The Shoutbox
I haven't even started work yet, but I did watch three movies.
will this thursday ever end?!
Wakanda for a little while!
Wakanda Forever!
Huh? Somebody feels bad for Black Panthers? And who are the Chicago Bears? Revolutionary Asians?
Breaking Mews!

Chicago Bears announce they feel so bad for the Panthers organization, that they ae returning the #1 pick in the draft!
i'll take things that didn't happen for $200
I don't think serialized television counts as a movie either. It's the serialization that is the difference. So I would count something like Salem's Lot as being a movie, but not Berlin Alexanderplatz.

But I also don't think this distinction matters very much as both art forms essentially are composed of the same thing (sound, images, editing). So I just call them movies, even if they aren't, and am done with it.
But Berlin Alexanderplatz or Histories of Cinema are exceptions from the rule. I can't imagine anybody arguing that Prison Break of M.A.S.H or Game of Thrones is a movie. Not with a straight face. And yet people are still doing it! Their reasoning seems to be that since some mini-series can be interpreted as films, then all TV series can be films.