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Cynema De Bergerac 06-18-17 09:55 PM

What's the Best Film of Every Year?
Never seen this thread on 'movieforums' yet. So I decided to take some action and get it started :D
Granted, the more films from each of these years I see. The likelihood of my opinion changing will become plausible. Don't forget to share your lists in the reply section ya Blokes!

2017: Call Me by Your Name
2016: La La Land
2015: Anomalisa
2014: Interstellar
2013: American Hustle
2012: The Master
2011: The Artist
2010: Black Swan
2009: The Hurt Locker
2008: The Dark Knight
2007: There Will Be Blood
2006: Inland Empire
2005: Brokeback Mountain
2003: Mystic River
2002: The Pianist
2001: Mulholland Drive
2000: American Psycho
1999: American Beauty
1998 The Big Lebowski
1997: L.A. Confidential
1996: Trainspotting
1995: Leaving Las Vegas
1994: Pulp Fiction
1993: The Piano
1992: Reservoir Dogs
1991: The Silence of the Lambs
1990: Goodfellas
1989: Do The Right Thing
1988: Rain Man
1987: Full Metal Jacket
1986: Blue Velvet
1985: Come And See
1984: Amadeus
1983: Return of the Jedi
1982: Sophie's Choice
1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark
1980: The Empire Strikes Back
1979: Apocalypse Now
1978: The Dear Hunter
1977: Eraserhead
1976: All The President's Men
1975: Jaws
1974: The Conversation
1973: Mean Streets
1972: The Godfather
1971: A Clockwork Orange
1970: Patton
1969: Midnight Cowboy
1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey
1967: Cool Hand Luke
1966: Andrei Rublev
1965: The Sound of Music
1964: Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb
1963: The Birds
1962: Ivan's Childhood
1961: West Side Story
1960: Psycho
1959: North by Northwest
1958: Vertigo
1957: Paths of Glory
1956: The Searchers
1955: Lady and the Tramp
1954: Gojira
1953: From Here To Entirety
1952: Singin' in the Rain
1951: The Day the Earth Stood Still
1950: Sunset Boulevard
1949: The Third Man
1948: Red River
1947: Out of the Past
1946: It's a Wonderful Life
1945: Detour
1944: Double Indemnity
1943: Shadow of a Doubt
1942: Bambi
1941: Citizen Kane
1940: The Great Dictator
1939: The Wizard of Oz
1938: Angels with Dirty Faces
1937: The Grand Illusion
1936: Modern Times
1935: Mutiny on the Bounty
1934: It Happened One Night
1933: King Kong
1932: Scarface
1931: City Lights
1930: All Quiet on the Western Front
1929: Pandora's Box
1928: The Passion of Joan of Arc
1927: Metropolis
1926: Faust
1925: The Gold Rush
1924: Greed
1923: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
1922: Nosferatu
1921: The Kid
1920: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
1919: Broken Blossoms
1918: Shoulder Arms
1917: The Immigrant
1916: Intolerance
1915: The Birth of a Nation
1914: Cabiria
1913: The Student of Prague
1912: An Unseen Enemy
1911: L'Inferno
1910: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Yam12 06-19-17 06:25 AM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
Not including 2017 cause I've only seen 1 film from this year

2016: La La Land
2015: Mad Max: Fury Road
2014: Whiplash
2013: Her
2012: The Master
2011: Drive
2010: The Social Network
2009: Inglourious Basterds
2008: The Dark Knight
2007: Zodiac
2006: The Prestige
2005: Batman Begins
2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2003: LOTR: Return of the King
2002: Punch-Drunk Love
2001: Mulholland Drive
2000: American Psycho
1999: American Beauty
1998: The Big Lebowski
1997: Boogie Nights
1996: Fargo
1995: Se7en
1994: Pulp Fiction
1993: Jurassic Park
1992: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
1991: Silence of the Lambs
1990: Goodfellas

Stopping there cause I haven't seen much stuff from before that

Alfredlynch 06-19-17 07:41 AM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
There are going to be some tough omissions for certain years... My list is simply my fave film of each year without any attempt to conform to what is seen as the best from a critical perspective.

