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LordSlaytan 01-17-03 12:16 AM

Please recommend a book
I read a lot but have recently expired my list of known authors. I need some new authors and books to be recommended to me. Please help!!!!

My favorite genre is fantasy.

Fugitive 01-17-03 12:28 AM

What about fantasy with a touch of 'horror'?
Swan Song by Robert McCammon.
I read this years ago... kinda similar to The Stand by Stephen King.
.... or Clive Barker?

linespalsy 01-17-03 12:37 AM

well i already mentioned this one to you, but go read the wizard of's really good damnit

LordSlaytan 01-17-03 01:07 AM

Thanks guys. Silver, I've read all of Clive Barker's books. He's one of my favorites. His newest book that I've read is called Coldheart Canyon, it's a ghost story set in Hollywood, very cool. :yup:

n7of9 01-17-03 01:20 AM

would Anne Rice "Interview with the Vampire" be too girlie?

alternatively....Terry Brooks, Voyage of the Jerle Shannara Series (i've read book 2 of 3...apparently, he's the author of The Phantom Menace) see here enjoy!!!

Fugitive 01-17-03 01:26 AM

Silver?? Were you talking to me?? Should I be insulted?? :skeptical:
I haven't got that one by Barker yet. I have ALL of Kings tho... well, have to get the newest ones... been a bit slack lately.
How 'out there' in the fantasy genre do you like? Like Asimov? (cringe)

LordSlaytan 01-17-03 03:15 AM

Sorry Fox, I thought I saw one by Silver in here. Hmm. I'm losing it. I really like King's The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, though it's not a horror novel. As far as Asimov, he's more of a Sci-fi writer, which I don't mind, I've read a couple. But I am partial to fantasy more. I'll check out Swan Song, I've never heard of it before.

n7of9, I've read it, and I don't think Rice's series are "girlie" at all. My favorite book of her's is Servant of the Bones, it's not part of her Vampire Chronicles, it's one of her three stand alones. I've read Terry Brook's Shannara series, I'm actually about to re-read the original trilogy. They were very good.

linespalsey, I'm definitely going to check out your pick. :yup:

I remember someone talking about a series of books centered around time. I've heard them mentioned in more than one place, but for the life of me I can't remember who wrote them or what they're called. I've heard so many good things about them that I'd like to read those more than anything. But, I do go through a book every two days, so please post as many as you guys can. Currently I'm reading Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. I've also been reading some Paul Levinson, he's awsome. It's science with a twist. Very cool. Thanks guys. :yup:


Fugitive 01-17-03 03:30 AM

I llike most of King's works (obviously) but I don't think some of them fit into the horror genre. Robert McCammon's works are similar. Swan Song is worth a look see in my opinion. Have you read King's The Stand? If you liked that, you may like this one too. Some of his other works can be viewed here:

LordSlaytan 01-17-03 03:38 AM

I've read all of King's novels up until about 2 years ago. I've read The Stand four times, as well as It, The Shining, and Salem's Lot. They are my favorites of his older works. There are some that are just pitiful. I've kind of grown tired of his writings. I read Dreamcatcher, and all I've got to say is that I'll wait for the movie to be on cable. What a boring book. I'll definitely check out Swan Song. Thanks.

The Silver Bullet 01-17-03 05:14 AM

The Beach by Alex Garland. Wonderful cult novel that spawned the atrocious film. Doesn't reflect on the book itself, however, as they changed so much of what made the book great. My favorite novel of all time.

The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. It is the only Atwood novel I have read, although I have been told that all of them are excellent [Alias Grace and The Robber Bride, for example]. I am going to read more of them, but Booker Prize winning Assassin was an outstanding read.

Boy and Going Solo by Roald Dahl. Known for his dark and twisted children stories [the best of which is Matilda] and his much darker adult stories [like The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (And Six More), which I loved], these two are Dahl's two autobiographies, the first about his wonderful tales from childhood and the second about his still wonderful tales of life in Eastern Africa where he worked for the Shell company before joining the RAF during World War II. The adventures took him to Egypt, Greece and Palestine before he finally returned home. Brilliant stories.

Anything by Dahl is worth reading, Slay.

Caitlyn 01-17-03 05:24 PM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan

I remember someone talking about a series of books centered around time. I've heard them mentioned in more than one place, but for the life of me I can't remember who wrote them or what they're called. I've heard so many good things about them that I'd like to read those more than anything…

Could it have been The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan?

LordSlaytan 01-17-03 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Caitlyn

Could it have been The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan?
YES!!! Thank you. :yup:

Caitlyn 01-17-03 10:35 PM

You're welcome... I'm glad I could help and I hope you enjoy them… :)

Travis_Bickle 01-21-03 12:06 PM

My favourite book has got to be "The Catcher in The Rye". I avoided this in highschool, because I thought it was going to be about a kid playing catch on a farm. It's not. If you liked Rushmore, then this will suit you well. J.D Salinger is amazing, and funny at writing descriptions. (though his plots are really simple.) Oh yeah, the guy who shot Lennon was reading this book at the time.

Also read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King. The first book is a little hard to get into, though once you do, your addicted. Hearts in Atlantis is also great. Kings best in years.

Anything by Michael Moore is also interesting.

LordSlaytan 01-21-03 10:45 PM

I've read The Dark Tower series. They were okay. I've never read any Salinger before, but if Mel's right...I'll wind up on an F.B.I. watch list. (like I'm not already :rolleyes: )

theshape82 01-22-03 06:11 AM

Katastrophie (a book about a supposed resurected hitler...not what you would expect....and it does NOT promote naziism)

relic...and reliquary(both very good books by douglas preston and lincoln child)

and lets not forget anne rice's vampire chronicles

MyRobotSuit 01-22-03 06:26 AM

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

The future controlled in an ideal society. Bringing the human race to genetic perfection. Blade Runner the prequel in many terms.

Travis_Bickle 01-22-03 12:52 PM

Don Quixote - The satire of all satires.
Paradise Lost - A hard read, but very truthful.
A Simple Plan - Read the book before you see the movie. The book is way better.

Brodie 01-29-03 02:06 AM

Elmore Leonard. He wrote Get Shorty. His newest i believe is Tishomingo Blues which im reading right now. Also The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster is good if you like mysteries.

Monkeypunch 01-30-03 02:59 AM

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, an Unauthorized Autobiography by Chuck Barris. Deleriously funny book about killing for the CIA and creating TV game shows. I HIGHLY reccomend it.

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