The Avengers: Age of Ultron


Whether it is a teaser, or part of the movie...maybe spoiler?

WARNING: "Cap's shield" spoilers below
Marvel released an image with Cap's shield broken, which would seem to open the door for Black Panther. His native home of (fictional) Wakanda, is the spot where a meteorite composed of vibranium landed. This being the component of Cap's shield and possibly Ultron, along with filming in South Africa....

Whether it is a teaser, or part of the movie...maybe spoiler?

WARNING: "Cap's shield" spoilers below
Marvel released an image with Cap's shield broken, which would seem to open the door for Black Panther. His native home of (fictional) Wakanda, is the spot where a meteorite composed of vibranium landed. This being the component of Cap's shield and possibly Ultron, along with filming in South Africa....
That's not a spoiler.

I figured as much, more of an exercise to see if I could figure out how to make the spoiler tag

Joss just said in an interview that Cap will mention his quest for Winter Soldier but the Ultron threat takes priority and his Avengers work has kept him too busy to track him down. I love that they are not going to look past the end of Cap 2 and adress it on screen.

Such hype. Expect to see more of Cpt. Merica after his last movie (which was excellent).

Registered User
New pics.

Originally Posted by NoPantsMcLane
It looks like Joss Whedon is about to drunkenly punch out Jeremy Renner.
And as I said on another site:

Originally Posted by Me
Do they just turn up in these threads or do they have some hammy explanation? I don't know which would be worse. Quicksilver's isn't so bad, it is basically flashy skin tight running gear. But Hawkeye, for crying out loud, what a dork. I think Joss Whedon maybe likes the comics too much. All the other heroes make sense. Iron Man is Iron Man, Thor is from another world, Captain America wears his as a symbol. Hawkeye and Black Widow should just be in SHIELD gear or civvies and let their actions be their style.
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Registered User
Yeah, and I'm especially interested in his design. How recognisable will Paul Bettany be as the character? How much will his face be used? Will Vision look very robotic or more human?

More shots. The difference between Cap's silly Avengers Assemble costume and this cool thing is ridiculous. As for Thor, loads of tiny, insignificant changes I wouldn't even notice if I hadn't looked them up. I guess they just make a new costume whether they need to or not. His hair seems to get longer and less conditioned with each film.

Doesn't that magazine cover get you hyped! I've got to stop following this film. It's still eight months away, dammit!
Click image for larger version

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It's being reported by many that...

WARNING: "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" spoilers below
Captain America will be assembling a new team of Avengers at the end of The Avengers: Age of Ultron. It looks like possibly Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye will be the ones leaving the previous team and Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Mrs Marvel (who is reportedly going to have a cameo in "Age of Ultron" and said to might be in the end credits) and another unknown hero.

I don't know if this is official or not. I tried to find a site, but in the end I grabbed this out of a comment section. As far as I know (if real), this is the first good look at the Vision.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I saw a leaked picture of The Vision and he looked like that. I will see if I can get the pic.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Registered User
I had low expectations for Vision. I must have thought he was going to be green spandex, yellow cape, and red ****ing face paint or some ****.

This isn't bad. I think it's important to make him look artificial. He has to stand next to Iron Man and Ultron and look like part of the same family. Maybe the cape wasn't necessary, but it is cool in a ridiculous way. But there is a conspicuous visual connection to Thor. Is it worse to ignore that, or to come up with an explanation? Why would an android be given a cape?

I saw a leaked picture of The Vision
I wouldn't call it "leaked" when all it is is a behind a scenes photo. When every movie out there nowadays gets behind the scenes photos shown on the net.

Anyhoo, here it is....

How common or exciting it is doesn't really have anything to do with whether or not it's a "leak." It's a leak if it's not deliberately released.

Capes are awesome. Don't act like any of you never thought about climbing the roof with a towel on your back...

Capes are awesome. Don't act like any of you never thought about climbing the roof with a towel on your back...
you made my day, thanks!
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\m/ Fade To Black \m/
That isnt the one I was on about

I saw it again early this morning on one of the pages I have liked on fb but dam it if I can find it now... Soon as I see it again I will copy that b#tch and post it