2016: Rogue One
2015: Sicario
2014: Night Crawler
2013: Captain Phillips
2012: Django Unchained
2011: Crazy Stupid Love
2010: The Ghost Writer
2009: Inglorious Basterds
2008: Burn After Reading
2007: Zodiac
2006: The Departed
2005: 40 Year Old Virgin
2004: Collateral
2003: Kill Bill
2002: Catch Me if You Can
2001: Mulholland Drive
2000: Almost Famous
1999: The Green Mile
1998: Wild Things
1997: LA Confidential
1996: Fargo
1995: Die Hard with a Vengeance
1994: Pulp Fiction
1993: Schinlder's List
1992: A Few Good Men
1991: Silence of the Lambs
1990: Goodfellas
1989: The Burbs
1988: Stealing Home
1987: The Witches of Eastwick
1986: Aliens
1985: The Breakfast Club
1984: The Karate Kid
1983: Return of the Jedi
1982: Fast Times at Ridgemont High
1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark
1980: Empire Strikes Back
1979: Apocalypse Now
1978: Superman
1977: Star Wars
1976: Taxi Driver
1975: Jaws
1974: Chinatown
1973: Enter the Dragon
1972: The Godfather
1971: The French Connection
1970: Patton
1969: Easy Rider
1968: 2001
1967: In the Heat of the Night
1966: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
1965: Thunderball
1964: Goldfinger
1963: The Birds
1962: Dr. No
1961: The Innocents
1960: Psycho
1959: North by Northwest
1958: The Fly
1957: The Seven Year Itch
1956: The Ten Commandments
1955: Mister Roberts
1954: Rear Window
1953: War of the Worlds
1952: -----
1951: The African Queen
1950: In a Lonely Place
1949: ---
1948: Key Largo
1947: Miracle on 34th Street
1946: Its a Wonderful Life
1945: The Lost Weekend
1944: To Have and to Have Not
1943: Shadow of a Doubt
1942: Casablanca
1941: The Maltese Falcon
1940: The Philadelphia Story
1939: Gone with the Wind
1938: You Can't Take it With You
1935: Bride of Frankenstein
1934: It Happened One Night
1933: King Kong
1932: ---
1931: Frankenstein
10:30: ---

Nameless_Paladin 06-19-17 11:43 AM

Okay this ought to be fun -

1920 - The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Robert Wiene)
1921 - (I can't recall any film I've seen from 1921, let alone any good film)
1922 - Foolish Wives (Eric Von Stroheim)
1923 - The Street (Karl Grune)
1924 - Greed (Eric Von Stroheim)
1925 - The Gold Rush (Charlie Chaplin)
1926 - The General (Buster Keaton)
1927 - Napoleon (Abel Gance )
1928 - Spies (Fritz Lang)
1929 - Big Business (James W. Horne)

1930 - Earth (Alexander Dovzhenko)
1931 - TIE between Tabu (F.W. Murnau ) / M (Fritz Lang)
1932 - I was Born but... (Yasujiro Ozu )
1933 - Pilgrimage (John Ford)
1934 - L'Atalanta (Jean Vigo)
1935 - Triumph of the Will (Leni Riefenstahl)
1936 - Modern Times (Charlie Chaplin)
1937 - Grand Illusion (Jean Renoir)
1938 - Angels with Dirty Faces (Michael Curtiz)
1939 - The Rules of the Game (Jean Renoir)

1940 - Pinocchio
1941 - Citizen Kane (Orson Welles)
1942 - The Magnificent Ambersons (Orson Welles)
1943 - Day of Wrath (Carl Theodor Dreyer)
1944 - Henry V (Laurence Olivier)
1945 - Ivan the Terrible, Part 1(Sergei Eisenstein)
1946 - Ivan the Terrible, Part 2 (Sergei Eisenstein)
1947 - Mr. Verdoux (Charlie Chaplin)
1948 - Spring in a Small Town (Fei Mu)
1949 - Late Spring (Yasujiro Ozu)

