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r3port3r66 01-11-03 05:06 PM

The Devil's Favorite
Satan is in his den right now, thinking about his favorite 10 movies of all time. He is also thinking of 10 of his least favorite movies. Which films do you think made his lists?

Piddzilla 01-11-03 05:27 PM

Great topic! But I really have to think about that one for a while. I'll get back to you.

Holden Pike 01-11-03 09:08 PM


Beale the Rippe 01-11-03 09:39 PM

Some of my thoughts....

He should love The Omen, in which his son causes havok.
He should also like Rosmary's Baby, which also features his son.

The Silver Bullet 01-11-03 09:44 PM


He must love The Devil's Advocate too, because everyone loves the thought of being played by Al Pacino...


Aniko 01-11-03 09:57 PM

Ok...I'm tired and probably shouldn't be posting right now but...also...

Among his favorites:..... The Red Shoe Diaries series... :modest: :D

Among his least favorite:...The Ten Commandments, The Robe and Jesus Christ Superstar.

Excuse me...after a long afternoon and evening with my mother-inlaw...I need another drink. :scream:

r3port3r66 01-11-03 10:16 PM

OK guys, I'll give you what I think the Devil's favorites are:

1) "The Last Temptation of Christ"

2) "The Seventh Seal"

3) "The Evil Dead"

4) "Caligula"

5) "Legend"

6) "Bad Lieutenant"

7) "Se7en"

8) "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

9) "God Told Me To" (If you've never seen this; find it, watch it--fast!)

10) "Firestarter"

I'm working on the 10 worst list.

The Silver Bullet 01-11-03 11:20 PM

He'd probably be all for Dogma too...

LordSlaytan 01-11-03 11:51 PM

I suppose that Satan would have favorites that glorify sins that are acceptable to today's society. Another thing he would like are things that are blasphemous towards God. With that said, I suppose that these movies could be his favorites:

1. Porky's (1981)
"What's better than drinking, swearing, and being sexually obsessed."

2. Harry Potter and the Scorcerer's Stone (2001)
"Witchcraft and scorcery are good things kiddies." :yup:

3. Jeffrey (1995)
"Gay love is okay, it's not a sin."

4. Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)
"Ha-Ha, I love it when you human's piss God off like this...heehee"

5. The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
"It could of happened like that, really."

6. Lolita (1997)
God doesn't care if you have sex with kids, honest."

7. Pulp Fiction (1994)
"Isn't gratuitous violence cool?"

8. Natural Born Killers (1994)
"Isn't gratuitous violence cool? Oh, I said that already."

9. Half Baked (1998)
"Not only are drugs cool, but when you use them, you're funny as he...never mind."

10. Dogma (1999)
"God loves this movie, I just know He does."

I personally am not a religious person, but I've been around plenty that have. So don't get mad at me because these are not my particular beliefs.

Caitlyn 01-12-03 01:17 AM

I’d have to agree with r66 and LordSlaytan’s lists and what about Angel Heart… wasn’t that about the devil? (I really need to re-watch some movies)

Holden Pike 01-12-03 01:27 AM

I think Satan probably really LOVES Titanic (1996). Hell, everybody else seems to.

Also, Adam Sandler totally makes Satan laugh...except for Little Nicky (2000) of course. It's not the subject matter or the casting of Harvey Keitel, The Devil simply agrees with most other Sandler fans that this one just doesn't quite work - OK sure, so the dog was funny.

Travis_Bickle 01-12-03 02:42 AM

I could imagine the lord of the flies loving: Anything involving breakdancing. I can also picture him sitting through the movie "Powder" three or four times.

Maybe him and Jesus get together every Friday to watch Eddie Murphy's "Delirious". Then they blast some Cyndi Lauper, and have a pillow fight, all while giggling like a bunch of school girls.

MyRobotSuit 01-12-03 03:36 AM

Satan (Mel Gibson) would probably like Weekend at Bernies and it's humourous sequel - Weekend at Bernies 2. Also anything to do with Harry Potter and Ben Afleck.

He probably wouldn't like movies such as Evil Dead (1 and 2 ) or Biggles (Starring Peter Cushing)

Yoda 01-12-03 12:51 PM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
He'd probably be all for Dogma too...
I doubt it, actually. The movie took shots at organized religion, but if anything it did so out of a respect for the underlying principles. Smith seems to be another one of those "I love God but I can't stand the people who claim to represent Him" types. Not that we really need more religious discussions breaking out.

Anyway, I think Lucifer just loves Fallen. I think he despises Signs.

Monkeypunch 01-13-03 12:17 AM

I think Satan would be a sucker for romantic comedies, Serial Killer movies, gross out movies, brain-dead actioners, Adam Sandler, you know, predictable garbage that exists solely to make us all miserable.:D Hell, he probably had a hand in Titanic winning Best Picture.:laugh:

The Silver Bullet 01-13-03 12:42 AM

He probably got a bigger kick out of giving Gladiator the gong if you ask me...

g0dzer0 01-13-03 12:49 AM

powder is a cool movie. :eek:

Travis_Bickle 01-13-03 01:58 AM

Originally posted by g0dzer0
powder is a cool movie. :eek:
...Quote the man with half a brain.

.........Quote the raven.... Nevermore?

The Silver Bullet 01-13-03 05:30 AM

Quoth the Raven, "Eat my shorts."

nebbit 01-09-04 06:35 AM

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