This Movie is unlike all M NIght's Past Films, Night does not tell you the catch or the truth, You have to figure this one out.... WHY? well what if it was because for him to come out and say it would be "conspiracy" and would probably get him arrested, Look DEEP people, its NOT THE PLANTS, it was the "WIND" what is wind? energy, moving energy of the earth whatever, a force, but it was CONTROLLED, it hit a specific area for a duration of controlled time, ok now I might lose people but FACE IT, beginning Marky Mark scene, dude says, People need to WAKE UP to the fact we dont know jack about the forces that are all around us. Ending scene, Media show, the guy just does not buy the plant theory and says, ITS BECAUSE OF LOCATION. You mean NEW YORK< PENNSYLVANIA> DC? seems like the same area of another incedent, one we were all told was an act of Terrorist, but maybe it wasn't...Lose ANYONE, M. Night is warning us, not of plants getting revenge, but of a government plan to depopulate the world, this movie was a movie of our government testing there new weapon, the IRONY of the people Killing themselves, is a jab at all the brainwashed people of this world, who when faced with the reality that soceity in America has become completely FACIST, and that there whole lives and all there money and dreams were built on LIES, alot of people probably want to kill themselves, but instead, REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH, M, Night's point in this movie is, If you dont accept it, you will die, and He hints at government cause of the Happening, and even has a scene were the Government and CIA REFUSE TO COMMENT ON ACCUSATIONS THEY WERE THE CAUSE< WHY DONT YOU ALL LOOK UP WHAT OUR GOVERNMENTS REACTION TO PEOPLE WHO WANT TO INVESTIGATE 911 and SEE HOW THEY REFUSE TO COMMENT, why did this movie get trashed by the media? Just like The Golden Compass did? Movies that educate and hope to awake truth in the people are very disliked by our FACIST MEDIA RULERS< who and please look this up and do research, are all apart of the same group of World Billionares and Trillionars who align themselves in power positions above world government by owning huge corpations with more power and influence, these people seek DEPOPULIZATION, and A ONE WORLD ORDER, this movies warns us to wake up to what you believe and what your told to believe, and M Night makes sure all those SHeep and Cattle out there wouldnt even see "it" and would think the movies about killer plants, and those who know the truth would feel his message, right on M Night , RIGHT ON!!!