Bruce Lee Game Of Death


What are your opinions on Game Of Death (1978). Is it a worthy film or pure studio exploitation?

The the original pagoda scene shot by Bruce is stunning but with the film being incomplete when Bruce died, should it have been left alone? Your thoughts please.

i like it, however feels a bit disjoint at some point, probably the best thing they could by then, but very enjoyable final fight scene

I think the idea of plot was genial. in my opinion one day people who were making this movie should remake it into full version but only if we get real effort to respect the original source material as much as we can understand how it was supposed to be. imagine the possibilities with modern deepfake, cgi. i'm not saying just make everything cgi, im sure if they'd combine practical effects with cgi and deepfake we'd get something what maybe even Bruce Lee would have liked...or attleast not very much disliked.
I guess this is also the perfect place to share ''log fight scene'' of it has been recovered what was gone for 22 years.
this means nowadays we could add around 5 minutes to the incomplete version.

Well, I've only seen three fight scenes:
-The log fight scene
-Nunchucks battle between Billy (Lee) and Inosanto
-Battle between Lee and tall blind black dude

The last two were some of the greatest fight scenes I've ever seen. If this was a completed film, no doubt it'd have been my favourite Lee (or maybe even in general) film ever! I am still yet to watch the documentaries using all the found footage.

This scene has a hidden lesson. Don't you see how relaxed and calm Kareem is in the beginning just because he is bigger and taller? It's almost as he is trying to signal that Billy will lose. Then Billy wins. So in a fight - size doesn't really matter. It's your technique, speed and your 'why'.

BTW, this is my favourite BL fight.

This scene has a hidden lesson. Don't you see how relaxed and calm Kareem is in the beginning just because he is bigger and taller? It's almost as he is trying to signal that Billy will lose. Then Billy wins. So in a fight - size doesn't really matter. It's your technique, speed and your 'why'.

BTW, this is my favourite BL fight.
yes. he was against odds but he won because he adapted to specific situation.