Films about a Cult


I remember one I used to see on the 4:30 movie when I was a kid (mid to late 70's maybe?)

It was about a family that kidnaps their daughter (I think it was a daughter) back from a cult and hires a professional "de-programmer" to deprogram her.

I think a lot of it took place in a motel room where the de-programmer treated the girl (at times in a somewhat brutal fashion - kind of like a poor man's Exorcist).

Any clues what this movie was?

Midnight Special.

Sorry. This wasn't meant as an answer to Captain Steel's question. It's a movie that dealt with a cult led by Sam Shepard.

This is an old one, about the murderous Thugees, the Cult of Kali, from 1830's in the British colonial territory that's now India. The movie is The Stranglers of Bombay. I recall seeing it long ago. Like everything, it shows up on Youtube.

I recall seeing more 1940's movies about the "Cult of Kali", an Indian thing, full of sneaky, loin-cloth wearing murderers with crazy eyes, who strangle victims and do crazy dances in front of idols until some gun-toting, pith helmet wearing Euro-hero arrives and starts shooting. They're embarrassing movies, but, if it's "cult" you want, it will be "cult" you get.

I don't actually wear pants.
This may not be what you want, but there's a Netflix docuseries that details cults and, tongue-in-cheek, explains how to form a cult. It's called How to Become a Cult Leader.
Thanks again, Mr Portridge.

Oh great, Netflix has a series called how to be a Cult leader? Saying Cult used the be the worst thing you could hear. And now it is coming back as something that is cool and desired. I learned on the Jurassic World forums that you can't say Wig Wam Osaurus, someone gets offended. It's pathological down to the names in the binders.

There are a lot of great movies here. I also really liked The Invitation (2015). It's low budget horror, but it's well made. John Carrol Lynch is in it, and does a great job.