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Replies: 19,604
What are you listening to while you're MoFoin' it?
Posted By AlicetheAuthor
Re: What are you listening to while you're MoFoin' it?

Alien on Theremin - ever heard of a Theremin? I want one!

Let's see if I'm allowed to embed things yet - nope, so you'll have to go to YouTube and put theremin in their search window if you're...
Forum: Birthdays and Introductions 04-26-07
Replies: 601
Happy Birthday Unregistered
Posted By AlicetheAuthor
Re: Happy Birthday Unregistered

Thank you, I think. Do I get a new birthday by joining this forum, or am I supposed to grow up? My nickname isn't Alice in Wonderland for nothing. :-)

Replies: 2,830
I love you, Unregistered
Posted By AlicetheAuthor
Re: I love you, Unregistered

I wonder what would happen if AlicetheAuthor saw this thread and wondered what the joke is? An obvious rookie getting fed to the wolves? It's too early in the morning to try to figure this out, so...
Replies: 14
I need some advice
Posted By AlicetheAuthor
Re: I need some advice

Thank you, Prometheus, but it seems that congratulations are a little premature. I've talked more about this situation in my MySpace blog, hope it's all right to put an outside link in here - nope,...
Replies: 14
I need some advice
Posted By AlicetheAuthor
Re: I need some advice

Yes, that does seem to be a rather important first step that was skipped in this entire process. Other research I've done today absolutely agrees with what you're saying, Gummo, and I appreciate...
Replies: 14
I need some advice
Posted By AlicetheAuthor
Re: I need some advice

Thanks very much for the Congrats, 'Sam', it is quite exciting to be even talking about this, but I definitely have questions! Wish I had an Agent to call, the ones who've contacted me aren't in...
Replies: 14
I need some advice
Posted By AlicetheAuthor
I need some advice

I joined this discussion forum to try and get some help. I'm a writer, and have been approached by an independent film maker to have my third book turned into a movie. I own all rights to the...