Who's made more bad movies?


Robin Williams by a long shot. It's common knowledge that Eddie Murphy's soul was removed by aliens in 1990 and thereby can't be held responsible for anything after.

I think they're completely different...maybe...

Eddie can be annoyingly impulsive, but I think deep down he's a good man, just like Robin. I think that Eddie is even essentialy easy-going.but annoying, yes He doesn't strike me as being too serious, and that's always a plus for me...He does have some comic skills - trading Places, Golden child...let's not forget 48 hours. Robin is more complex, an extremely likeable guy, and has been in movies too advanced for me

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
No contest. Eddie Murphy.

At one point, Eddie Murphy was in talks to be in one of the Star Trek movies, but it fell through. I think the whole Star Trek Universe breathed a sigh of relief when that happened.

cmon...is he really THAT bad? I didn't know that... Worse than Stallone? Who'se the WORST? Is there a thread on that? And the worst movie? cmon everybody, I need some cheering up!

Eddie Murphy is totally awful at least Robin Williams made a bunch of good flick.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
cmon...is he really THAT bad? I didn't know that... Worse than Stallone? Who'se the WORST? Is there a thread on that? And the worst movie? cmon everybody, I need some cheering up!

I did a quick search, and I found a thread about "The worst movie of all time":


Eddie, for sure.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
cmon...is he really THAT bad? I didn't know that... Worse than Stallone? Who'se the WORST? Is there a thread on that? And the worst movie? cmon everybody, I need some cheering up!

I also found this thread where you can "Nominate the worst Actor of all time":


Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Robin Williams:
4 Oscar noms - 1 win
3 Razzie noms - 0 wins

Eddie Murphy:
1 Oscar nom - 0 wins
16 Razzie noms - 5 wins

Anyway, I agree, Robin Williams has delivered some absolutely terrific performances and has made several films that will always remain relevant and beloved.

Eddie Murphy... well those stats speak for themselves, although to his credit he has done some good stuff.

Eddie Murphy is totally awful at least Robin Williams made a bunch of good flick.
I have always felt Eddie Murphy movies are overrated and I'm not keen on his stand up comedy. Robin Williams on the other hand was a legend. inspirational as a comedian and a great actor.

Murphy has more bad ones, but he also has more good ones. Honestly I don't like Williams in things that most people do, like Patch Adams and Good Morning, Vietnam. With a few exceptions, I can't stand it when he goes into sappy dramatic mode.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Eddie Murphy definitely made more bad movies. He made a string of great films in the 80's, then he got egotistical, he surrounded himself with people who never told him no, and he made some...questionable choices in film. But then he did Nutty Professor, that movie was hilarious, classic Eddie Murphy material, and then he immediately did...a string of really bad family flicks and unfunny projects that were totally beneath him, or in most cases he had no creative control of. (he also stupidly turned down starring opposite Jackie Chan in Rush Hour). Dreamgirls was meant to be his comeback, and it may have been, if he hadn't made a ton of work for hire flicks before that film that were released after he was nominated for an Oscar. Tower Heist was meant to be yet another comeback film, and it really could have been if the film hadn't been tampered with so severely. It was meant to star a who's who of African American comedians, and Murphy described it as a "Black Ocean's 11." But when he arrived on set, suddenly it was recast with white actors, a white director, and rewritten by white screenwriters. Murphy announced his retirement to Rolling Stone shortly after the film's release. He has talked about returning to stand up comedy. I would love to see that.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson
