My Favorite Movie Villains


Nino Brown, New Jack City

Wesley Snipes got the role of his career and ran with it as a ruthless drug lord with absolutely no conscience.

Curtis Taylor Jr., Dreamgirls

Jamie Foxx completely invests in this sleazy character, allegedly based on legendary record producer Berry Gordy, a second-rate music promoter who as manager of The Dreams (Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, Anika Nona Rose) and Jimmy "Thunder" Early (Eddie Murphy) makes one lousy life-altering decision after another regarding these artists that damage all of their lives.

Cal Hockley, Titanic

Billy Zane should have received an Oscar nomination for his kinetic performance as the abusive and entitled aristocrat who doesn't handle losing his fiancee Rose (Kate Winslet) to Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) very well and when he realizes the ship is sinking, tries to buy his way into a lifeboat.

Vincent, Collateral

Tom Cruise was an eye-opener, effectively cast against type as a ruthless hitman who involves an innocent cab driver (Jamie Foxx) in his work.

Roger Simmons, The Towering Inferno

Richard Chamberlain was beyond greasy as the son-in-law of the builder (William Holden) of the title building who made short cuts in wiring the building that may have been responsible for the fire, but tried to shove his way to the front of the line when it was time to rescue people.

Val Resnick, Payback

Gregg Henry had the best role of his career as this sleazy low-life who committed a robbery many years ago with Porter (Mel Gibson), took Porter's half of the money and left him for dead and tries to set Porter up when he comes looking for his $70,000.00.

Catherine Parker, Working Girl

Sigourney Weaver is pitch perfect as the business executive from hell, desperately trying to hold onto the man she thinks she loves (Harrison Ford) while stealing a business idea from our heroine (Melanie Griffith) and claiming it as her own. Weaver's perfectly executed comic turn here was so on the money that it earned her an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress the same year she was nominated for Best Lead Actress for Gorillas in the Mist.

Colonel Nathan Jessup, A Few Good Men

Jack Nicholson is electrifying as a military commander whose orders resulted in the death of a young soldier and throws all of his subordinates under the bus in order to cover his own ass. Nicholson is only in four scenes but the power of the performance still earned him a Best Supporting Actor nomination.

Warden Hazen, The Longest Yard

Eddie Albert created a totally hissable villain here, a sadistic prison warden who forces a former pro footballer turned con (Burt Reynolds) to form a team to play against his guards and then forces said con to betray his team.

Margaret White, Carrie

Piper Laurie chews scenery to maximum effect creating one of cinema's most terrifying characters, Carrie White's religious fanatic mother whose constant torment of her daughter was probably a trigger in the emergence of Carrie's powers.

Dr. Julia Harris, Horrible Bosses

Jennifer Aniston delivers her sharpest comedy performance as a doctor who sexually harasses her assistant (Charlie Day).

Walter Kornbluth, Splash

Eugene Levy almost steals the show from a high-powered cast as a second rate scientist obsessed with proving that Madison (Daryl Hannah), the new girlfriend of Alan Bauer (Tom Hanks) is really a mermaid.

Paco Moreno, Bad Boys

Esai Morales does a charismatic turn as the nemesis of career criminal Mick O'Brien (Sean Penn) who rapes O'Brien's girlfriend (Ally Sheedy) as a trigger to an eventual showdown.

Alonzo Harris, Training Day

The character redefined the term "crooked cop" but Denzel Washington's Oscar-winning performance made the character riveting from start to finish.

Regina George, Mean Girls

Rachel McAdams gives a razor-sharp performance as the Queen Bee of a snotty high school clique known as the Plastics who causes nothing but trouble for our heroine Cady Herron (Lindsay Lohan).

General Claude Dancer, Anatomy of a Murder

Playing the prosecuting attorney in a courtroom drama automatically places the character in villain mode, but George C. Scott brings a slick polish to this performance that sometimes puts us on his side.

Tracy Flick, Election

Reese Witherspoon delivers a scorching performance as an over-ambitious high schooler who will do ANYTHING to become class president and is not above blackmail and sexual machinations to get what she wants.

Captain Doreen Lewis, Private Benjamin

Eileen Brennan's beautifully underplayed performance as the career army captain who butts heads with the bubble-headed Judy Benjamin (Goldie Hawn) earned her a Best Supporting Actress Oscar nomination.

Norman Osborn/Green Goblin, Spiderman

Critics were divided regarding this performance, but I thought Willem Dafoe brought a lovely layer of humanity to this deranged criminal mastermind.