RIP mark f


Sad news indeed and my sincere condolences. He was passionate about these forums and its members, showing continual generosity and goodwill. He will be sorely missed but also fondly remembered. RIP.

So sorry to hear. I’ve only been posting here for a few years but I’ve always been keen to read his thoughts and reviews. He’ll be greatly missed here on MoFo and by those who knew and loved him.
What would Hitchcock do?

Oh no, what a crap way to start a new day

Mark clearly had a huge thirst for film and was one of those on here who's ratings I would always take note of. I never really conversed with him as much as I probably ought to have but part of me was always aware of how it was less easy for him to type than many, yet when asked about his thoughts on a certain film he would always take the time and effort to give them.

So sorry for your loss Sarah, he'll be sorely missed here and my thoughts go out to you and yours.

Requiescat in pace Mark!

Welcome to the human race...
I'm sorry to hear that. It's been posted a lot already, but Mark really was one of the best members this site ever had. Just a great presence not only as an avid fan of the cinematic arts but just as a generally genial presence who did a lot to make this place feel like a community. He will definitely be missed, and you have my condolences.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Ouch. This one can be felt. And I’m not even a family member nor the MoFo who knew him the best or the longest.*But that just proves the presence mark had here and the person who somehow emerged quite clearly from a seemingly simple forum member profile. He shined through that. Not necessarily because he went out of his way to do so, but because he so effortlessly did even so.

Mark made most people just feel instantly connected and respected by him. He was of course a movie guru. Perhaps the grandest I’ve ever witnessed. But he was so kind and it’s very hard for me to think of a moment where I didn’t think that mark must be such a great and lovable guy in real life too. I feel jealous for those who knew him for real cause I would’ve loved to meet him. It’s not all members from a “random forum” you feel like that about. But with mark it was like that.

I’ve been on and off the forum for long now and haven’t really noticed any changes in mark’s posting behavior, because I haven’t been active enough on here. I guess mark was one of those members that you felt like would always be here when you logged in. Even if there were breaks here and there. Like, mark would never not be a MoFo member. He would never not be a presence on here. And I’m certain that doesn’t change even if he’s gone. His posts will still be here. His lists, his reviews, his watching updates. They’ll be here.

As I said I’ve logged on here much less frequently and even combining that with mark’s recent declining health which I did not know too much about, he was still to be seen and noticed by me until the end. He wished me happy birthday, like always, he wished me a happy anniversary, like always, and not even three weeks ago, he liked my post I did in the Filmmaking Thread about my own adventures as a filmmaker. He was there, always, and it’ll be weird that he suddenly isn’t. That I won’t see his name pop up as frequently as I’m used to.

But I’m happy to have known him the best I could through this forum and that is truly the power of an online community. One shouldn’t neglect that power.

I’m sending all the best wishes to friends and family and especially to you, Sarah. I certainly will not forget mark and his contribution to this forum. Both as a true cinephile and a great guy. He will be missed on here that’s for sure.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I didn't really know him on a personal level, but I'll miss his cute little birthday greetings he always left me. I had no idea he had any health problems, so I'm kinda stunned by this

Holy **** no. Some time ago I read a post of his that said that he didn't have much to live. It was in response to why he recollects his review, I think. I knew about his condition, of course. But this still hits hard.

mark f's dedication to the birthday, anniversary, and (actors') RIP threads might seem like a trifle to some, but it meant a lot to me. He was one of the few people who remembered my birthday this year. I never would've imagined that l would be posting in his RIP thread this year.

He always repped my posts in Movie Tab II and Rate the Last Movie You Saw threads. Even if nobody else seemed to care. Of course, he posted a lot in these threads, too. The number of films he would watch was insane, and so was his tendency to give most of them his trademark

Movies were his life. And movies are my life, too. So even though we often had different opinions about specific films, he was one of my favorite cinephiles here. After I created my latest top 300 thread, he watched whatever was available of the films he hadn't seen before. His eager resolution to watch everything was incredible. In one thread whose title was something like 'What makes you watch a film?' he replied 'It exists.'

It's true what others are saying. Mark was always helpful and friendly. Though my opinion is only limited to MoFo, I think he was a good person. Miss Vicky's story about Mark sending her his DVD is just one proof of that for me.

A lot of love and support to you, @sarah f! I lost my mom this year so I will allow myself to say that I know how you're feeling. If I may, there's definitely time for grief and remembering. But there's also time for you as a person. Please do not forget about it and don't stop caring about your own mental health, too. This is a hard time for you and your family. But don't make it overwhelm you. You can both remember your loved one and continue with your life. This was my realization after my mom's death. Sorry if it was uncalled for in this thread.

But yeah, the other day I was thinking: Isn't 2022 just the worst? Also, good music taste!

So, once again:

All hail the reigning Monarch of Movie Binge and Film Knowledge!

Gosh, I sure hope they have movies in heaven.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

What a beautiful write-up, Minio. A perfect mix of all emotions.

And that gif. Amazing. Great to remember to laugh and smile even so. Sometimes that’s the best way of remembering someone. To bring out that smile.

