alien bases on moon and ufo's


There actually was proof that he worked there. Originally, they denied having ever heard of lazar. But when the programme makers found a phone directory for all the employees at that time, lazars name was on it.
I dunno. They also asked many students that went to the same University he claims to have studied at if they ever saw him around and nobody seems to remember. I can't see not one person, not even a teacher unable to recognizing him if he really did go there and even if his records were erased intentionally as he says.

It's the vid by manbird1200 on the top here called 'UFO Unvieled...':
OK yeah just watched it. Cool of him to have not allowed it to go on like that without saying how it was done. Not sure what he said on his first video but it seems he never once claimed it to be real or try to pass it off as real. He just threw it on there and let the people go nuts lmao. His words "This was never a hoax...
it was taken as one...." tells us this.

Also, he used a real video camera too, to somehow integrate it with the image so it's not all the vue doing that. It was the sound effects of the people in the background we hear explaining the sonic boom as it happened that added to the realism for me anyways.


Check this out
Yeah I heard that before and the part where they claim the trees near them at the time were not strong enough and unable to handle the burden of all that weight of a stone thereby omitting that theory was a good one.

Regarding the face on Mars, this program must have been on t.v. before '98 and 2001 when they reshot the image from with their MOC on their craft capturing a lower grade image and nothing at all like the face we first thought. Who knows though. They could have tampered with that too.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Y'know, that 'Face on Mars' thing has always looked vaguely familiar to me...


Fear the Probe!

Registered User

There is supposedly also pyramids on mars. From the looks of them though, they seem as if they were there a long long time. Maybe hundreds or thousands of years before our first civilisations developed.

The pyramids look weather beaten and slightly out of shape.

When analysed, the several pyramids and face on mars resembles the giza site of egypt. Have to look in to that.

Y'know, that 'Face on Mars' thing has always looked vaguely familiar to me...




Registered User

This i dont buy despite being a believer. It supposedly shows an alien abduction.

But look at it, there is nothing to undeniably prove it was genuine. A flash of light, a guy vanishes BEHIND a sign and they deem this as authentic?

It could be though.

Y'know, that 'Face on Mars' thing has always looked vaguely familiar to me...


Lmao, I always thought that myself. I just never said it out loud.

There is supposedly also pyramids on mars. From the looks of them though, they seem as if they were there a long long time. Maybe hundreds or thousands of years before our first civilisations developed.

The pyramids look weather beaten and slightly out of shape.

When analysed, the several pyramids and face on mars resembles the giza site of egypt. Have to look in to that.
Yeah I also heard they line up almost perfectly with the earthly pyramids. Same distance apart and everything from the face. That video said something similar actually.


This i dont buy despite being a believer. It supposedly shows an alien abduction.

But look at it, there is nothing to undeniably prove it was genuine. A flash of light, a guy vanishes BEHIND a sign and they deem this as authentic?
I remember seeing this when it was on t.v. I miss Ryker's 'UFOs: The Best evidence caught on tape' specials he used to have on.

As for that particular video, the first thing that immediately strikes me with doubt is the fact that the guy wanted money for the tape. Other than that it does look legit except for the fact, like you said there is absolutely no proof it's not a fabrication. It could be possible but I highly doubt it.

Registered User

Yeah I also heard they line up almost perfectly with the earthly pyramids. Same distance apart and everything from the face. That video said something similar actually.
One of the mars pyramids has five sides, unlike the ones on earth which has four. This makes me a little sceptical since it could easily be just a mountain that resembles a pyramid.

However, the evidence overall is convincing so i have to keep on youtubing.

When the face on mars was first shown, nasa claimed it was a trick of light. But a different photo taken from another angle shows the same thing. A human face. So it cant be a trick of light.

I remember seeing this when it was on t.v. I miss Ryker's 'UFOs: The Best evidence caught on tape' specials he used to have on.
U seem to have seen a lot of ufo documentaries. Any u can recommend me?

As for that particular video, the first thing that immediately strikes me with doubt is the fact that the guy wanted money for the tape.
people asking for money doesnt strike me as suspicious. They could have genuine evidence but just dont want to give it away without some profit.

Other than that it does look legit except for the fact, like you said there is absolutely no proof it's not a fabrication. It could be possible but I highly doubt it.
The fact that the camera completely goes fuzzy after the flash and then comes back on when the man returns is very suspicious and only encourages ridicule.

I dont know what makes people say this is genuine proof of abductions since there are plenty of better ufo footage.
Maybe the person who sent the footage knew something we didnt?

U seem to have seen a lot of ufo documentaries. Any u can recommend me?
I'll have to think. Did you ever watch 'Sightings' when it was on the Fox network a few years back. Late 90's I think.

people asking for money doesnt strike me as suspicious. They could have genuine evidence but just dont want to give it away without some profit.
Yeah I understand but that video has been around for a good 6 or more years I think and surely something would have come out of it. The actual guy in the video for example. Surely he would have been tracked down by now. I dunno. Like you said though. Not very much to go on and he wants money for it. Who knows.

