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SPIDEI2_MAN__ 03-20-03 01:08 AM

I know this has nothing to do with movie but its going on right now and i just need to release my thoughts somewhere so here it is:
I think Bush is a tyranical Idiot (capital I) i mean just listen o the speech he made half an hour ago ( The first few words begining like this "We have Begin the war....." and yes he did say "Begin" and i know you shouldnt doc people of spelling, but i mean hes hte president of the U.S)
Anyways, Iraq did nothing to the U.S. Saddam did and so did Bin Laden, but when was the last time Iraq attacked another country? I mean the U.S says that they are getting rid of Iraq's weapons........of mass destruction. OK. thats fine but what about Israel..they have alot of nuclear bombs.. but noooooooooo ..we the U.S. need to quickly stomp on any country that gains some power and opposes american policies.
You know what this war is.. this sums up the war..SHOOT AT THE IRAQI PEOPLE AND HOPE TO HIT SADDAM.
thats pretty much it.oh i am hearing they launched 40+ missles..100,000 each. Thats 4 million dollars on a "prelude first very light strik that took 15 mins" how bout getting the economy back up first before going after Saddam there.

Awww sonny is trying to finish what daddy cute...MoroN

anyways I think a movie about Saddam and Bush would be veyr interesing.

oh and another thing i'd like to point out...ecause the french are opposed to war Americans hates them now. Thats fine. Some wanna boycott their products. Thtas fine too. But when you go around caling French fries "Freedom Fries" thats just too childish i mean come on people. I live in New Orleans and i would not want to go to the "Freedom Quarter" for mardis gras. Oh and whenever i ask some little kids what foreign language they are taking they either say "Spanish I, or Freedom I". But thats coming from little kids who picked off of today's simple minded society.

I dunno people what do you think.

Yoda 03-20-03 01:11 AM

C'mon, it would've taken all of ten seconds to figure out that you were posting in the wrong forum.

Anyway, if you want to know what I think, I'd say most of what you're saying is ridiculous. Your post is almost wholly rhetorical. Utterly subjective. It consists of nothing but mocking and derision completely unsupported by any real logic or substantiated deduction.

Hey, you asked what I thought. There ya' go.

Danger Diabolik 03-20-03 02:04 AM

Agreed Yoda. This guy isn't looking at France in the BIG picture:

France is opposed to the war because they had a deal with Iraq for a new oil field, and they failed to disclose it to the allies and the UN. WHO, now, I ask you is the real liar? And need I remind you that, in light of chemical and bio-weapons, that France ALSO bought off the US and other countries?

To say nothing of the stocks of anthrax that are buried in Russia along a chain of islands in Ikrutsk or Kamchatka bay. Just because America also has these weapons, is no right to blame US because another ally willfully purchased stocks from us. It was their choice to buy.

It's like drugs, you either say yes or no to the dealer.
He dosen't care because there's always another customer.

Iraq may have done nothing to the US directly,
but have you read what Bin Laden said? He urged ALL Islamic brothers, be they Persian, or Arab (the TRUE founders of Islam) to strike at America until we are all dead.

Hussein also has compensated families of the Palestinian suicide bombers in fairly large sums, showing his support for terror which is labelled under a 'war for freedom.'

What people are missing is that a cultural and linguistic barrier betw\ Arab and Persian is being made up for by the bond of religion. And be they the predator, or the prey, at one time another the lion and the lamb share water from the same river to gain a mutual benefit.

We are being ganged up on by people who are normally considered infidels to each other's cause, but if they have a chance to take down a common enemy, they will do it.

You should read between
the lines before you go off on a tangent.

I said it before: this is a fight for the very life of America, against a corrupt fundamentalist power with many unseen hands.

And after this is over, AND WE WIN, you may be suprised that the people you defended may be the ones who really meant you harm. A lot of masks are going to be pulled off after this thing is over, and true faces wil be revealed. Think about that while you sleep.......

Sir Toose 03-20-03 09:13 AM

Oh God, here we go again.

1). Bush is NOT an idiot (capitalized or otherwise), nor is he a moron. Tell you what, scan and post your degree from Harvard and I may take your word a bit more seriously.

2). Let me clear something up for you on our status with Iraq. We entered the gulf war because of Saddam's tyrannical behavior toward Kuwait (in a nutshell). That conflict was NEVER resolved. The US called a cease fire contingent upon Iraq disarming. Iraq NEVER followed through, in fact they did the opposite. While Clinton was getting off in the White House and reducing OUR military forces (while forwarding his socialist policies) Saddam was laughing at us and buying ohhh 600 liters or so of plutonium/uranium from Russia along with chemical/bio weapons. We got fat, lazy and stupid and we paid for that on 9/11... bottom line. We didn't have intelligence (CIA,FBI) in great enough numbers to head it off due to the budget cuts by Captain Blojob.

