Kill Bill: Volume 2


Do you know my poetry?
Originally Posted by Yoda
For everyone's convenience...
Yeah i tried to attach them but attachments dont work for me about 80% of the time.

Originally Posted by matrix_squared
small spoiler - Go Go Yubari returns for another round with Uma
You jackass! Why in the hell did you post that???

How could she anyway?

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Don't worry, it isn't correct.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Tuna's Avatar
There's a teaser trailer and TV spot on Japan's website and it just shows one scene but hey, its something..
The thing I'm the most curious about is why on the site, they constantly refer to it as Kill Bill - The Love Story...
WARNING: "Kill Bill" spoilers below
The script didn't really seem to head in that direction...
Boards don't hit back

Do you know my poetry?
Uma Thurman has confirmed that the movie will now be released on April 16...

damnit....i'm getting tired of waiting for this movie...they need to show it now
why are they waiting?...i mean i thought it was done!!
The wold is full of kings and queens
Who blind our eyes and steal our dreams
it's heaven and hell

Tuna's Avatar
The rumor is that it is delayed til April for a Cannes premiere but I don't think it's confirmed. I heard she just mentioned it as a possibility on some TV show. If miramax delays another good movie's release I swear to god..

mirimax pisses me off more times then not

Tuna's Avatar
jrs...there probably should be a spoiler tag on one of those photos..

Tuna's Avatar
Originally Posted by jrs
Really?? Why do you say that?
WARNING: "Kill Bill" spoilers below
Well it does kinda show the Bride walking off with her kid, I don't know why they would release a picture like that.

oh wow....yeah should kinda put a spoiler on at least that one...

Oh, please. Like you didn't know it was going to happen.
Are we going to start using spoiler tags to hide the film's title now too?

Tuna's Avatar
Originally Posted by The Silver Bullet
Oh, please. Like you didn't know it was going to happen.
Are we going to start using spoiler tags to hide the film's title now too?
Yeah he's right, add a spoiler to the thread title too