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Django 05-08-03 11:03 PM

Indiana Jones IV
Is this the most anticipated movie sequel of all time, or what??!! Re-uniting the all-time movie greats, namely Spielberg, Lucas and Ford, with Frank Darabont currently penning the script and possible plans to shoot this summer for a release next summer (or a shoot in summer 2004 for a July 2005 release), it promises to be a blockbuster to end all blockbusters! Or, at least, one very entertaining movie! What do you say?

Zeiken 05-09-03 12:39 AM

Yeeeeee-Haaaahh! Indy's back! I havnt heard of any solid confirmations, but Lucas and Spielberg have been talking for years. I did hear that Lucas wasnt going to put any work into the new indy movie until hes done with StarWars. That would mean the earliest possibble release late 2007. But maybe not.

Django 05-09-03 03:37 AM

Lucas has long since completed the story and Frank Darabont is on page 80 of the script, last I heard.

This is the latest news on Indiana Jones IV from

New 'Indiana Jones 4' information!
Thursday, May 8, 2003 - Gilles V

The brand-new issue of Empire magazine (the Australian version) includes some new Indiana Jones 4 information. Here's the news article:

There's good and bad Indy IV news, folks. The good? Well, the film is still scheduled for Summer 2005, just a few weeks after George Lucas' other baby, Star Wars Episode III.

Frank Darabont's screenplay is coming along nicely, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford are primed, and the stunts will be top-notch. How do we know? Because Vic Armstrong, the god of stunt co-ordinators and Ford's former double, is on board. "I saw Steven at the Golden Globes," he told Empire, exclusively. "And I asked him about Indy IV, and he said 'clear your diary because we're on'."

But the bad news is that it's likely that Sallah, Indy's ebullient Egyptian sidekick, won't be returning. "I get asked this question 25 times a week, and everyone knows more than I do. I guess I'm not in it," says John Rhys-Davies, who played Sallah in Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Last Crusade.
"In truth, I'd love to work for Steven again," continues the stout yeoman. "I'd love to have one more go at Sallah, get him right. You come close, but you always want to have one last bash at trying to make the character magical."

This article comes from the brand-new June edition issue #27 of Empire magazine (the Australian version). Source: Coming Soon

John Williams talks about the Indy 4 soundtrack
Monday, May 5, 2003 - Gilles V posted an interview with legendary composer John Williams. In the interview John Williams talks about his work on the soundtrack of Star Wars: Episode 3 and a few ideas of what he might be doing with the Indiana Jones 4 soundtrack. Here's a part of the interview:

Williams says the next Indiana Jones film may offer more dilemmas than the previous three.

"Indiana Jones [IV] will be a challenge because we'll now have to recast the film with Harrison Ford as a mature Indiana Jones, if you like, and a more mature composer will be doing the score!" he says, chuckling. "Until I see a script or see the film it will be hard for me to tell how much of the early material will apply -- if any."

Not that he's going to give up the familiar fanfare. "I would have thought Indiana Jones is now a pretty well-known theme and at least will be referred to as some type of memory trace if nothing else."

Hit the link above to read the full interview. Thanks to Jared Barrett for letting us know.

Django 06-07-03 07:44 PM

More news from
Interesting new quote from Ford on 'Indy 4'
Thursday, June 5, 2003 - Gilles V

Corriere della Sera, one of Italy's biggest newspapers, published an interview with Harrison Ford on his latest film, Hollywood Homicide, yesterday. At a certain moment in the interview, Ford mentions something very interesting about Indy in the fourth Indiana Jones film. Here's that part of the interview (translated from Italian):

But it has not taken position on the war... "Because the moral sentence of every war met with the practical choices. Also the new Indiana Jones that I will soon interpret for Spielberg has need of time in order to understand the conflict between inner choice and political reasons."

I don't know why exactly but this one quote from Harrison Ford gave me even more confidence in the Indiana Jones 4 project than before. Can't wait to find out more about the new Indiana Jones!

Many thanks to Loris Cantarelli for letting us know.

Ford says the 'Indy 4' script is finished!
Tuesday, June 3, 2003 - Gilles V

Good news fellow Indyfans! Harrison Ford has told Sci Fi Wire that Frank Darabont his Indiana Jones 4 script is finished. Ford already mentioned last friday - when he received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - that Steven Spielberg is quite happy with the script and that Harrison will see it in a couple of weeks.
Here's what Sci Fi Wire posted today:

Ford added that he worked closely with director Spielberg, Darabont and executive producer George Lucas on the story. "The way the process works is that George and Frank work together, then Steven gets the script, then I get the script, and we all work together. We all met together and talked about it before they started writing."