1950 - All About Eve (Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
1951 - The River (Jean Renoir)
1952 - Othello (Orson Welles)
1953 - Tokyo Story (Yasujiro Ozu )
1954 - Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock)
1955 - Night and Fog (Alain Resnais )
1956 - A Man Escaped (Robert Bresson)
1957 - Wild Strawberries (Ingmar Bergman)
1958 - TIE Ashes and Diamonds (Andrzej Wajda) / Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock)
1959 - Hiroshima: Mon Amour (Alain Resnais)

1960 - The Cloud Capped Star (Ritwik Ghatak)
1961 - Last Year at Marienbad (Alain Renais)
1962 - An Autumn Afternoon (Yasujiro Ozu)
1963 - The House is Black (Forough Farrokhzad)
1964 - Gertrud (Carl Theodor Dreyer)
1965 - Chimes at Midnight (Orson Welles)
1966 - Andrei Rublev (Andrei Tarkovsky)
Btw it's worth pointing out that 1966 is far and away the greatest year cinema has ever witnessed. I picked Andrei Rublev but you also had masterpieces such as Blowup, Persona, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Au Hasard Balthazar and Vivre sa Vie also come out the same year.
1967 - Mouchette (Robert Bresson)
1968 - 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick)
1969 - L'Amour Fou (Jacques Rivette)

1970 - The Conformist (Bernardo Bertolucci)
1971 - Out 1 (Jacques Rivette)
1972 - The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola)
1973 - F for Fake (Orson Welles)
1974 - Scenes from a Marriage (Ingmar Bergman)
1975 - Barry Lyndon (Stanley Kubrick)
1976 - Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese)
1977 - TIE Providence (Alain Resnais) / Annie Hall (Woody Allen)
1978 - Days of Heaven (Terrence Malick)
1979 - Stalker (Andrei Tarkovsky)

1980 - Raging Bull (Martin Scorsese)
1981 - Modern Romance (Albert Brooks)
1982 - Fanny and Alexander - TV version (Ingmar Bergman)
1983 - Sans Soleil (Chris Marker)
1984 - Love Streams (John Casavette)
1985 - Shoah (Claude Lanzmann)
1986 - TIE The Sacrifice (Andrei Tarkovsky) / The Terrorisers (Edward Yang)
1987 - King Lear (Jean Luc-Godard)
1988 - TIE A Tale of the Wind (Joris Ivens) / Distant Voices/ Still Lives (Terrence Davis)
1989 - A City of Sadness (Hou Hsiao-Hsein)

1990 - Nouvelle Vague (Jean Luc-Godard)
1991 - A Brighter Summer Day (Edward Yang)
1992 - Husbands and Wives (Woody Alleb)
1993 - TIE Three Colors: Blue (Krzysztof Kieślowski) / The Puppetmaster (Hou Hsiao-Hsien)
1994 - Through the Olive Trees (Abbas Kiarostami)
1995 - Safe (Todd Haynes)
1996 - Hamlet (Kenneth Brannagh)
1997 - Taste of Cherry (Abbas Kiarostami)
1998 - The Thin Red Line (Terrence Malick)
1999 - The Wind Will Carry Us (Abbas Kiarostami)

2000 - Yi Yi (Edward Yang)
2001 - A.I. Artificial Intelligence (Steven Spielberg)
2002 - Talk to Her (Pedro Almodovar)
2003 - Café Lumiere (Hou Hsiao-Hsien)
2004 - Million Dollar baby (Clint Eastwood)
2005 - A New World (Terrence Malick)
2006 - Children of Men (Alfonso Cuaron)
2007 - There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson)
2008 - TIE Wall-E (Andrew Stanton) / The Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan)
2009 - The White Ribbon (Michael Haneke)

2010 - Nostalgia for the Light (Patricio Guzmán)
2011 - Amour (Michael Haneke)
2012 - It's Such a Beautiful Day (Don Hertzfeldt)
2013 - Computer Chess (Andrew Bujalski)
2014 - Mr. Turner (Mike Leigh)
2015 - Carol (Todd Haynes)
2016 - The Assassin (Hou Hsiao-Hsein)

The bolded films, I feel, are on a slightly different level to the other films listed - the absolute masterpieces of world cinema.

