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Showing results 1 to 25 of 46
Forum: Games and Tabs 02-12-14
Replies: 77,153
Word Association
Forum: Games and Tabs 02-10-14
Replies: 974
Movie Association
Re: Movie Association
Forum: General Movie Discussion 02-10-14
Replies: 29
Scenes that Remind Hell
Re: Scenes that Remind Hell

I saw Avatar. Almost every scene reminded me of Hell, simply due to the boredom.
Replies: 420
True Detective (HBO) Official Thread
Re: True Detective (HBO) Official Thread

This series is just epic. I got a strong GTA vibe with that last scene. This is best work Matthew has ever done and probably ranks pretty high for Woody too. Each episode is unpredictable. I love it.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 02-10-14
Replies: 124
Did Forrest Gump and his son both have AIDS??
Re: Did Forrest Gump and his son both have AIDS??

I never thought about that sort of dark ending, a whole family with AIDS. :(

But you don't have to get AIDS just because you slept with a woman who had it, nor do all kids get it from their...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 02-10-14
Replies: 297
Films You Love, But Everyone Else Hates
Re: Films You Love, But Everyone Else Hates

Godfather Part III.

Not a great film, but still pretty good. Obviously it's nowhere close to the first two, but then again, most other movies don't either.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 02-10-14
Replies: 35
Whats the greatest Samuel L. Jackson Movie?
If by Samuel L. Jackson film, you mean any film...

If by Samuel L. Jackson film, you mean any film with him in it, then Goodfellas is the answer.

If you meant a film where he had a more significant role, then Pulp Fiction.
Forum: Movie Reviews 04-08-12
Replies: 10
The Woman In Black
Re: The Woman In Black

Awful, just awful. Three thumbs down, even though I only have two.
Forum: Movie Reviews 04-08-12
Replies: 19
21 Jump Street
Re: 21 Jump Street

Never seen it but my little cousin did. She said it was god awful. Not surprised really, Channing is awful in everything and Jonah Hill really isn't as funny as he thinks. I have no desire to see...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-08-12
Replies: 38
Meryl Streep Gets Closer To Kathrine Hepburn
Drawing a blank on that one. If you mean On...

Drawing a blank on that one. If you mean On Golden Pond, it was a sympathy Oscar for Fonda, not her. She already had three Oscars, she hardly needed sympathy there.

Not only widely considered...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 04-08-12
Replies: 55
The Top 100 Best Comedies (Time Out Magazine)
Re: The Top 100 Best Comedies (Time Out Magazine)

Half those movies don't deserve to be in the top 20. And Spinal Tap? Most overrated comedy of all time, certainly not worthy of the top spot, or even the top 50 for that matter. It had a few funny...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 04-08-12
Replies: 34
The Artist - Did it live up to the hype?
Re: The Artist - Did it live up to the hype?

Like any movie, it's all about personal taste. It was nowhere near the most hyped movie of the year, although it did garner some pretty good hype. I believe it did, I enjoyed the movie very much, but...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 04-08-12
Replies: 29
Michael Bay's The Dark Knight
Re: Michael Bay's The Dark Knight

It wouldn't be anywhere as good as Nolans. Bay relies more on special effects than probably any other director and knows less about storytelling. His Dark Knight would have been almost as bad as...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 83
How much celeb bad behavior are you willing to forgive?
You're right, I should start caring about their...

You're right, I should start caring about their love affairs and insulting tweets. Sorry, I got more on my plate than worrying about what total strangers do with their lives. And I am not gonna stop...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 22
Sandler in record Razzies sweep
Re: Sandler in record Razzies sweep

Better nonetheless. And most of Sandlers movies are atrocious these days, it's not hard to surpass the crap he calls entertainment.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 18
Are one note actors bad?
Re: Are one note actors bad?

Character actors are still great actors. Most actors play to a similar personality. Montgomery Clift payed the moddy, senstive types, Clint Eastwood always the anti-hero types. Nothing wrong with it,...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 34
Poll: Tony Scott what's your favourite
Re: Tony Scott what's your favourite

True Romance, but mostly thanks to Quentin for writing a genius script. The direction was nothing special, no offense to Scott.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 32
Best Coen Brothers Film
Re: Best Coen Brothers Film

Hard to choose one, so....

For their comedies, it's The Big Lebowski

For the rest, No Country for Old Men.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 126
Robbed of an Oscar
Re: Robbed of an Oscar

Best Actor
Clark Gable, Gone with the Wind
Orson Welles, Citizen Kane
Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca
Marlon Brando, A Streetcar Named Desire
Peter Sellers, Dr. Strangelove
Peter O'Toole, A Lion in...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 656
The Good, The Bad, and The Overlooked
Re: The Good, The Bad, and The Overlooked

Daniel Day-Lewis

The Good : There Will Be Blood
The Bad : Nine
Overlooked : The Boxer

Abbie Cornish
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 38
Meryl Streep Gets Closer To Kathrine Hepburn
Re: Meryl Streep Gets Closer To Kathrine Hepburn

I don't think Streep will get a fourth, but she might who knows. As far as talent goes, I think Streep surpassed her in the 90s. You compare their best performances, Streep comes ahead. At the same...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 62
Poll: DeNiro or Pacino?
Re: DeNiro or Pacino?

Hard one. I consider them equals really, but like Pacino a little better. One has as many classics as the other. At the same time, they both also have bad movies, like any other actor. I've been a...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 83
How much celeb bad behavior are you willing to forgive?
Re: How much celeb bad behavior are you willing to forgive?

All of them. What they do in their personal lives has nothing to do with their film careers. And why should you care anyway, it has nothing to do with you.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 1
Favorite Actors and Actresses by decade
Re: Favorite Actors and Actresses by decade

20s - Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton.

30s - James Cagney, James Stewart, Bette Davis, Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck.

40s - James Stewart, James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, Ingrid...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 04-06-12
Replies: 117
Kubrick's Best?
Re: Kubrick's Best?

Dr. Strangelove. A Clockwork Orange and 2001 come close. In terms of influence, 2001 has made by far the most impact though.