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Steve 07-11-01 11:19 PM

Top 5 Lists. For everything. Go nuts with the subjects.
Let's argue about them. Make 'em on the categories I have here, or just make up your own.

Top 5 Favorite movies of 1999, in order of preference:

1. Being John Malkovich
2. American Beauty
3. Three Kings
4. Magnolia
5. Eyes Wide Shut

Top 5 Movies Whose Original Prints Should be Fed to the Dogs:

Drive me Crazy
Chain Reaction
Patch Adams
Pay it Forward
Battlefield Earth

Top 5 Best Kubrick movies:

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. Dr. Strangelove
3. Eyes Wide Shut
4. A Clockwork Orange
5. Barry Lyndon

Top 5 Best American Actors:

Sean Penn
Kevin Spacey
Morgan Freeman
Robert Downey Jr.
Philip Seymour Hoffman

Yoda 07-11-01 11:49 PM

Top Five Movies that annoy me because some people actually like them (in not particular order)
  • For Love of the Game
  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • Mission to Mars
  • Twister
  • The Perfect Storm

Top Five Movies that annoy me because some people actually DON'T like them (in not particular order)
  • Unbreakable
  • The Blair Witch Project
  • Forrest Gump
  • Air Force One
  • The Apostle
Plenty of honorable mentions not quite honorable enough to mention. :)

spudracer 07-11-01 11:50 PM

Top 5 movies of all time:

1. Gladiator
2. Close Encounters
3. Matrix
4. Blade Runner
5. Goonies!!! <-- who doesn't love the Goonies?

OG- 07-12-01 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Steve N.
Sean Penn
Kevin Spacey
Morgan Freeman
Robert Downey Jr.
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Damn it Steve!! We've talked about this before!! Norton belongs on that list!!

Yoda 07-12-01 12:31 AM

Hahaha. It sounds like you're scolding him...

"Now what did I say young man? You can't watch Mission to's CRAP! I trust such disobedience will not take place again, correct?"

OG- 07-12-01 12:33 AM

haha, He should know better!! :furious:

Steve 07-12-01 12:53 AM

[quote]Originally posted by TWTCommish
[b]Top Five Movies that annoy me because some people actually like them (in not particular order)
  • For Love of the Game
  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • Mission to Mars
  • Twister
  • The Perfect Storm

Eyes Wide Shut? Tell me you're joking.

Steve 07-12-01 12:54 AM

Originally posted by spdrcr
Top 5 movies of all time:

1. Gladiator
And if you're not joking, then I've lost nearly all faith in this forum. :furious: :furious:

OG- 07-12-01 01:04 AM

Shut it Steve!!! Everyone likes the movie, but you!! and maybe a few more!

Steve 07-12-01 01:42 AM

Top 5 Most Overrated Movies that come to mind at the moment, In my Estimation:

1. Tie - The Sound of Music/West Side Story - Musicals that are generally held in the highest regard, that alternately make me want to vomit and quit watching movies altogether. "The Nazis are coming! Let's sing!" BULLSH-T.
2. Gladiator - I've said it once, I'll say it a million times: CRAP
3. The Ten Commandments/Ben-Hur - Charlton Heston, an actor? I think not. His movies, good? Very funny.(Actually, try Touch of Evil. He ACTS there.)
4. Jurassic Park - A movie that could have been one of the greatest ever made falls back into a terrible hodgepodge of sci-fi/action cliches and redundant chase scenes. Not a bad film, but definitely an overrated one.
5. Hannibal - A sick geek show, not remotely scary. Boring, overlong, and unnecessarily gory. Couldn't be creepy if it tried. Ridley Scott, with 2 movies on this list, can be called the world's biggest hack.

OG- 07-12-01 01:48 AM

Originally posted by Steve N.

5. Hannibal - A sick geek show, not remotely scary. Boring, overlong, and unnecessarily gory. Couldn't be creepy if it tried. Ridley Scott, with 2 movies on this list, can be called the world's biggest hack.
STFU Steve!!! STFU!! You are a fool!! :furious: Ridley Scott is a great director. "world's biggest hack" my ***! Gladiator is not a bad movie, in any respect. And Hannibal was perfect. I didn't find it scary, or creepy, and I wasn't expecting to! I think you just said this because you like arguing! Well damnit Mr. Steve N., you just got yourself an arguement!

Yoda 07-12-01 02:05 AM

Oh no you didn't! I know you did NOT just talk smack about Moses. BLASPHEMY! And yeah, I havn't seen a very great deal of Eyes Wide Shut, but in general, I'm not a big Kubrick fan. Can the guy make a movie that's not bleak, or what? Some people think bleakness is deep...I think it can be, but it can also become a bad habit... a rut that a director can get stuck in.