Ultraviolence 06-19-17 01:45 PM

2017: John Wick Chapter 2
2016: The Wailing
2015: Inside Men
2014: The Raid 2
2013: New World
2012: Outrage Beyond
2011: Drive
2010: The Yellow Sea
2009: Inglourious Basterds
2008: The Chaser
2007: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
2006: Triad Election
2005: A Bittersweet Life
2004: Shutter
2003: Oldboy
2002: Symphaty for Mr. Vengeance
2001: Mulholland Drive
2000: Unbreakable
1999: The Matrix
1998: A Bug's Life
1997: Lost Highway
1996: Fudoh: The New Generation
1995: Casino
1994: Pulp Fiction
1993: Sonatine
1992: Hard Boiled
1991: Once Upon A Time in China
1990: Bullet In the Head
1989: Violent Cop
1988: Bloodsport
1987: Full Metal Jacket
1986: A Better Tomorrow
1985: Police Story
1984: Once Upon A Time in America
1983: Scarface
1982: First Blood
1981: The Fox and the Hound
1980: The Shining
1979: Apocalypse Now
1978: The Deer Hunter
1977: Suspiria
1976: Taxi Driver
1975: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
1974: The Yakuza Papers, Vol. 5: Final Episode
1973: The Yakuza Papers, Vol. 1: Battles Without Honor and Humanity
1972: The Godfather
1971: The Wolves
1970: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
1969: Goyokin
1968: Once Upon A Time in the West
1967: Samurai Rebellion
1966: The Sword of Doom
1965: Brutal Tales of Chivalry
1964: Kaidan
1963: Sword Devil
1962: Harakiri
1961: Yojimbo
1960: Psycho
1959: Rio Bravo
1958: The Hidden Fortress
1957: The Seventh Seal / Throne of Blood
1956: The Searchers
1955: Bloody Spear on Mount Fuji
1954: Seven Samurais
1953: The Cruel Sea
1952: Ikiru
1951: The Thing from Another World
1950: Rashomon
1949: The Third Man
1948: Drunken Angel
1947: Out of the Past
1946: Song of the South
1945: Objective, Burma!
1944: Double Indemnity
1943: Shadow of a Doubt
1942: Casablanca
1941: Citzen Kane
1940: Fantasia
1939: Gone with the Wind
1938: La bęte humaine
1937: Humanity and Paper Balloons
1936: Modern Times
1935: The Raven
1934: The Black Cat
1933: Night of Terror
1932: Murders in the Rue Morgue
1931: Dracula
1930: All Quiet on the Western Front

Gangland 06-19-17 02:52 PM

Started in 1927, when the Academy started throwing those awards out.

