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DannyPlainview65 08-05-14 01:12 AM

Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
It could be from a new film that you watched for the first time or a rewatching of one of your favorites , or maybe just a film you caught on tv and were taken with a specific performance.
here i'll give an example.
The last actor who blew me away was Joaquin in the Master. i know its kind of cliche haha but seriously. after analyzing that film for the the 10th or 11th time i can safetly say that his work is spellbinding. his eyes, the contortions of his body, his well of emotion that he can utilize anytime he wants, His speech and his animal like persona. just an all a round ground breaking Performance in my opinion
So what about you guys?

mrtylerdurden 08-05-14 01:30 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
Welcome btw! I like your taste in movies. One performance that blew me away were Edward Norton in American History X, he plays both the evil side and the good side of Derek Vinyard perfectly. And the other performance that blew me away was Robert DeNiro in The King of Comedy. He did not seem like Robert DeNiro AT ALL in this film. He isn't strong or tough or anything, he's weak and he makes tons of mistakes. He did amazing in this role as being politely sinister and obsessive. I see that you like Taxi Driver, so I highly suggest you watch The King of Comedy.

DannyPlainview65 08-05-14 01:34 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
Oh i have seen King of Comedy its one of my favorite Scorsese pictures. Rupert Pubkin(i think thats his name) is one of De niros finest acting achievements i believe. and i completely 100 percent about Norton in AMX . he's just fantastic in that film, plays the character with a certain sympathy but also such pain and resentment. beautiful work. im really pulling for norton to bag the best supporting oscar in birdman this year. looks like it could be great.

mrtylerdurden 08-05-14 01:38 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
Norton should have won for Primal Fear. He was fantastic in that, especially since it was his first role.

DannyPlainview65 08-05-14 01:43 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
absolutely man. That performance was so iconic that it lead him to work with woody allen. I mean when your a new actor and your next film is a Allen flick, you know you have something special. also gotta dig norton in Fightclub. he rarely puts on a bad performance. and hes going to play a character with tourettes syndrome next and if he doesnt win for birdman, he will probably win for that film

Derek Vinyard 08-05-14 01:49 AM

Originally Posted by mrtylerdurden (Post 1140781)
Welcome btw! I like your taste in movies. One performance that blew me away were Edward Norton in American History X, he plays both the evil side and the good side of Derek Vinyard perfectly. And the other performance that blew me away was Robert DeNiro in The King of Comedy. He did not seem like Robert DeNiro AT ALL in this film. He isn't strong or tough or anything, he's weak and he makes tons of mistakes. He did amazing in this role as being politely sinister and obsessive. I see that you like Taxi Driver, so I highly suggest you watch The King of Comedy.
Alleluia Ed Norton FTW !

He's got robbed for Primal Fear and American History X no hell of a doubt .

mrtylerdurden 08-05-14 01:51 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
Norton's performance in Fight Club is one of the best performances ever put to screen. He plays the "lost sheep", if you will, perfectly and he just makes insomnia look cool lol. He's absolutely perfect in that movie. And of course any upcoming Norton roles should be great.

Frightened Inmate No. 2 08-05-14 01:51 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
does every thread at this forum have to turn into an edward norton circle jerk?

DannyPlainview65 08-05-14 01:52 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
This could be Norton's year. He just needs to have an interesting character and a healthy amount of screen time. fingers crossed

mrtylerdurden 08-05-14 01:56 AM

Originally Posted by Frightened Inmate No. 2 (Post 1140788)
does every thread at this forum have to turn into an edward norton circle jerk?
Lol ok time to change the subject I guess. I love when actors who are known to be not so great or not to be taken seriously have great performances (Nicolas Cage in Adaptation or Raising Arizona, Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction, or John C. Reilly in his earlier roles and when he worked with PTA)

Mysticalunicornfart 08-05-14 02:00 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
Edward Norton as Edward Norton.. in Edward Norton.

Derek Vinyard 08-05-14 02:00 AM

Originally Posted by Frightened Inmate No. 2 (Post 1140788)
does every thread at this forum have to turn into an edward norton circle jerk?
Norton is a living god that's why !

DannyPlainview65 08-05-14 02:01 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
hell yes. Cage's performance in adaptation is brilliant, he shows much restrain but still throws in some cage mannerisms here and then. when he wants to be he can put on a good performance. all depends on the direction and writing. Stranger than fiction is one of my favorite's and Ferrell is superb. i find that a lot of comic actors make terrific dramatic turns. i suppose this because comedy is the hardest to do and comedy is all about truth and they have a deeper understanding of it so they bring a real truth to their characters when its a drama. jim carrey, steve carell, and now it looks like keaton.

DannyPlainview65 08-05-14 02:06 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
Back on the Norton topic haha, i would love to see him work with PTA. he would write such a great character for him. i hope that happens.

mrtylerdurden 08-05-14 02:10 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
I feel like Scorsese could do good with Norton, making him a panicky mess in one of his movies. Norton would be perfect for that. If someone remade Taxi Driver, (and I'm praying to God that they don't) I think Norton could play the part of Travis Bickle well. Certainly not as good as DeNiro, because nobody could play Travis Bickle as well as DeNiro, but I feel like Norton could come close and would be good as Bickle.

DannyPlainview65 08-05-14 02:16 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
oooh... actually that might work. see i always saw sam rockwell doing a good job with bickle but norton is not bad either. haha now i'm imagining it damn... that would be killer...

mrtylerdurden 08-05-14 02:19 AM

Originally Posted by DannyPlainview65 (Post 1140797)
see i always saw sam rockwell doing a good job with bickle
Hmmm never thought about that! I can imagine that one too! I also really wanna see Paul Giamatti in a Scorsese flick. He'd be a great foul-mouthed manager or an uncomfortable nervous character too.

DannyPlainview65 08-05-14 02:22 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
Giamatti can do anything. He can work with Michael Bay for all i care and probably still turn in an honest rounded performance. Scorsese would have a field day with him haha. also Cranston, Cranston needs to work with scorsese,pta,fincher,arronofsky,o russel,etc etc

Miss Vicky 08-05-14 02:25 AM

Originally Posted by DannyPlainview65 (Post 1140775)
The last actor who blew me away was Joaquin in the Master. i know its kind of cliche haha but seriously. after analyzing that film for the the 10th or 11th time i can safetly say that his work is spellbinding. his eyes, the contortions of his body, his well of emotion that he can utilize anytime he wants, His speech and his animal like persona. just an all a round ground breaking Performance in my opinion

My answer would be the same actor, but different movie:


Though Joaquin Phoenix has never failed to impress me on some level with every performance he's given.

mrtylerdurden 08-05-14 02:29 AM

Re: Who is the last actor to blow you away with their performance?
Kevin Spacey certainly needs to be in a Scorsese picture. He would be great as the classic egotistical protagonist in a Scorsese movie.

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