The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Austruck
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
We actually have a name for that here: Tibb's Eve. Though most people call it "Tip's Eve" or even "Tipsy Eve" due to the fact that it's really just an excuse to get drunk with your friends before Christmas.
Originally Posted by Austruck
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
Ha, it's only one Eve over here.
I am awesome.

End of line.
Christmas Eve Eve on the Texas Gulf Coast is pretty mild. 70's... Beach breeze. Listening to Christmas songs ala Tony Bennett and an orchestra and xylophone.
I have secured the popcorn tin! We went to Wal-Mart and, unsurprisingly, they were sold out. But they had a cart with extra stuff sitting in one of the aisles, and a couple of the tins were there, slightly dented. Works for me.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
Yule be missed!

This Christmas bout of bad weather (Storm Barbara, my mum's name - cue endless family hilarity) is being rather annoying.

I'd built a lovely turf fire in the grate and the wind decided to blow half a ton of smoke back down the chimney.

To be fair, it smells lovely but there's dust everywhere.
Ho ho ho Mo Fos

I probably won't be on the next few days, so I thought now's the time to wish you all a Merry Christmas and...

Well I'll definitely be on before New Years. Happy Holidays!
Originally Posted by Sir Toose
Originally Posted by Austruck
Mint chocolate chip = one of my favorite flavors. Just saying...
Oh yeah! Just got you Scarlet Letter Opener book on Amazon. Probably not the intended audience but I read a lot and I liked your Head in the Sand book
Thanks! TSLO is a cozy mystery (kinda like "mystery lite" -- or, REEEALLY lite in that case). I kinda learned how NOT to write a mystery with that book. The next one in the series is due out soon and the storyline is much stronger.

TSLO has a cast of fun characters, though, and apparently the characters and dialogue are its strong points. So, The Tell-Tale Heart Attack (the second one) has many of the same characters plus a better, more fun mystery.

And Yoda's baseball team, too!
Post your request in the Movie Questions forum, please.
Name of an alpine adventure / survival movie from the 80's or 90's I think. The cover was a brown haired 20-25 year old male and a mountain. I think it would have been a bit earlier than White Fang or Iron Will.