Ruin classic film titles with a stupid pun


The Battle Of Algiers
The Bottle Of Armagnac (aka. Hic!, 'Shcusse Moi)

The Maltese Falcon

A beautiful Mine

Kramer vs Kramer?

Since you submit a title already change i'll give another one

Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory?

Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory?
Willy Wonka and the Hershey Chocolate Factory

The French Connection
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

The French Confection
- a Parisian candy shop owner must contend with a new, American, fried chicken, fast-food restaurant right next to his shop, the new restaurant is called "Popeye" Doyle's.

The French Confection
- a Parisian candy shop owner must contend with a new, American, fried chicken, fast-food restaurant right next to his shop, the new restaurant is called "Popeye" Doyle's.
That's hysterical.

No Quiet On The Spaghetti Western Front

A nightmarish hybrid of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Groundhog Day, set during the Civil War, in which Branston Bridge is repeatedly blown up only to reconstitute itself when the entire Union Army unit finds itself repeating the same day over and over again, and having to fight the same battles over and over again.

The Day of the Locust
"Well, it's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid" - Clint Eastwood as The Stranger, High Plains Drifter (1973)

"I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours" - Bob Dylan, Talkin' World War III Blues (1963)

The Amazing the Horrendous and the Beautiful

Fist of Fury
Fist of Furry
- An international martial artist and undercover cop infiltrates a cult society where adults dress up in plush, animal suits to investigate a string of gruesome murders. Starring Jackie Chan!

Back to the Future