1927 Underworld
1928 The Racket
1929 The Broadway Melody
1930 The Big Trail
1931 The Public Enemy
1932 Scarface
1933 The Mayor of Hell
1934 Manhattan Melodrama
1935 G Men
1936 Bullets or Ballots
1937 The Last Gangster
1938 Angels With Dirty Faces
1939 The Roaring Twenties
1940 The Great Dictator
1941 The Maltese Falcon
1942 Casablanca
1943 Sahara
1944 Double Indemnity
1945 Conflict
1946 The Big Sleep
1947 Kiss of Death
1948 The Naked City
1949 White Heat
1950 Night and the City
1951 Strangers on a Train
1952 Singing in the Rain
1953 Pickup on South Street
1954 On the Waterfront
1955 Kiss Me Deadly
1956 Moby Dick
1957 Paths of Glory
1958 Touch of Evil
1959 North by Northwest
1960 Psycho
1961 Blast of Silence
1962 The Manchurian Candidate
1963 The Great Escape
1964 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
1965 The Spy Who Came in From the Cold
1966 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
1967 Bonnie and Clyde
1968 Once Upon a Time in the West
1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
1970 Patton
1971 The French Connection
1972 The Godfather
1973 The Sting
1974 The Godfather: Part II
1975 Barry Lyndon
1976 Taxi Driver
1977 EDIT: Sorcerer
1978 Dawn of the Dead
1979 Alien
1980 The Empire Strikes Back
1981 Prince of the City
1982 Blade Runner
1983 Videodrome
1984 Once Upon a Time in America
1985 To Live and Die in LA
1986 Aliens
1987 The Untouchables
1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit
1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
1990 Goodfellas
1991 Silence of the Lambs
1992 Unforgiven
1993 A Bronx Tale
1994 Pulp Fiction
1995 Casino
1996 Fargo
1997 L.A. Confidental
1998 The General
1999 The Limey
2000 Memento
2001 Frailty
2002 Gangs of New York
2003 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
2004 Collateral
2005 Munich
2006 The Departed
2007 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
2008 Burn After Reading
2009 Inglorious Basterds
2010 Animal Kingdom
2011 Drive
2012 Looper
2013 The Wolf of Wall Street
2014 A Most Violent Year
2015 Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 Green Room

olivia 06-19-17 03:27 PM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
1:Captain America: Civil War - 2016
2: Mad Max: Fury Road - 2015
3: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 2014
4: Thor: The Dark World - 2013
5: The Avengers - 2012
6: Mission: Impossible – 2011
7: Prince of Persia - 2010
8: Avatar - 2009
9: Hancock - 2008
10: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - 2007
11: X-Men: The Last Stand - 2006
12: Kingdom of Heaven - 2005
13: Spider-Man 2 - 2004
14: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - 2003
15: xXx - 2002
16: Black Hawk Down - 2001
17: Mission: Impossible 2 - 2000

Uncle Flute 06-19-17 03:36 PM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
2017: LOGAN (Thus Far.)
2016: La La Land
2015: The REVENANT
2014: BiRDMAN or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
2013: The Wolf of Wall Street
2012: Django Unchained
2011: The Artist
2010: Black Swan
2009: Inglourious Basterds
2008: T H E D A R K K N I G H T
2007: There Will Be Blood
2006: United 93
2005: Brokeback Mountain
2004: The Incredibles
2003: The LORD of the RINGS: Return of the King
2002: Chicago
2001: Mulholland Drive
2000: Requiem for a Dream
1999: Fight Club
1998: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
1997: L.A. Confidential!
1996: Trainspotting
1995: Toy Story
1994: Pulp Fiction
1993: Schindler's List
1992: Aladdin
1991: Beauty and the Beast
1990: GoodFellas
1989: Do the Right Thing
1988: Die Hard
1987: The Untouchables
1986: Blue Velvet
1985: The Breakfast Club
1984: Amadeus
1983: STAR WARS Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
1982: The Secret of NIMH
1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark
1980: STAR WARS Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
1979: Apocalypse Now
1978: The Deer Hunter
1977: STAR WARS Episode IV: A New Hope
1976: Network
1975: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
1974: Chinatown
1973: The Exorcist
1972: The Godfather
1971: A Clockwork Orange
1970: Woodstock
1968: The Lion in Winter
1966: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
1965: The Sound of Music
1964: Mary Poppins
1963: The Great Escape
1962: To Kill A Mockingbird
1961: West Side Story
1960: Psycho
1959: North by Northwest
1958: South Pacific
1957: Old Yeller
1956: The King and I
1955: Marty
1954: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
1953: From Here to Eternity
1952: Singin' in the Rain
1951: A Streetcar Named Desire
1950: Cinderella
1949: The Third Man
1948: Melody Time
1947: Miracle on 34th Street
1946: It's a Wonderful Life
1945: The Three Caballeros
1944: Double Indemnity
1943: Batman
1942: Casablanca
1940: The Great Dictator
1939: The Wizard of OZ
to be continued . . .

