle Thief

UK - Shirley Valentine
Withnail and I
The Office (tv show on DVD)
Morvern Callar

Germany - Aguirre, Wrath of God

Spain - Talk To Her

New Zealand - Once Were Warriors
Whale Watcher
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10