Ford said that he remains eager to reprise his most famous role because of fans' demands for a fourth installment in the franchise. "It pleases me to play a character that audiences want to see," he said. "I know that it's eagerly anticipated, and I want us to do a good job, make a film at least as good as the ones we've made before." The fourth as-yet-untitled Indy movie is slated to begin filming in the summer of 2004, with an eye to a July 2005 release.

-X- 06-10-03 02:21 PM

great! thanks for the information. steven spielberg won't screw it up:nope: ! believe me :yup:

Beale the Rippe 06-10-03 04:21 PM

I love Indiana Jones so much. This is one movie series I'd love to see go on and on. Can't wait.

Django 06-10-03 04:50 PM

Actually, I read an article in which Spielberg leaves the possibility of Indiana Jones V open. Who knows, the 4th movie might well be the first of a 2nd trilogy of movies featuring a more mature Jones in the '50s, as opposed to the WWII adventures. Kind of a parallel to the second Star Wars trilogy. That would definitely be cool. I guess it all boils down to Harrison Ford--how long will he keep going before he throws in the towel and calls it a day and retires? Considering that Sean Connery is still going strong in his 70s, though, I expect Harrison can pull off another Indiana Jones trilogy!

Beale the Rippe 06-10-03 04:58 PM

Although that would still be good, I'd prefer the continued adventures of Indiana Jones, not a second trilogy.

Django 06-10-03 07:07 PM

Like I said, it all comes down to Harrison Ford. The "big three" (Lucas, Spielberg and Ford) have already agreed that without Ford, there's no Indiana Jones. But on the other hand, who knows? Maybe Sean Patrick Flannery will reprise his role as an adult Indiana Jones in future films! Flannery was good, but I think pretty much everyone agrees that Harrison Ford is the definitive Indiana Jones (just as Sean Connery is the definitive James Bond). It would be nice to see an ongoing series of Indiana Jones movies, though, kind of like the James Bond series. Let's see what happens.

Django 06-12-03 02:51 PM

Ford confirms again that the script is finished
Thursday, June 12, 2003 - Gilles V

The local Puerto Rican newspaper named El Nuevo Día (The New Day) features an exclusive interview with Harrison Ford today. In this interview Ford talks about his film Hollywood Homicide, his acting career and a few tidbits of info on Indiana Jones 4. Here is a translated excerpt regarding Indy 4:

Q: What is the latest regarding the fourth installment of Indiana Jones?
HF: The plan is to begin shooting at the end of the Summer of 2004.

Q: Is there a script yet?
HF: Yes, there is a script, but...(pause). The process for these films that George (Lucas) develops a script with a writer, which in this case is Frank Darabont, and then it is passed to Steven (Spielberg), who revises it and then it is sent to me. During this process the script is supposed to come out perfect, but that's not always the case. (Laughs) But we all agree with the concept and tone of the film. We want and we expect to satisfy all expectations that come with this project.

Q: The "Indy" Trilogy will soon be released on DVD. Why do you think these films have lasted (on the fans minds) after two decades?
HF: They are the closest thing of modern classics we have. Each generation have discovered them and that has helped me a lot through my career. But I think that it has to do with what the stories offer. To tell a good story is an integral part of the human experience, it is an element that unites us all.

Harrison Ford confirms again that the script is finished, but some changes are possibly being made to deliver a "perfect script". Many thanks to Gino B. for letting us know!

Django 06-22-03 04:43 AM

Incidentally, has put up an FAQ page for Indiana Jones IV: HERE

Draven009 06-24-03 04:18 PM

I love Indy as well, but I doubt very much that it is the most anticipated sequel of all time. Not even close. Most people have no idea a fifth one is even in the works.

X2, X3, Matrix Sequels, LOTR:ROTK, how about SW:Episode 3? A movie that took five previous films and 22 years to get to? The story of how the greatest cinematic villian of all time, Darth vader, comes to be?:yup:

But, we have another 3-5 years to build up th ehype for Indy 5, sicne lucas won't even write a script for it until SW is done with, plus Speilberg and Ford have other commitments as well.

Jst be ahppy there IS gona be another one!:D

Django 06-24-03 08:22 PM

Come on! Surely you aren't serious! Indiana Jones IV beats all of the rest in terms of movie sequel anticipation! Spielberg, Lucas, Ford . . . three of the all-time cinema greats collaborating on a film project--how often does this happen? Okay, it's happened 3 times already, but still, every time it happens is kind of like an alignment of the planets! Anyone who isn't on edge with anticipation for this movie is just plain ignorant! By the way, Frank Darabont's script is already finished and Harrison Ford has already announced that his next project, after Hollywood Homicide, is Indy IV. Spielberg has only one more project before he takes on Indy IV, namely Terminal, starring Tom Hanks. They begin shooting in the summer of 2004, with a July 2005 release planned. Ford is taking time off until then (and I don't blame the guy!) Lucas has long since completed the story, and is currently kicking back as "executive producer," which means he doesn't have to do anything significant, and which leaves him free to work on Star Wars 3. Regarding Indy V, all I know about it is that Spielberg has left the door open and says it's possible. How likely it is, I don't know--but I sure hope it happens!