Louise1956 06-20-17 03:10 AM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
These are my favourites, though some years are harder than others, there being several films I really like, a few are difficult because there aren't any films that particular year that are really favourites of mine.
1930 Animal Crackers
1931 Monkey Business
1932 Trouble In Paradise
1933 International House
1934 Forsaking All Others
1935 La Kermesse Heroique
1936 Mr Deeds Goes to Town
1937 Good Morning, Boys
1938 The Lady Vanishes
1939 Ask A Policeman
1940 Foreign Correspondent
1941 It Started with Eve
1942 The Black Sheep of Whitehall
1943 The Demi Paradise
1944 The Halfway House
1945 I Know Where I,m Going
1946 A Matter of Life and Death
1947 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
1948 The Winslow Boy
1949 Passport to Pimlico
1950 The Happiest Days of Your Life
1951 The African Queen
1952 Against All Flags
1953 Mr Hulot's Holiday
1954 Knock On Wood
1955 To Catch A Thief
1956 The Green Man
1957 Desk Set
1958 The Horse's Mouth
1959 North by Northwest
1960 Make Mine Mink
1961 Blue Hawaii
1962 Dr No
1963 Charade
1964 A Hard Day's Night
1965 That Darn Cat!
1966 La Grande Vadrouille
1967 Far From the Madding Crowd
1968 Hot Millions
1969 The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
1970 Start the Revolution Without Me
1971 Trafic
1972 What's Up Doc?
1973 Sleeper
1974 Blazing Saddles
1975 Monty Python and the Holy Grail
1976 Silver Streak
1977 The Spy Who Loved Me
1978 i Wanna Hold Your Hand
1979 Moonraker
1980 Seems Like Old Times
1981 An American Werewolf in London
1982 A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy
1983 Trading Places
1984 Beverly Hills Cop
1985 Spies Like Us
1986 Club Paradise
1987 Hope and Glory
1988 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
1989 Sex, Lies and Videotape
1990 Nuns on the Run
1991 L.A. Story
1992 Rebecca's Daughters
1993 Manhattan Murder Mystery
1994 d'Artagnan's Daughter
1995 The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain
1996 Secrets and Lies
1997 Tomorrow Never Dies
1998 Mulan
1999 Thomas Crown Affair
2000 Saving Grace
2001 Rush Hour 2
2002 Secretary
2003 Bad Santa
2004 Laws of Attraction
2005 Kinky Boots
2006 A Good Year
2007 Hot Fuzz
2008 Easy Virtue
2009 The Boat that Rocked
2010 It's A Wonderful AFterlife
2011 The Tourist
2012 Quartet
2013 The Love Punch
2014 What We Did On Our Holiday
2015 The Lady in the Van
2016 Keeping Up with the Joneses
2017 Viceroy's House

nebbit 06-20-17 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by Cynema De Bergerac (Post 1721128)
Never seen this thread on 'movieforums' yet. So I decided to take some action and get it started :D
Granted, the more films from each of these years I see. The likelihood of my opinion changing will become plausible. Don't forget to share your lists in the reply section ya Blokes!

2016: La La Land

I'M STOPPING THERE... For now :cage:
Like your list except la la la la la :rolleyes:

HashtagBrownies 06-20-17 07:45 AM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
Haven't seen too many films from the more recent years.

