Rank the Rocky Films


Make a better place
I'll do what Gideon 58 put them in order

Rocky 4

Rocky 2

Rocky 1

Rocky 3

Rocky 5

Rocky 6

These movies I've watched many times and are sure the of most inspiring movies ever and definitley Stallon's best work
"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais

In order from best to worst:






I agree that V should always be in last place. I don't even consider it part of the continuity. Unlike a lot of people, I didn't think "Balboa" was too bad... especially for an over-the-hill "comeback" film that had a lot of work to do to undo the disaster that was V.

And I also like III for several reasons (not to mention it had one of the best epilogue endings ever!)

Next year, we'll see how "Creed" works into the line up.

Ratings like this...


Rocky II

Rocky III

Rocky IV
Rocky V
Rocky Balboa

Ranking like this...

1. Rocky
2. Rocky II
3. Rocky IV
4. Rocky Balboa
5. Rocky III
6. Rocky V

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Rocky IV
Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky V
Rocky Balboa

Rocky- the original has the most feel and is the grittiest work of people who look truly hungry. A work of art really.
Rocky Balboa- The raw emotion from the first is recaptured at short intervals here. I was very impressed by a movie that I had low hopes of going in.
Rocky II- Although this one is fairly predictable, it has its moments and yes, I was totally behind Rocky by the time the fight got under way.
Rocky III- Mr. T brought a lot to this film and the fight scenes are excellent. I like how they brought Apollo and Rocky together also.
Rocky IV- This one was very over the top for me. The Russian is a purely evil villain and I don't know why they go so far away from a realistic antagonist like Apollo in the first two films into the more cartoony Mr. T and Ivan Drago, but for whatever reason, the drama was amped up too high for plausibility. However, the training videos are outstanding.
Rocky V- I'm sure this one is at the bottom for everybody. This one did return to the gritty feel which I enjoyed but you can't say much else for it. It's pretty much one downer after another all the way through although the flashbacks with Mickey are pretty cool.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I can't give numerical scores because I haven't seen any in a few years. I saw Rocky 1-5, and then fell asleep in a theater when we saw Rocky Balboa, and I hardly ever just fall asleep during the day.

The first one was very good (although not even a top 5 in 1976 - the Oscar win means nothing to me), and I think each one afterwards went down a bit with more disparity with every new film.

After seeing Creed and rewatching the older films...

1) Rocky -

2) Creed -

3) Rocky II -

4) Rocky III -

5) Rocky Balboa -

6) Rocky IV -

7) Rocky V -

Rocky 10/10

Rocky 2 9/10

Rocky 4 7/10 (awesome training/fight but too much filler)

Rocky 3 7/10

Rocky 5 4/10

Rocky Balboa 3/10
Totally agree with you regarding Rocky IV.

I have to return some videotapes...
Rocky 9.2/10
Creed 6.9/10
Rocky II 6.2/10
Rocky IV 5.6/10
Rocky III 4.9/10

Rocky IV
Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky V
Rocky Balboa
Rocky Balboa under Rocky V and Rocky IV above Rocky II? I'm interested in your reasoning.

1. Creed (B)
2. Rocky (B-)
3. Rocky III (C-)
4. Rocky IV (C-)
5. Rocky II (D+)
6. Rocky Balboa (D+)
7. Rocky V (F)
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Welcome to the human race...
Not sure where I'd rank Creed among the actual Rocky films - probably under the original, on par with III and IV, and better than the rest.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

1. I'm having trouble to decide between Rocky and Rocky 2. To me, Rocky is one of the emotionally most powerful movies ever made. I cried when I first saw it as a kid, feeling sorry for him at the end, and yet not giving up. Stallone movies always have an increadible atmosphere and music. Still, I see the 1st two as a whole, it was unfinished. So, it's a question of the end of Rocky II being the best.

2. Rocky III has my fave scene, the Hulkster. Clubber Lang is a great character. It's the most fun, like said before, it's a freaking comedy!

