The Shoutbox
Nope...just decided to see if it would let me into the site and voila... YAY!!! We need a clapping smilie...
Spud: what happened? Get a new job or somethin'? Yeah, I liked the commercials. She can sing...sorry. No denying it.
Yay! Spud! I'm checking out for a bit...catch you all later..if you send me any PMs, I'll get back to them in a little while. Love yous guys!
GREAT NEWS!!! I'm at work right now!!! YAY!!!
You LIKED those horrible commercials! She sings like a three year old. It was especially painful during the," Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah..." part. *cringe*
thanks chris, i'll look in the glossary, and about the Britney commercials, i hate her, but i liked the commercials.
Greetings. The dawn of the new week. Hope it'll be a productive one...
I'm going to put more effort into looking into things like the Superbowl. And baseball. And soccor. I'm very one-minded at the moment. Cricket and AFL. That's it.
Well. I wish I had seen it. Or known something, anything about it, the rules or the game.
Yeah, Patti...that's the best way. Check out the Travis the Fly listing in The Glossary.

Actually, Spud, I liked the commercial. I thought those throwbacks to various eras were very clever. The modern aspect felt like it'd been done before (like last year, for example). The 1950s stuff, and 1960s stuff, though, I really dug.

Yes, the Rams lost. It was damn close, though. I would've loved to see it go into overtime.