Forum software upgraded


do you mean like {}TEXT{/url} (replace {} with []).
Lets see. That looks like it should work though.

Movie Forums

Movie Forums

Thanks Linespalsy.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

The site has been running uber slow lately, does it have anything to do with the new software?
It shouldn't; the new software should be more efficient. That said, I did turn on an option for improved read/unread thread marking that might have slowed things a bit. I've turned it back off since. Let me know if you notice a difference.

If not, it's probably just the server again. It wa slow for awhile, then was restarted, and was lightning fast for a short while. It's loading crazy fast for me again now, too.

Yoda, is there a way to have TEXT send you to a LINK?


That sort of thing?

EDIT: d'oh. Didn't see that. Thanks line.

It shouldn't; the new software should be more efficient. That said, I did turn on an option for improved read/unread thread marking that might have slowed things a bit. I've turned it back off since. Let me know if you notice a difference.
It's working fine again, normal speeds. Yay!

Okay, I'd made a bit of an oversight earlier when trying to fix the post ratings problem. Can some of you MoFos who were having trouble with "Thanks!" showing up erroneously go back and do a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5), and tell me if the problem is fixed on your end?

The Adventure Starts Here!
Same here, Yoda. That post where you asked for the hard refresh is the only one that already has a "THANKS!" on it for me, and I never repped you for it either.

A system of cells interlinked
My buddy list has vanished....

Did that just happen? I seem to remember seeing buddy markers earlier today....
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

My buddy list has vanished....

Did that just happen? I seem to remember seeing buddy markers earlier today....
That's odd. I was having some trouble with the Buddy List, but it's supposed to be cookie-based, I believe.

I've already got a support ticket in about the problem I was having, so hopefully I'll have this figured out soon. Suffice to say, I'm trying to expand the relevance of the Buddy List feature. In the meantime, sorry for any inconvenience.

I mentioned this a while back, and it still seems to be doing it, or not doing it. If you go to make a post, and then right click to copy what you type, it won't let you. I can only copy, if I hit preview first, and then take it from there. Am I missing something?!?

Hm. I definitely can't duplicate that problem. I haven't had any problem copying/pasting. What browser are you using? Also, has this problem existed since the upgrade, or before then?

It has been since the upgrade, and only on this board. Also, like I said, only inside of my post. As in right now, but if I copy from my preview, or post, once it is finished, then it works.
Hmm, like this . . .

In my post.

After my post.

Are you sure? I mean like right now, in a post, try to copy.

It has been since the upgrade, and only on this board. Also, like I said, only inside of my post. As in right now, but if I copy from my preview, or post, once it is finished, then it works.
Hmm, like this . . .

In my post.

After my post.

Are you sure? I mean like right now, in a post, try to copy.
Here's a little nerd tip from DaShiz.

Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + X = Cut

Right clicking is for grandmas and other types of slow things.

Seriously though, once I started doing this, it's made me think I do things a lot faster.

Seriously though, once I started doing this, it's made me think I do things a lot faster.Seriously though, once I started doing this, it's made me think I do things a lot faster.

Yeah, it works. Even the X,C,and V are on the left so you can still keep a grip on that riley mouse.

I know how to do that. My point is, it use to copy/paste by right clicking, and it doesn't now. I would rather it did again, but I will live if it doesn't. I was simply asking if I was the only one with the problem.