Yoda 06-25-03 02:14 PM

Most anticipated of all time? Not even close. That honor goes to Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. I doubt Indiana Jones 4 is even the most anticipated sequel since the turn of the millennium. Wait for the opening weekend gross and see for yourself.

OG- 06-25-03 02:31 PM

I think it will be.

If they start releasing some very geniusly designed teasers....just wait, the anticipation will soar.

Episode 1 was anticiapted...yes, but think about the quality of that anticipation, as opposed to the quantity of it.

I think alot more people will truley, eagerly, be awaitng Indian Jones 4. When it came to episode felt to me that it was a movie that people wanted to see simply because it was going to be new. It was just going to be the new installment of a series.... I think its different for Indian Jones though...Episode 1 was a prequel, the characters were all different, Indy stays the same. I think people will genuinely want to be involved with that character, which is why it will be more anticipated.

Django 06-25-03 05:47 PM

Spielberg, Lucas, Ford . . . need I say more?

Three of the box office giants in cinema history collaborating on an Indiana Jones project after 10 years . . .

It's just completed the scripting stage, for crying out loud! Let them start filming and let the teasers come out! Then we shall see!

Draven009 06-25-03 08:56 PM

8 out of 10 people have no idea there will even BE a 5th movie in the series, so to claim it's the most anticipated of all time makes no sense.

All Time Top 279 Movies at the US Box Office

Released Film Name Total Box Office
1 1997 Titanic $600,788,188
2 1977 Star Wars $460,998,007
3 1982 ET: The Extra-Terrestrial $431,197,000
4 1999 Star Wars: Phantom Menace $431,088,297
5 2002 Spider-Man $403,706,375
6 1993 Jurassic Park $357,067,947
7 2002 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers $339,344,075
8 1994 Forrest Gump $329,693,974
9 2001 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone $317,557,891
10 2001 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring $313,364,114
11 1994 Lion King, The $312,855,561
12 1983 Return of the Jedi $309,205,079
13 1996 Independence Day $306,169,255
14 2002 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones $302,181,125
15 1999 Sixth Sense, The $293,501,675
16 1980 The Empire Strikes Back $290,271,960
17 1990 Home Alone $285,761,243
18 2001 Shrek $267,652,016
19 2003 Matrix Reloaded, The $264,867,442
20 2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets $261,987,880
21 2000 How the Grinch Stole Christmas $260,031,035
22 1975 Jaws $260,000,000
23 2001 Monsters, Inc. $255,870,172
24 1989 Batman $251,188,924
25 1997 Men in Black $250,156,830
26 1999 Toy Story 2 $245,823,397

opps...Raiders of the Lost Ark was #27 Sorry 'bout that. but anyways, if none of the previous 4 are in the top 25, how can a FIFTH movie be the most anticipated of all time. It defies logic to think that it would hold that title when not many people went ot see the previous films.

Movies like Harry Potter, Star Wars, LOTR, Spider-Man, Matrix....they are all in the top 20 and top 10 and they have sequels coming.

So, no....I don't even think it's close to being the most anticapated, just based on box office numbers of the previous films in any group of sequels.

Django 06-25-03 09:14 PM

Star Wars and LOTR, I can understand, but Harry Potter??!! That's absurd!!! That delusional witchcraft crap in the top ten? Bull****! There has to be a mistake!

Well, if Indiana Jones is not in the top 25, what can I say? Obviously the masses don't know quality when they see it! :D

Anyway, I don't know anything about a fifth episode, but the fourth episode begins filming next summer.

Yoda 06-25-03 09:33 PM

A fine point, Peter, but all in all it's too subjective for my taste. If the excitement and anticipation is REALLY there, it'll show up in the box office.

Originally posted by Django
Star Wars and LOTR, I can understand, but Harry Potter??!! That's absurd!!! That delusional witchcraft crap in the top ten? Bull****! There has to be a mistake!
It's fiction; nothing "delusional" about it. Nor is there any mistake, or anything absurd about it. If anything here is absurd, it's the pompous notion that the Harry Potter stories are nothing more than poorly constructed proponents of witchcraft. Take that 700 Club nonsense somewhere else.

Clearly, you don't know a damn thing about the stories (or about how to cope with dissenting opinions, for that matter), but being hopelessly uinformed has never stopped you from taking opinionated stances in the past.

Originally posted by Django
Well, if Indiana Jones is not in the top 25, what can I say? Obviously the masses don't know quality when they see it! :D
The masses love Indiana Jones. They just happen to love a number of other series even more. If the truth doesn't suit you, feel free to delude yourself into believing it's wrong, as is your custom.

Django 06-25-03 10:47 PM


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