Movie that had a character always spin a quarter before a gunfight.


The significant things I can remember are:

1. The main character always spun a quarter before an action scene. It always landed on heads and he would survive. At the end, it landed on tails and he was shot and killed.

2. There was a rather disturbing scene where a character had his hand cut off by the bad guy and during the scene the song "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to" was playing in the background.

3. The bad guy only went by the name of "sir" the entire movie.

I watched the movie probably in the late 90s. I always wondered what the name was! If you guys know the movie, please let me know.


Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Maybe Truth or Consequences, N.M (1997) , I have not seen this movie but Keifer Sutherland's character has some kind of coin tossing thing and in the end it seems like it lands on it's side and than something big happens, and I'll post the clip below of the guy getting his finger cut off while that song plays that was in your description.