2017: Get Out
2016: Hardcore Henry
2015: Victoria
2014: Whiplash
2013: Her
2012: The Hunt
2011: The Raid
2010: Black Swan
2009: Mary and Max
2008: [REC]/ Dear Zachary
2007: No Country For Old Men
2006: The Lives of Others
2005: Crash
2004: The Incredibles
2003: Kill Bill
2002: Irreversible
2001: Amčlie
2000: Requiem For a Dream
1999: Fight Club
1998 The Truman Show
1997: Funny Games
1996: Fargo
1995: Toy Story
1994: Pulp Fiction
1993: Lat Action Hero/ In the Name of the Father
1992: Reservoir Dogs/ Braindead
1991: The Silence of the Lambs
1990: Home Alone
1989: My Left Foot
1988: Die Hard
1987: Evil Dead 2
1986: Little Shop of Horrors
1985: The Goonies
1984: Gremlins
1983: Wind in the Willows
1982: First Blood
1981: An American Werewolf in London
1980: Blues Brothers
1979: Alien
1978: The Dear Hunter
1977: Star Wars
1976: Taxi Driver
1975: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
1974: The Wicker Man
1973: The Exorcist
1972: Cabaret
1971: A Clockwork Orange
1970: Patton
1969: Midnight Cowboy
1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey
1967: The Graduate
1966: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
1965: The Sound of Music
1964: Dr Strangelove
1963: The Birds
1962: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
1961: Yojimbo
1960: Psycho
1959: North by Northwest
1958: Vertigo
1957: 12 Angry Men
1956: Night and Fog
1955: Night of the Hunter
1954: Rear Window
1953: War of the Worlds
1952: Singin' in the Rain
1951: Strangers on a Train
1950: Harvey
1949: The Third Man
1948: Rope
1941: Citizen Kane
1939: Wizard of Oz
1935: A Night at the Opera
1934: It Happened One Night
1933: Duck Soup
1931: M
1929: Man With a Movie Camera
1928: Passion of Joan of Arc
1926: The General
1923: Safety Last!

ShopkeeperTriumph 06-20-17 11:05 AM

I'll give this a go.

But not now.

I'm way too tired for that ****.

Cynema De Bergerac 06-20-17 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by ShopkeeperTriumph (Post 1722005)
I'll give this a go.

But not now.

I'm way too tired for that ****.

ShopkeeperTriumph 06-20-17 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by Cynema De Bergerac (Post 1722237)

Everyone asks so much of me!

olivia 06-22-17 04:41 PM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
La La Land.
Hell or High Water.
The Handmaiden.
Patriots Day.
Manchester By the Sea.

Cynema De Bergerac 06-23-17 06:05 AM

Originally Posted by olivia (Post 1723407)
La La Land.
Hell or High Water.
The Handmaiden.
Patriots Day.
Manchester By the Sea.
Pretty Sure It's; 'The Best Film of Every Year.' Not the 'The Best Films of 2016'

Cynema De Bergerac 06-23-17 06:06 AM

Originally Posted by ShopkeeperTriumph (Post 1722005)
I'll give this a go.

But not now.

I'm way too tired for that ****.

Diehl40 06-24-17 11:15 PM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
I have way to many holes, and many instances where I believe my list would change if I had watched more films. For instance I probably would prefer Grand Hotel to my first selection which is:

1925 Battleship Potemkin
1926 The General
1932 I am a fugitive from a Chain Gang
1939 Wizard of Oz
1940 Grapes of Wrath
1942 To Be or Not to Be Lubitsch
1943 Casablanca
1950 Sunset Blvd
1951 A Streetcar named Desire
1953 Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
1954 On the Waterfront
1955 The Lady Killers
1956 La Strada
1957 Seventh Seal
1958 Touch of Evil
1960 La Dolce Vita
1961 Through a Glass Darkly
1962 To Kill a Mockingbird
1963 8 1/2
1964 Night of the Iguana
1965 The Sound of Music
1966 A Man for all seasons
1967 The Graduate
1968 The Lion in Winter
1969 Midnight Cowboy
1970 Mash
1971 The French Connection
1972 The Godfather
1973 Mean Streats
1974 The Godfather pt 2
1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest
1976 All the Presidents Men
1977 Annie Hall
1978 Days of Heaven
1979 Manhattan
1980 Ordinary People
1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982 Blade Runner
1983 The Right Stuff
1984 Paris Texas
1985 Brazil
1986 Hannah and Her Sisters
1987 Moon Struck
1988 Rain Man
1989 Cinema Paradiso
1990 Goodfellas
1991 Fisher King
1992 A River Runs Through It
1993 Schindlers List
1994 Forrest Gump
1995 Il Postino
1996 Fargo
1997 Life is Beautiful
1998 Shakespear in Love
1999 Cookie's Fortune
2000 Malena
2001 Moulin Rouge
2002 Minority Report
2003 Mystic River
2004 Sideways
2005 Munich
2006 Strnger Than Fiction
2007 No Country For Old Men
2008 Dark Night
2009 The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnasus
2010 Inception
2011 The Tree of Life
2012 Silver Linings Playbook
2013 American Hustle
2014 The Hundred Foot Journey
2015 Spotlight
2016 La La Land