You should be shaking in your idealistic little shoes on the face of that alone. Saddam has had 12 years to disarm while living under a SUSPENDED not ENDED war effort. He's done the polar opposite and some of you are still too stupid even after 9/11 to pull your heads out of your arses and see wtf is going on.

There are MANY nations out there who do NOT share your sense of fair play.

3). thats fine but what about Israel..they have alot of nuclear bombs.. but noooooooooo ...we the U.S. need to quickly stomp on any country that gains some power and opposes american policies.

Are you serious? Sincerely, are you that brainwashed? READ and OPEN your eyes. What has Saddam been doing these past 12 years? I'll tell you. He's gearing up to kill you and everyone else who opposes him. He said last night in his address "long live Jihad". Go look up what that means. He has mass torture chambers, 'rape rooms', and everything else that the Germans had in WW2. Ask the Kurds, they'll tell you. Who is more innocent than them?

If we don't head this off NOW 9/11 will be forgotten in the smoke and debris of much bigger incidents. You take your freedom, your country and your countrymen (especially those who wear the uniform) for granted.

I don't know what you people need for further proof. I can list the sixteen violations of the UN contract for you. I can list the evidence presented by Colin Powell. I can cite past history but I think some of you are so far gone down the path of apathy that you can't see what's right in front of your faces.

I see and hear the protestors and it makes me sick to my stomach. WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE HOPING TO PROTECT? You live in your little worlds of idealism bought and paid for by the blood of your countrymen and you are oblivious to it all.


Oh and Bravo Danger Diabolik... I've enjoyed your posts. They give me hope that there are still people out there who think this country is worth defending.

Danger Diabolik 03-20-03 02:26 PM

Right back at ya' Sir Toose. Big hug!!!

Thank you for that.

You have proven to me that for every 3
people you tell something to, at least
one of them will have listened, and you
are that one. I appreciate your comments.

You're right that this generation should appreciate the freedoms that good men and women in uniform gave them thru personal sacrifice and mortal wounds. But no, we have a generation of drugged out punk ass mofo's who think they real tough every time they knock over an 80 year old lady for her purse or knock their parents around for drug money or the keys to the car.

To be honest, I LMAO when I see these kids going to juvenile detention boot camp. They're not so tough with correction officers and drill sergeants in their face, are they? :D Most of them deserve it.

Anyway, thanks again Sir Toose.
See you around on the message boards. Yer buddy, D.D.

Naisy 03-21-03 12:43 AM

Noone wins in a freaking war, the winner is determined by having the least loses.

The "allies" aim for military targets while Iraq will aim at civilian targets. hmmm I wonder which side will be hurt more?

America is avoiding civial casualties but hey soilders arent human, its ok to blow the cr@p out of them.

These are just my thoughts on war because i can, whether it is on subject or not i dont know, i havent read anything above because im sure that its been said before (just in another way).

Nothing will ever justify destroying human life for me, nothing justifies war to achieve peace. I just ask this: why now? why not before all this crap? why wait until the threat is suposedly as large as it is?

As far as im concerned, im just going to tell my girlfriend I love her every day, because I can no longer feel safe in this world again. This world where we kill for peace and where our lives are determined by a few people who pay power games with each other.

theshape82 03-21-03 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Naisy
America is avoiding civial casualties but hey soilders arent human, its ok to blow the cr@p out of them. i understand it soldiers know what they're doing when they sign the contract
just as i know what i'm doing
soldiers go to fight for our rights and our freedom and our ideals
and to be quite honest(even tho this may sound bleak) i would be damned proud to die for my country

Naisy 03-21-03 12:50 AM

well thats great, but I bet you would prefer not to die even better.

theshape82 03-21-03 01:13 AM

of course i would prefer to live
but if uncle sam asked for me to die for my country i would
and gladdly at that
to die fighting for m ideals is something worth far more then sitting at home doing nothing
the risk is all part of the job

Yoda 03-21-03 02:11 AM

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Danger Diabolik 03-21-03 02:20 AM

Originally posted by Naisy
well thats great, but I bet you would prefer not to die even better.
Noone wants to die, Naisy, but you have to remember, that we are free to speak and act without oppression because men and women went out and died for us. It is NOT a crime to defend your homeland or it's ideals, overseas or at home, where enemy nationalists plot terror on our own soil. This is defense of one's homeland.

