It's Friday: What Are You Doing This Weekend?


chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
like always, nothing. plus trying to find other ways to get drunk, quicker...
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
This Friday I will leave for a short bike tour down the Rhine River to Kobez.

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
Jahwohl! Viel Spass!

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
Ich verstehen Sie.

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
Then you can stay on here all night and play! That isn't a bad thing, is it?

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
it is since i have an early, 12 hour long flight tomorrow morning.............. but, i'll be back...

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
Sounds like an international flight. I do that myself, at least once a year. Don't wear shoes.

Were you's two speaking german?

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
Blister, können Sie Deutsch sprechen?

Shoes are so uncomfortable on most flights. You are, I assume, flying to Korea?

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
Where? Frankfurt?

coolbreeze's Avatar
Wheely cool bike girl
here kitty kitty kitty................>>>>>>>>>>