This is my list so far. I'm going to have to make it a point to watch some of the well known movies from the dates I have not filled in yet. Work in progress

RoyaleWitCheese 06-27-17 02:46 AM

17 - Wonder Woman (So Far)
16 - La La Land
15 - Bridge of Spies
14 - Whiplash
13 - Wolf of Wallstreet
12 - Django
11 - Warhorse
10 - Inception
09 - Inglorious Bastards
08 - The Dark Knight
07 - No Country for Old Men
06 - The Departed
05 - Sin City
04 - Kill Bill Vol. 2
03 - Mystic River
02 - Gangs of New York
01 - A Beautiful Mind
00 - American Psycho
99 - Fight Club
98 - American History X
97 - Life is Beautiful
96 - A Time To Kill
95 - Sev7en
94 - Pulp Fiction
93 - Rudy
92 - A River Runs Through It
91 - Silence of the Lambs
90 - Goodfellas

Been Working on Multiple lists lately and have to finish this one...... But here's what I have : /

Marlon Brando 06-27-17 04:41 AM

Re: What's the Best Film of Every Year?
1915 The Birth of a Nation
1916 Intolerance
1917 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
1918 Shoulder Arms
1919 Male and Female
1920 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
1921 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
1922 Nosferatu
1923 The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1924 The Thief of Bagdad
1925 The Gold Rush
1926 Faust
1927 The General
1928 The Wind
1929 Pandora's Box
1930 All Quiet on the Western Front
1931 City Lights
1932 Scarface
1933 Duck Soup
1934 It Happened One Night
1935 The 39 Steps
1936 Modern Times
1937 A Star is Born
1938 Bringing Up Baby
1939 Gone with the Wind
1940 The Philadelphia Story
1941 Citizen Kane
1942 Casablanca
1943 The Ox-Bow Incident
1944 Double Indemnity
1945 The Lost Weekend
1946 It's A Wonderful Life
1947 Out of the Past
1948 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
1949 The Third Man
1950 Sunset Boulevard
1951 A Streetcar Named Desire
1952 Singin' in the Rain
1953 From Here to Eternity
1954 On the Waterfront
1955 The Night of the Hunter
1956 The Searchers
1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai
1958 Vertigo
1959 North by Northwest
1960 Psycho
1961 West Side Story
1962 Lawrence of Arabia
1963 8 1/2
1964 Dr. Strangelove
1965 Doctor Zhivago
1966 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
1967 Cool Hand Luke
1968 Once Upon a Time in the West
1969 The Wild Bunch
1970 Patton
1971 The French Connection
1972 The Godfather
1973 The Exorcist
1974 The Godfather Part II
1975 Jaws
1976 Rocky
1977 Annie Hall
1978 National Lampoon's Animal House
1979 Apocalypse Now
1980 The Shining
1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982 Blade Runner
1983 Scarface
1984 Once Upon a Time in America
1985 Ran
1986 Platoon
1987 Full Metal Jacket
1988 Die Hard
1989 Crimes and Misdemeanors
1990 GoodFellas
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
1992 Unforgiven
1993 Schindler's List
1994 Pulp Fiction
1995 The Usual Suspects
1996 Fargo
1997 L.A. Confidential
1998 Saving Private Ryan
1999 American Beauty
2000 Gladiator
2001 Mulholland Dr.
2002 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
2003 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2004 Million Dollar Baby
2005 Capote
2006 The Departed
2007 No Country for Old Men
2008 The Dark Knight
2009 The Hurt Locker
2010 The King's Speech
2011 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2012 Zero Dark Thirty
2013 The Wolf of Wall Street
2014 The Imitation Game
2015 Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 Elle
2017 Logan (so far)

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