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Jackie Malfoy 12-14-03 05:37 PM

Favorite Lines from your favorite movies!
Ok here are my favorite lines from my favorite movies!Guess and see if you know where they are from?

"She Lied!She Lied to us!"
"Why can't you just die!"
"Then I will see you in Hell!"

Well that is all the lines I can think of right now!Anyone kn ow where they are from?And don't forget to say what movie lines are your favorite and yuo can have people guessing lines from the movies too!See you around!JM :)

Holden Pike 12-14-03 06:10 PM

"She lied! She lied to us!" is Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing) pissed after hearing the news that Leia didn't give up the correct location of The Rebel base. "Terminate her, immediately!"

The best of the corny lines in the original Star Wars is Ben Kenobi's "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany" description of Mos Eisley Space Port. Leia's "the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers" line is a real screamer too, with that silly mock-British accent she went in and out of in the first flick.

"That's no moon. That's a space station" comes in handy in day to day life. But the best bit of a dialogue comes before they rescue Leia, and Han is forced to try and bullsh!t an explaination for why the cameras went dead and the alarms sounded. The whole "Uh, slight weapons malfunction....we're fine, how are you?....boring conversation anyway" thing is terrific. Too bad Georgie Lucas doesn't write as well anymore.

Don't quite recognize the other two. Much too generic (especially the "See you in Hell").

Two of my favorite film quotes, that I use just about daily, are "Fu*k you, Fu*kball" and "Here come two words for you: shut the fu*k up" - those're from two different movies.

Jackie Malfoy 12-14-03 06:47 PM

Good responed!You guess right@!
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
"She lied! She lied to us!" is Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing) pissed after hearing the news that Leia didn't give up the correct location of The Rebel base. "Terminate her, immediately!"

The best of the corny lines in the original Star Wars is Ben Kenobi's "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany" description of Mos Eisley Space Port. Leia's "the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers" line is a real screamer too, with that silly mock-British accent she went in and out of in the first flick.

"That's no moon. That's a space station" comes in handy in day to day life. But the best bit of a dialogue comes before they rescue Leia, and Han is forced to try and bullsh!t an explaination for why the cameras went dead and the alarms sounded. The whole "Uh, slight weapons malfunction....we're fine, how are you?....boring conversation anyway" thing is terrific. Too bad Georgie Lucas doesn't write as well anymore.

Don't quite recognize the other two. Much too generic (especially the "See you in Hell").

Two of my favorite film quotes, that I use just about daily, are "Fu*k you, Fu*kball" and "Here come two words for you: shut the fu*k up" - those're from two different movies.
That is right!The last two lines is "Then See you in Hell"Han Solo(From "The Empire Strikes back!"
And the line "Why can't you just die" is from "Batman Forever!"(Two Face)made it harder!OI have no idea where the lines you said is from since most movies have that line!But tell me anyway!
See you around!JM :cool: ;)

Garrett 12-14-03 06:55 PM

Here are some easy ones, imo.

"What the **** is the internet?!"
"Your clothes, give them to me."

Holden Pike 12-14-03 06:59 PM

Ah, Batman Forever. I have been going through pretty aggressive shock therapy to try and wipe that abomination from my mind completely. Guess it's starting to work!

"Your clothes, give them to me" is The Terminator flicks.

"What the fu*k is the internet?" is Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back.

My "fu*kball" and "two words" quotes are from Get Shorty and Midnight Run, respectively.

Sedai 12-14-03 07:09 PM

anyone know what these lines are from?
"If you do this thing, you will feel as if the whole world is in a bubble of glass, and you are rubbing up against it like a bad windshield wiper"

"Eric, is this cat dead?"
"I don't know, I thought he was asleep, he has been there for days."

Garrett 12-14-03 07:11 PM

This one has got to be the easiest one ever:
"I see your schwartz is as big as mine. "

From one of my favorite westerns:
"If you're going to follow somebody, youngster, do a better job of it. This world is full of nervous characters. They'd shoot you in the back first, and then introduce themselves. "

Sedai 12-14-03 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by Garrett
This one has got to be the easiest one ever:
"I see your schwartz is as big as mine. "


From one of my favorite westerns:
"If you're going to follow somebody, youngster, do a better job of it. This world is full of nervous characters. They'd shoot you in the back first, and then introduce themselves. "

Outlaw Josey Wales?

Garrett 12-14-03 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
Outlaw Josey Wales?
I'm assuming you mean the latter...but, no.

led_zeppelin 12-14-03 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by Garrett
This one has got to be the easiest one ever:
"I see your schwartz is as big as mine. "

From one of my favorite westerns:
"If you're going to follow somebody, youngster, do a better job of it. This world is full of nervous characters. They'd shoot you in the back first, and then introduce themselves. "
Well, I know the first is from Spaceballs. The second, I'm gonna guess at. . .Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? (don't shun me please, the last western I watched was Unforgivin)

projectMayhem 12-14-03 07:27 PM

"I am shocked! Shocked to find there is gambling going on in here!"
"Here's your chips sir"
"Oh, thank you very much"
- Casablanca. My Favorite scene from any movie ever.

Holden Pike 12-14-03 07:28 PM

"They'd shoot you in the back first, and then introduce themselves."
- Lee Van Cleef in the Spaghetti Western Death Rides A Horse*

*which was just on Encore again for the umpteenth time this morning

Garrett 12-14-03 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
"They'd shoot you in the back first, and then introduce themselves."
- Lee Van Cleef in the Spaghetti Western Death Rides A Horse*

*which was just on Encore again for the umpteenth time this morning
Do you like it?

Holden Pike 12-14-03 07:38 PM

Yeah, Death Rides A Horse is one of the better non-Sergio Leone Spaghettis, great role for Van Cleef (as is the first Sabata). But frankly, nothing else in the genre comes close to stacking up to Leone. They all tend to rather blurr together after a while. Some are better than others, but Leone was the only true artist to work in that subgenre.

T-850 12-14-03 08:01 PM

I'll be back!
You're one ugly Motha ****a!
Get out!

Say hello to my little friend!!!

Those are some of the lines I can think about for now.

Caitlyn 12-14-03 08:24 PM

"This is from... Matilda."

cmdrcryme 12-18-03 12:04 AM

"hey, whats that on your face?"

cazz 12-18-03 06:01 AM

better start believing in ghost stories, you're in one

duno why i just like it


p.s its from pirates

Piddzilla 12-18-03 06:15 AM

-[holding up a bowling ball] What the **** is this?
-Obviously you're not a golfer.

-Are these the Nazis, Walter?
-No, Donny, these men are nihilists. There's nothing to be afraid of.

-Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?
-Uh, is that what this is a picture of?
-In a sense, yes. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.
-Oh yeah?
-Yes, they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say whereas without batting an eye a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson.

-Do you like sex, Mr. Lebowski?
-'Scuse me?
-Sex. The physical act of love. Coitus. Do you like it?
-I was talking about my rug.
-You're not interested in sex?
-You mean coitus?

I've probably posted them on here somewhere before but you just can't get enough of The Big Lebowski and The Dude. :)

Philmster 12-18-03 06:52 AM

Ahh, The Big Lebowski, your missing one VERY important one though :)

Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy sh*t with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass and pull the fu****g trigger 'til it goes "click."
Jesus Quintana - John Turturro

One of the best small parts ever :)

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