Terrorists have no rights, and they deserve to die. After we get the info we need from them we should just simply waste them.
They would do it to you, and you know it.

You all talk of innocent civilians, yet forget that the 3,000 people in the World Trade Centers were also innocent civilians. 3,000 families lives changed forever because of a fundamentalist belief that the West is evil and corrupt. I think the shoe is on the other foot, and we know who is truly evil.

Lastly, over 100,000 Kurds and 2,000 Afghans have pledged to fight alongside the US. What does that tell you about how the rest of the Mid-East feels about Saddam? And the Kurds have a reason, as hundreds of thousands of them were murderd by Saddam's Republican Guard.

We have a chance to make the world better, and hopefully our alliances will be stonger after this. I hope and pray that American foreign policy holds togteher and we do the right thing after this is over by sticking with the people who helped us.

As to France and Germany and Russia, screw them. They think their way is better, and that the game should be played their way. Just remember this: When the game is over, the king AND the pawn both go back in the same box....

Danger Diabolik 03-21-03 02:21 AM

LMFAO Yoda!!! You're GREAT!!!

Cutting and pasting this one for my collection.

Monkeypunch 03-21-03 11:29 PM

Originally posted by theshape82
of course i would prefer to live
but if uncle sam asked for me to die for my country i would
and gladdly at that
to die fighting for m ideals is something worth far more then sitting at home doing nothing
the risk is all part of the job
Why is it that people who aren't in any sort of military branch always say this? Because they know they're in no risk of actually doing it? If you honestly feel that way, join up. do something about it! We'd be glad to have ya! Put your money where your idealism is! Speaking as a man with 3 years of service and counting, if I'm getting called, I'm not gonna "Gladly Die for My Country," I'm gonna make some other poor bastard die for his.

theshape82 03-22-03 12:45 AM

Originally posted by Monkeypunch

Why is it that people who aren't in any sort of military branch always say this? Because they know they're in no risk of actually doing it? If you honestly feel that way, join up. do something about it! We'd be glad to have ya! Put your money where your idealism is! Speaking as a man with 3 years of service and counting, if I'm getting called, I'm not gonna "Gladly Die for My Country," I'm gonna make some other poor bastard die for his.
before talking why don't you go read the later days thread on here
i have joined up
thanks for asking
have a nice day

jrs 03-22-03 01:06 AM

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I'm with you man 110% of the way! Be careful, be brave and heck!!!!

Godspeed and God bless America!!!

Naisy 03-22-03 09:04 AM

I might be willing to die for my country but to say i'd be happy or even proud to die, that just sounds like suicide.

My point was, soilders are civilians too, whether they sign up or a conscripts, they are still human life, stop seperating them from the civilians

theshape82 03-22-03 01:55 PM

they are different then civilians
sure...they're human like us all but they go into a service where it's accepted that they could be called off to combat any second and where they could die at any given time
it's accepted knowledge as they sign

and no it's not suicide...i don't want to die
but if situation called for it...sure...i'd do it

Danger Diabolik 03-22-03 03:43 PM

And shape82 is right when he says that they know and accept that they may have to go into combat at a second's notice. They sign up for the job and know full well the dangers, and this is why I accept and respect the men and women who are serving our country. Because they know the danger but they accept it.

John Wayne said "Courage is being scared ****less, but grabbing your horse and saddling up anyway." How true.

Also, add reporters and journalists to the liset as well: 1 American, as well as Kurd and Australian journalists and reporters were killed in seprate car bomb incidents the other day.

So if all the mamby-pamby protesters want to talk about the murder of innocent civilians, let's start with THIS-the Iraqi soldiers new they were unarmed reporters and journalists, but yet chose to kill them. Now that is definitely NOT America's fault.

And this should tell the protesters how much Iraqi soldiers, as well as Saddam, REALLY care about innocent civilians...

theshape82 03-22-03 05:07 PM

i've said it before and i'll say it again

Sexy Celebrity 03-22-03 06:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
We interrupt this war thread for a music video....

As he came into the window
it was the sound of a crescendo.
He came into her apartment.
He left the bloodstains on the carpet.
She ran underneath the table.
He could see she was unable.
So she ran into the bedroom.
She was struck down, it was her doom.

Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
You've been hit by
You've been hit by - A Smooth Criminal

Da-da, da-da! Da-da, da-da! Da-da, da-DA-DA-DA-DA!

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