The fact that the camera completely goes fuzzy after the flash and then comes back on when the man returns is very suspicious and only encourages ridicule.
Yes, good point. Seems a little too perfect there.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
U seem to have seen a lot of ufo documentaries. Any u can recommend me?
I'll have to think. Did you ever watch 'Sightings' when it was on the Fox network a few years back. Late 90's I think.
I can remember Sightings, Encounters, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, Unexplained Mysteries, Ancient Mysteries, The Unexplained, Beyond, and Proof Positive.

Not sure what ones would be available on DVD or online.
They didn't just deal with UFOs though. Ghosts and other paranormal phenomenon were also included.

Yeah those are pretty much the ones I have seen though I dont believe I saw Proof Positive or watched Ancient Mysteries any either.

fbi, check out this clip by that t.v. show 'Scare Tactics' where they set it up to make this guy and girl believe they were being attacked by aliens in the car. The chick just freeeeeeeaked. Usually, people will come back and later laugh at themselves but not her cause she ended up suing their butts for almost giving her a heart attack.
Oh and watch the black guy leave her for alien food and run for the hills lmao.

Registered User
Yeah those are pretty much the ones I have seen though I dont believe I saw Proof Positive or watched Ancient Mysteries any either.

fbi, check out this clip by that t.v. show 'Scare Tactics' where they set it up to make this guy and girl believe they were being attacked by aliens in the car. The chick just freeeeeeeaked. Usually, people will come back and later laugh at themselves but not her cause she ended up suing their butts for almost giving her a heart attack.
Oh and watch the black guy leave her for alien food and run for the hills lmao.

wow. I dont blame her for suing their butts. That was quite scary and i myself would be frightened. Glad shes ok though.
I would advise people to be careful about making these type of programmes cos some people may have heart attacks for real.

And u never know how it may affect them psychologically in the future.

Registered User
I'll have to think. Did you ever watch 'Sightings' when it was on the Fox network a few years back. Late 90's I think.
Will check it out. Thanks

I can remember Sightings, Encounters, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, Unexplained Mysteries, Ancient Mysteries, The Unexplained, Beyond, and Proof Positive.

Not sure what ones would be available on DVD or online.
They didn't just deal with UFOs though. Ghosts and other paranormal phenomenon were also included.


I would advise people to be careful about making these type of programmes cos some people may have heart attacks for real.

And u never know how it may affect them psychologically in the future.
Mm-hmm. That's perhaps one of the reasons why they are not on anymore too.

I usually worried when they did it too the really heavy set people honestly. Their hearts were probably overworked at it was without that extra strain from the stress that would give them.

One thing I didn't like about that show was the host Shannon Dougherty. I never liked her as an actress.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Scare Tactics was an awesome show.
My favorite episode was the Bigfoot one.

Course then there was the Rat-boy one...

Oh and this dork here 'Almost' ruined that Sasquatch episode. That stupid smirk on his face the entire time made me want to lay the hurt on the bugger.

That Rat boy one was friggin' hilarous especially the way that dude screamed lol.

A 'Blair Witch' type of alien attack caught on tape.


Ufo sighting in Parma, Italy

Four objects, visible to the naked eye, hovered over Parma on August 10 2007.

Giorgio Pattera (biologist and ufo researcher) said: "the sky over the area between Pilastro, Panocchia and Lesignano is a kind of "highway" for UFOs".
"A phenomena similar to the one of Stratford."
"We're in front of an unexplainable phenomena-
Pattera said - It's a classic example of lights in formation,
red internally and surrounded by a weak bright ring.
The sighting is absolutely well-founded.
The only difference between this sighting and the Stratford one
is that in that case the lights were six, whereas in this one were four.
I've been notified about the sighting by several people, absolutely trustworthy.
The pics we gathered so far are genuine, and the lights habe been sighted from different places, even from the town (Parma).
For this reason, i believe that the UFOs where at an hight altitude.»
Conclusively, are UFOs.
Is not possible to explain what they were, but is possible to
explain what they weren't.
We absolutely can exclude:
planes, helicopters, weather balloons, meteorites."

This is not the first time that this kind of sightings have been reported:
"We can state that the sky over the area between Pilastro, Panocchia and Lesignano is a kind of "highway" for UFOs:" - pattera said -
"Usually here, after a sighting of this kind, other sightings have been reported."

Registered User
fantastic stuff.

My guess is that they are genuine alien craft doing thier routine reconnaisance, observing etc. Maybe they are just checking up on us as they have been for hundreds of years.

These are among the few extraterrestrial footage/photos that i take seriously since no-one has really been able to explain them. Whereas other ones are proven to be planes, military craft or natural phenomena.

fantastic stuff.

My guess is that they are genuine alien craft doing thier routine reconnaisance, observing etc. Maybe they are just checking up on us as they have been for hundreds of years.
Weird though they travel so far in the blackness of space only to 'light up' when they arrive here.

These are among the few extraterrestrial footage/photos that i take seriously since no-one has really been able to explain them. Whereas other ones are proven to be planes, military craft or natural phenomena.
You mean the ones similar to this. This set is rather new.