And mark f is very much like Indy. Wanting to seek out even the most obscure thing out there. Because “it exists”. Love it. A movie treasure hunter to be treasured.

Saw the headline a couple of hours ago but couldn't bring myself to open the thread. Mark was my friend and I am in tears. Can't say anything else.

Thank you so much Sarah for having the thoughtfulness and strength to share. Condolences to you and your family and God bless.


I'm sorry, Sarah. It's heartbreaking news for all of us but I can't imagine what it's like for his family.

Mark was a funny guy, and I mean that in both senses of the word. Both are compliments. He had an offbeat sense of humor sometimes that took me awhile to get used to, but which made me like him even more once I had. On the rare occasion that Mark would talk about politics or culture or something other than movies, he would often add "Shut up, Mark!" to the end. Just his little way of showing humility in the face of life's great problems, I think. I just ran a search on the database and it appears in his posts 33 times.

Most of my best memories of Mark are the ones where I got to interact with him directly on the podcast. We did the Oscar podcast for 11 years. I know people have (hilariously) expressed doubt that he's really seen that many movies, really watches that many each week, but as someone who talked to him in real's true. It's all true. Obscure (but relevant) references came off the top of his head no matter what we talked about. The fact that he kept doing it, and kept providing those kinds of insights after his stroke, is a testament to how much he loved movies, and how much he loved sharing that love with others.

Specifically, the thing I remember most is not one of the Oscar podcasts, but one we did where he talked about Jaws, his favorite film. In particular, I remember how, despite his usual eloquence, he was stuck trying to explain why he loved some part of the film, and he just sort of spat out " just flows so smoothly!" in a sing-songy voice that sounded like a kid talking about his favorite toy. It makes me think that one day as a child Mark walked into a movie theater and never really left.

Mark talked about his health issues from time to time, so I'd be lying if I said I didn't wonder, each time we recorded something, whether maybe it was the last time. I'd just started thinking about the next one a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if it'll happen any more or not, but if it does, it won't be the same without him. This place won't be the same without him. That he can loom so large over a place that's existed for decades, and had so many others come and go, speaks to the depth of his love of cinema, and the way he helped people here love it more, too.

We're still on Thanksgiving break, and while we don't have Mark to be thankful for any more, we do have everything he taught us about movies, and his amazing example as a pure cheerleader for, and lover of, the art form that brought us all here. I am thankful I knew him.

Sometimes when someone comes around the site and posts some link or something, I won't ban them, I'll send them a PM saying something like "if you're not here mostly just to talk about movies, you're probably in the wrong place." That's almost always the phrase I use: "not in the right place."

Mark was in the right place.

Now I'm starting to cry a little, and this is getting too long (shut up, Chris!), so I'll stop there. Mark, you were my friend and I'll miss you. Rest in Peace.

I've been sat here for a while now just stunned. I'd noticed the lack of movement in the birthday/anniversary thread and, to be honest, I didn't want to know because I feared what I'd hear.

I don't really know what to say atm, except to thank Sarah for letting us know. I've shed a good few tears here, so now I'm going to have a good laugh in the memory of my friend mark and watch Richard Pryor: Live On The Sunset Strip. I think he'd like that.

I'll be back later with some thoughts and memories.

R.I.P. mark
5-time MoFo Award winner.

R.I.P. I appreciate how welcome he made me feel here. He upvoted pretty much all of my writeups since I joined, even the poorly written ones, and when a movie I posted about showed up on his list of ratings, it felt like a badge of honor, especially if he liked it. This combined with his birthday and anniversary celebrations have a lot to do with why I keep coming here, so I'll definitely miss him very much. My mother-in-law is a stroke victim, so I know how devastating that can be.

Speaking of anniversaries, I'm glad I got to make this for him last year and that he liked it:

Happy (2021)

Movie (2021)

Forums (2021)

Anniversary (2021)

Mark (2021)

F.! (2021)

Oh man, so sorry for your loss, @sarah f. As a relative newcomer here, I echo what everyone else have said about how welcome Mark made everybody feel around here. I raise a glass to him.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I don't really know what to say atm, except to thank Sarah for letting us know. I've shed a good few tears here, so now I'm going to have a good laugh in the memory of my friend mark and watch Richard Pryor: Live On The Sunset Strip. I think he'd like that.
It was Richard Pryor: Live in Concert that was his favorite, but I'm sure he'd appreciate you watching that one too.

Thank you!
I always wanted to be an f.

So sad to hear this, and getting quite emotional here, especially reading all the replies.

A truly great person, so welcoming and friendly. I interacted with him a lot throughout my time here and we were always regularly giving each other rep and comments.

When I joined I had very little film knowledge and he helped me on my journey to learn more, even though in terms of taste we definitely diverged paths in recent years, something he always had a good sense of humour about

I'm not sure what else to say at the moment, so sorry for your loss Sarah and family.

Sad news.

Dude actually watched A Night to Dismember after I wrote a borderline incoherent write up of it.

A Night to Dismember!

If that doesn't say something about both his openness to watching absolutely everything, as well as his generally welcoming attitude to every weirdo and not-so-weirdo who posts here, I don't know what does.

Much respect.