Steve 07-12-01 02:19 AM

I'm sorry, I found Hannibal to be incredibly pretentious, and not as fascinating as Silence of the Lambs. On its own merits, I suppose it somehow works, but people saying its better than Silence, or even in the same league, need to have their heads checked. Dr. Hannibal Lecter isn't scary outside his cell. He was scary in the first one because he was pure evil, contained. In the second one, he's reduced to just a predator on the loose. The screenwriting isn't very good either. When Clarice is asked to give up her badge and gun, she doesn't make any attempt,really, to explain what happened. A mere "I told them to stand down, but they opened fire" would have sufficed, but the script was too dimwitted to have her say this. I just didn't find the movie to be anywhere near its predecessor.

Truth be told, however, I did enjoy the performances, and Gary Oldman deserves to be nominated for an Oscar. The photography of Florence was very nice as well.

OK, now I'm going to take on the majority of movieforums again, so I better go and do some deep meditation.

:confused: :laugh: :cool: :laugh: :D

OG- 07-12-01 02:21 AM

oh man, now your gonna have Zweee on yo back when he reads this!

Steve 07-12-01 02:22 AM

Originally posted by OG-

Damn it Steve!! We've talked about this before!! Norton belongs on that list!! [/b][/quote]

Make your own. That's what the forum is for. :cool:

Yoda 07-12-01 02:34 AM

Dang Steve, you sure do butcher the BB code. :D Second time in this thread alone.

OG- 07-12-01 02:44 AM

True, hes not scary outside of his cell, but inside his cell you felt like you could knock him out with one swift, solid bunch. In Hannibal, seeing him roam around, he just looked like such a freggin' badass! He looked lethal, and smooth at the same time. You wanted him to win. It was perfect. And about the explaining what happened, who's she going to argue with?? The FBI?? (note, never argue with federal officers, not a good idea) I enjoyed the movie MUCH more than I enjoyed Silence.

As for top 5 American actors.
no order
1. Sean penn
2. Kevin Spacey
3. Robert Downey Junior
4. Edward Norton
5. Bruce Willis (look how far he's come!)

dillane 07-12-01 05:37 PM

I'm gonna have to back Steve up with the Gladiator dissing. And, at the risk of being equally blasphemous, Heston has never been a good actor. You want my top 5 worst actors?


1. Paul Walker (although, he doesn't even deserve to be on a list that claims he even *is* an actor)
2. Arnold
3. Jean Claude Van Damme
4. Kevin Bacon
5. Kevin Costner (FIELD OF DREAMS aside)

And for my number 6, just a teeny bit behind The Postman, my good friend from the NRA, Mr. Heston.

[*] Helen Hunt (but, she doesn't deserve to act thus...)[*] Val Kilmer[*] Marlon Brando[*] Jack Nicholson[*] Kevin Bacon (I hate Bacon! in more ways than one!)

dillane 07-12-01 05:49 PM

oh and for the pretentious list, i completely forgot Faye Dunaway.

Oh, and Steve: MAGNOLIA is waaay better than THREE KINGS (which I did really enjoy) and I know why you thought BEING JOHN MALKOVICH was '99's best, but I still think MAGNOLIA was superior. And, Morgan Freeman? C'mon. KISS THE GIRLS?

And, though i did not like GLADIATOR, Scott's certainly not THE biggest hack. ALIEN was supreme.

And, Commish: How about Kubrick took satire to another level by making it bleak and dark? In that sense, he was a real maverick. Well, he was a real maverick in any sense, really. He had a vision, and it had a lot of dark imagery, so you shouldn't have expected a light, frolicsome romp through the sunshine on a sunny Michigan afternoon.

Top Five Movies that annoy me because some people actually DON'T like them (in not particular order)


The Blair Witch Project

Forrest Gump

Air Force One

The Apostle

Dude?!? Who LIKED Air Force One, besides you? And Forrest Gump, albeit good, is way overrated. It's not even Tom Hanks' best performance. I thought he was much more extraordinary in PHILADELPHIA. And don't tell me that I'm half-right - SAVING PRIVATE RYAN is NOT a good movie!

Steve 07-12-01 05:51 PM

dillane, I suggest you check out the Gladiator thread in the movie reviews forum, we go nuts. :D

Just because someone's pretentious doesn't mean they're bad, right? Because if Brando is about to be bashed, then I'm afraid I'll have to speak up. :cool:

Top 5 Best sex scenes that come to mind as of now:

Out of Sight
Two Girls and a Guy
Last Tango in Paris - pretty much the whole movie
Being John Malkovich - Catherine Keener and John Cusack, via John Malkovich
A Clockwork Orange - Alex's shenanigans set to the William Tell Overture played 5 times too fast


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