Snowflakes! Twittle Your Thumbs Away


I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Wasn't a screen just snowed on my desktop until I maximized a window, which would wipe out all the snow. If a window wasn't would build up on the top of it.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

i keep challenging your cow, horse, or steer, or whatever it is.....horny a staredown...he keeps losing.
maybe i'm delirious with fever......SICK and wimpering........hate being sick.
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

Now With Moveable Parts are sick? That stinks...poor patti. Drink a Hot Tottie.

Hot Tottie:
Burbon or Rum
Squeeze of Lemon

it'll knock you out and warm you from the inside out.

Female assassin extraordinaire.
mm, i need one of those! hmm. no alcohol in the house. there's white wine, white wine ... more white wine. hmm, Green Apple Pucker up in the ... ooooh, KAHLUA!! with cream, i usually drink it cold but not tonight, i'm freezing. if made hot, will that suffice?

i was so happy when i came to the main screen!! yesh, the flakes are very cool. snowflakes, that is. well, not SNOW, as in ICE, as in, illegal goods, but, the free stuff that falls from the sky. no NOT water. not mannah, either. SNOW, for chrissake, you know what i'm talking about!!!

sigh. i'm sick, too. boyfriend did it to me, the bastard. not THAT. he spread his germs. not THOSE. FLU germs. yeah, those. i got to work from home this week, hehe. i'm still full of snot, though. ugh.

mewy cwistmas.

I would give a dollar a flake just to see some snow. I keep having this fantasy of being snowbound in a cabin in the woods. Hot crackling fire... a dear someone beside me... watching the snow fall.... listening to the rush of the wind... and being so ... peaceful. Have you ever noticed how the world takes on a bluish or blue/grayish tint when it snows? and how everything is insulated? and how summery colors are so much more intense? the green of the pines, the yellow of the sun... when I was a boy I used to lay in the snow in the woods and pretend I was the last person ever on the earth and I would try to listen to the sounds around me... when there is so much snow you can only hear things that are really close to you. Sometimes the wind would blow and knock snow from the trees and it would make the strangest thwumping noise. I would close my eyes for long periods and open them to the riotous blue of the sky and the greens of the pines... god how I miss being so carefree... I hope I can save myself before I forget...

Originally posted by patti
i keep challenging your cow, horse, or steer, or whatever it is.....horny a staredown...he keeps losing.
maybe i'm delirious with fever......SICK and wimpering........hate being sick.
He's a big clumsy bull like me.

I'm sorry you're sick Patti... if you hear a knock open the door, it's me with my famous chicken soup... this stuff has cured thousands. Well, I forgot you're a vegan... I'll just leave out the chicken and Sadie can bring her Tottie... with that combo we'll have you fixed up in jiffy.

Thmi... you're next...

Now With Moveable Parts speechless. For one time in my life, I have nothing to say.I just wanted Toose to know I read that post...and it was sheer poetry. The man can paint a picture...mmmmm...snowed in, with no where to be....sweetness.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
We got a real good snow here last year, but that kinda thing happens rarely around here. About every other year we'll get a real good snow, the other years will get a "snow day" and that's it. Can't even make a descent Snowman out of the "snow day" snow.

when i lived in Boulder, Co, i winter camped quite a lot..........had to snow-shoe everywhere because one step without a snow show and i would sink up to my hip. my dog, jack, had to follow in my footsteps or else she couldn't get anywhere. i would stomp down an area for my tent, but still needed to wear the snow shoes for every step. i almost had to have a fire just to stay warm and keep the experience in my walkabout for dry twigs i would snowshoe off amongst the aspen. it's amazing up there...big thick blanket of white......glittery and glistening.......and so quiet.........and the beautiful black and white of the aspen bark with all those eyes staring back at you. (the wood knots/places where branches sprouted and fell off are just like eyes....if you haven't looked at one, you should)....people always ask me "why do you winter camp?" ...........that's why........the extreme quiet, softness and peace.

Female assassin extraordinaire.
ah, snow. beautiful warm christmasy snowy feelings in this here thread, everybody.

i'm too sick and tired to post much, but wanted to say i'm reading and enjoying.

could sure use some soup, toosey.

Now With Moveable Parts
I live right by a highway. It's not the busiest highway, but around 6am, when everybody is off to work, it sounds like a frickin' zoo. However, I love when it snows quietly and secretly, during the night; because when I wake up, and don't hear a damn thing...I know it had snowed and the snow plow hasn't gotten to our road yet. It's blissfully silent.

awhhhh sick too? are you feeling like you're gonna cough up a lung too? gross yes...but the illness goin' around here is a headache, and lung/chest thing with an incessant head probably aches from all the coughing....and the lack of good sleep. i've still managed my outdoor runs; .....the cold damp air cleared up the coughing at least until i stopped.....but today......i just don't have it in me......i just got back from an attempted run........ABORT MISSION, ABORT MISSION.....HEAD BACK TO HOT TUB AND WARM TEA.
hope you feel better soon thmilin.

Female assassin extraordinaire.
thanks patti, yeah, me sick, too. not fun. i steamed the crap outta myself in the shower this mornin just so i could loossen up the ooze and have used up 1.75 large boxes of kleenex already. finished all my chrysanthemum tea (my favorite! no more of it ... ) and have been having coughing fits and a world of trouble trying to sleep, too. doesn't help when you need the sleep to recouperate.

i finally know what they mean by "I awoke. My mouth was so dry it felt like sandpaper." it' snot just a cheesy line, dude, my mouth was so dry I could feel every single tastebud, dried out! eek. just awful.

but anyway. i'm sure no one's having fun reading how awful we feel. just be glad you're not suffering this way, you healthy people!!!

Originally posted by thmilin
"I awoke. My mouth was so dry it felt like sandpaper." it' snot just a cheesy line, dude, my mouth was so dry I could feel every single tastebud, dried out! eek. just awful.
Actually Thmi I rather enjoyed this... I was playing with my tongue and trying to feel my tastebuds...

I haven't been sick in 2 years at least... but I do watch you all with deep sympathies

Female assassin extraordinaire.
toosey, you enjoyed trying to experience what the sick people experience? how benevolent of you! i kid, i kid.

you're calling me "thmi" too, oh no! sades, it's spreading, oh stop the madness, please ...

yeah, it's freaky ... cuz i can't breathe through my nose at night, i am forced to breathe through the mouth. air up in northern cali is very dry and cold in winter/spring so, the air being as dry as it is even with the heater on my tongue basically dries right up and each tastebud sort of separates from the rest. scraping with my teeth hurts like hell. madness. so you dry you can't even swallow, you have to drink water to lubricate first. the buds soak up the liquid after a few gulps and after an hour or more i can finally touch them (with teeth) without them hurting.

two years, eh? must be the mule pheromones.

PS - isn't "tastebuds" just a wonderful word? think about it. little buds. little wee mounds. itty bitty bumps. buds makes me think of something about to burst, which it is, like flower buds. they burst with flavor and scientific little chemicals that let them taste ... "bud" alone is a nice, round, short, fat little word. tastebuds in plural is just ... goofily sweet and fun.

anyway, sorry, my Comtrex and echinahackaka tea must be getting to me.

Originally posted by Toose

but I do watch you all with deep sympathies
wait! toose, i thought you were just spyin' on one of mean you have cameras on all of us? tee hee

I believe I was the originator of Thmi once long ago... on a far away thread. You chided me for speaking like a man with a lithp... do you not remember my every word? Shame on you. I will discontinue use if you deem that I should do so...

I spy with my little eye and I see the most astounding things... gather close around the campfire and I will tell you of things magical...