The 2014 MoFo Prom!!!


If I go do I have to dance with someone? I don't do dancing; and not just cos I can't find anyone to dance with
twitter: @ginock
livejournal film reviews:

To the MoFo Prom I'm wearing a floppy ten gallon cowboy hat, a g-string, and flip flops.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I would love to DJ some! I never went to prom myself. I am finding out that a lot of people on here didn't though. I have an eclectic taste in music. If yall want me to DJ let me know.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

I think some of the best "prom" type music is from the 80's.. The pop and pop/rock of that era.

I actually have been to a prom. My junior year of high school. Went with a group of people, but we each had a date. My date was female. The prom itself really wasn't that exciting. We went to a bowling alley afterwards, which was fun. I did some sumo wrestling there in another room.

Could have went to the senior prom, but I just wasn't feeling it at the time.

I would love to DJ some! I never went to prom myself. I am finding out that a lot of people on here didn't though. I have an eclectic taste in music. If yall want me to DJ let me know.
Yes, yes, yes, please!

On Prom Day here, everyone post what they're "wearing" and we'll take a vote in here on who's outfit is the best. NO CHANGING CLOTHES ONCE YOU GET HERE! We will vote for best dressed man and best dressed lady.

Post a list of all the Nominees for Prom King and Queen, then I will send you the vote via PM.
There aren't any nominees. You can vote for anyone who's a member of Movie Forums.

I will say, though, that they have to be active members. They can't be banned and they have to at least post here regularly right now. If they've been gone for two months, that's not an active enough member.

Yes and very few ppl actually talk to me and I barely know them.

its best I set it out.... Plus Im not the party type...
Looks like you're my type. <looks up her top and sees Salo as number three> You're really my type!

When I think of prom I see this:

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Yes, people. Get those "buckets of blood falling on Carrie" GIFs ready.

Looks like you're my type. <looks up her top and sees Salo as number three> You're really my type!

When I think of prom I see this:

Mr Minio, we talked when I first came here. Yes we have the same taste in films for the most part.

I could go with MovieGal, but it would be much more hilarious to go with Guap. xD

Is there Post prom?
Maybe. Maybe we could all do a Carrie movie commentary. I dunno. Be creative!

I could go with MovieGal, but it would be much more hilarious to go with Guap. xD

hmmm I remember the first avatar I seen of yours... I believe it was Michael Fassbender. Do you look anything like him? if so, sure!


I said I would set this one out and I will.

Im not rejecting him!! wait, is that Nicholas Cage as his avatar from that silly vampire film of his?

Well, I've been rejected already by JiraffeJustin, even though he initially asked me.

That's okay. I'm still waiting to see who else will ask me.

I'll keep everyone posted on who's going to the prom with whom:

PROM DATES (as of now)

Rauldc14 & Godoggo

Skepsis93 & Daniel M