3. Rocky IV I actually like the least, because I haven't seen the others.

I put to much time into this.
There are things about this series that I utterly love, and things about it that are impossible difficult for me to look past. As I continued to watch all of the films over the span of a year (excuse me I was being lazy), the characters, instead of growing on me, started to get old. In honesty, I realized that towards the end, Rocky started to feel more like a caricature than an actual person I wanted to watch. And in that same vein, Stallone started to become less interesting, a more of a nuisance. Anyhow, that completely contradicts how much I actually love the Rocky franchise as a whole. Each movie brings something different to the table, and while not always great, Rocky is a classic legacy in the sport genre that will never not be fun to watch.
7. Rocky V directed by John G. Avildsen -
Oh boy, this was a real treat. I might have been a little jaded, but I'd been told that this was regarded as the worst Rocky film, and in public conversation, I would stick by that information. Having now seen it, nothing changes. I hate to say that because it had such an interesting idea, bringing Tommy Gunn in, destroying all of Rocky's worth, having him start from the bottom, build his way back up, but lose those around him. To just have it all end with a street fight, and a really corny one at that. It felt awkward to watch, the dialogue wasn't that great, and it lacked the certain sports-ness that makes Rocky, Rocky. You took him out of his element, but you never put him back, and that's why it doesn't work.
6. Rocky Balboa directed by Sylvester Stallone -
At this point, reaching the last film of the soon to be revived series, I started to get a little tired of things. Rocky V left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth and part of me didn't expect a movie 16 years after it's worst film would be any good. And I was surprised and still a little disappointed. This felt completely pointless, due to the fact that, if you're going to resurrect, years later, you need to bring something compelling to the table if you want me to watch. I watched it, and certainly enjoyed it, but I still had this lingering feeling that something was missing, it might have just been Stallone's god awful eyebrows though.
5. Rocky II directed by Sylvester Stallone -
This is a sequel that set the Rocky genre on the path that it lies now. Taking it from the beautiful dramatics, into the gripping sports action that in it's own right, did perfectly well. I don't think I've seen a series switch genres and do it successfully. Just because this movie sits low on the list doesn't detract from it's quality. It's still a very good movie, bringing back the characters we love, and telling a new story with them, doing a very good job not to rehash things that we've already seen, even though it's basically doing everything all over again. It's certainly not my favorite by any means, but it's a solid film all around.
4. Rocky IV directed by Sylvester Stallone -
Now I'm being honest when I say that I understand that it was massively cool at the time for Rocky to be taking on the Russians, it being a hot topic at the time. But they pull it off well enough so that even now you can the simplicity of it all. It has a great story, compelling characters, and the second best Rocky montage in existence. There's very little wrong with it, and much like Rocky III, I'll sit down and watch this one, any time, any day. It's timeless in it's own manner.
3. Creed directed Ryan Coogler -
It's great to see the Rocky franchise back in action, and not only that but throwing some of it's best punches yet. Maybe it's due to the fact that Creed is certainly more culturally close to me, or that I can relate more to the relevance of the time. I wasn't around when any of the other Rocky movies were released, and thus, seeing them years later, while I can appreciate it, I don't have that experience of knowing what it was like and how the past Rocky movies captured the time. So for me, this was relatable, not that I box or anything. I enjoyed most everything about it, the addition of new characters, the revival of old ones. It's a good call back, with it's own unique niche. I liked it, a lot more than expected.
2. Rocky directed by John G. Avildsen -
Out of all the Rocky movies, this is the best directed. I don't want to pin the other films lacking visual originality on Stallone, but this one has a feel to it that certainly makes it something the other Rocky movies aren't. This isn't a sport tale, this is a character drama. The tale of down on his luck, Rocky "The Italian Stallion" Balboa, trying to make a living for himself, falling in love with the woman of his dreams, and becoming an icon for the city around him. Undoubtedly this is the most quality film in the series, and while it isn't the most rewatchable, it's a classic in it's own right, with it being the spawn of a sports legacy.
1. Rocky III directed by Sylvester Stallone -
If there's one movie in my life that I can sit down and watch at any given moment, it's Rocky III. I've watched it more times than I can count on two hands, and in my opinion it's an american classic. Transcending the sports genre and entering the realm of unimaginable entertainment that completely defies all of the tropes given to it. It's cliched and completely predictable, but there's never a dull moment, and you can't honestly say that you haven't cheered along with Rocky during it's final confrontation. It has the best characters, classic action, and heartfelt story that moves forward the legacy of the people you fell in love with those few years ago. In my humble opinion, Rocky III has become more than just a Rocky movie, it's timeless, it's classic, and it's a unchallenged masterpiece. Good luck taking the title away from this movie.

The ultimate underdog movie with so much heart and grit.
Rocky II
A great follow-up to the original. Keeps the heart and grit of the first movie going.
Rocky IV
The story is way too over the top and cheesy, and the movie is just a bunch of montages, but it's still the most entertaining sequel in the series, and the soundtrack is kickass, the best movie soundtrack ever released in my opinion.
Rocky III
The story is more believable than IV, not so much over the top and a little less cheesy. Still a highly entertaining entry in the series.
Rocky Balboa
The story brings back the heart and grit of the first Rocky, with some very emotional scenes that will bring a tear to the eyes. It's also an amazing performance by Stallone, one that should have earned him award recognition.
Rocky V
The most depressing entry in the series. I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy watching it from time to time though.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa