Top 10-15 BEST (but not usual, cliche) movies?


Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Well, my ancestors were smart enough not to get sent to a penal colony.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

YEAH! Bloody Poms! Actually this morning on channel 7 morning show, they did a report about aussies working and living in London. The Poms reckon Aussies work harder than the English...that's what the English Business owners said! They want to know, why are they is the 2nd recession!

I just got a private message from the Pom (honeykid) to say Aussies to Pub work in England, so the Poms want to strive for a better future than Pub work! Actually honeykid, they were doing all sorts of work in England ......You Pom lol!

Anddddddddddd back to films.
Another Pom!

A powerful film from New Zealand, with Karl Urban in the lead.

On November 13th 1990, in the small New Zealand seaside town of Aramoana, local man David Gray took a high-powered automatic weapon and shot dead 13 people. It remains the worst mass murder in New Zealand's history. As emergency services scrambled to get to the scene, a handful of young, under-armed local policemen risked their lives trying to find the gunman. Terrified and confused residents were trapped in their homes for 24 hours, not knowing where David Gray was - or if they would become his next victim. There were great feats of bravery on that terrible day - from ordinary people in the most extraordinary of situations.

any action movie really..

Probably my favourite film out of all the films I've seen by the film maker Jane Campion. A truly wonderful film based on the life of an author from New Zealand called Janet Frame.