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Pyro Tramp 04-26-12 08:07 PM

The Avengers Assemble
1) Joss Whedon has pulled off a seemingly impossible job successfully handling a huge ensemble, where no character feels sidelined or wasted and no single character hogs the spotlight
2) Sam L Jackson needs to stop pretending 'L' is his real initial, when it's 'BAMF'
3) It treads the very Whedon line of serious character driven stories and light-hearted humour very well, with some genuine laugh out loud scenes without ever falling into self parody
4) HDS cameo was the highlight, a nice surprise in a film that's promos revealed a lot of it's cards
5) Scarlet Johansens ass looks even more fabulous in 3D
6) (spoilerish) Whedon's penchant for killing secondary characters is sadly becoming predictable
7) LIEMAX is a disgraceful exploitation
8) Hulk smash. Ruffalo was a magnificent addition and managed to be the best Hulk of the 3
9) The post-credits scene was a nice lead in to future films, even though no-one seemed to have clue who the chap was, myself included

I'll post some more thoughts when have some time. So probably never.

BumbleBee 04-27-12 05:11 AM

The Avengers (2012)

Take Marvel's greatest superheroes and throw them all into one movie. Now take some of Hollywood's finest actors and cast them as those said heroes. If you've done this and find yourself excited, eager and intrigued beyond measure - the Avengers is the film for you. Realistically, if you're a fan of previous Marvel titles, or even just a fan of the actors being manipulated together in this explosion of Super-Action Greatness; you're in for a treat!

The Avengers is perhaps one of the most anticipated films over the last two to three years, drawing names such as Downey Jnr. (Iron Man), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) and Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) in to even further yet make this film something to look out for. The storyline of the film is simple enough; set up primarily by its predecessors. Loki finds himself traveling to Earth, more bitter, vindictive and cruel than ever with one sole intention; to destroy Earth and take its inhabitants as his servants as he rules over the planet. A war is imminent and growing as the days dawn, and Nick Fury and his beyond secret organization SHIELD have to stop the villainous Loki's plans before it's too late. But this time things are different. This time, Fury needs the help of some of the finest heroes Earth has ever known.

Director Joss Whedon invests a great deal of his Marvel know-how into this film. It's undeniable how brilliant this film is constructed and shot, but more than that, the locations and special effects given the immense overlooking of Whedon are phenomenal. How Whedon decided to set out with an all star cast such as the one he was presented with is beyond comprehensible thought, but by some miracle, the director of this comic-geek tranquil managed to incorporate every single character and actor into the film without making them seem unneeded or pointless in their additions. The essential nature and personal story arcs of the characters are really what make this film, and therefore, the direction and writing of this film have to be commended.

While it may be a given, the acting quality present in this film is sublime. Downey Jnr., Hemsworth and Hiddleston steal the show with their presence and Samuel L. Jackson's much more prominent presence as Fury is a welcomed change. Having the one-eyed director of SHIELD being present throughout the film rather than just appearing sparsely in the middle or at the very end of the credit role is extremely pleasant. Johansson, Renner, Ruffalo, Evans and Clark Gregg (who portrayed Agent Phil Coulson) all bring beautiful, unique and dynamic looks into their characters, and Gregg especially uses his excellent comedic timing and delivery to save the film from some of its more serious moments. A special prideful mention should be given to Mark Ruffalo who had the immense task of making the Hulk his own after the character had previously been played by Edward Norton who had been relinquished of the role. Regardless of the immense pressures, Ruffalo manages to make the Hulk true to the comic books but furthermore, create his own feel for the character so that he's lovable and constantly fitting to the film itself.

The film is by no means short on any scale, pushing for over two hours. While the duration is lengthy, the film itself is constantly entertaining and pleasant to watch - whether it's due to the beautiful scenery, excellent screen presence of the unfaltering stars or the witty dialogue masterfully weaved into the script by the writers. While the film is full of action with a balanced story that doesn't tire before the film comes to a elegant conclusion, it would have been a welcomed addition of the film itself could have received a more mature rating. Whilst, undeniably, this is a false hope, comic book fans (such as myself) can be hopeful for a little more push on the levels of glorious action that are infused into these amazing films.

While The Avengers is not faultless, its entertainment value saves it from anything of minor discrepancy. It's an excellent film to see on the big screen (2D or 3D) and proves to take a step away from some of the more regular-to-average films that may be facing release this year. The Avengers will not only entertain but trigger emotions of a wide array and have you smiling, cheering and clapping in delight at some of it's immaculate action sequences and outstanding special effects.

Well worth assembling with some of your friends at the local theater and giving this one a watch!

MovieMad16 04-27-12 03:21 PM

Re: The Avengers (2012)
Also saw this today. I'll post a review later.

Justin 04-27-12 07:07 PM

Re: The Avengers (2012)
Seeing it on Monday.

Powderfinger 04-27-12 07:12 PM

Re: The Avengers (2012)
My brother in law and his son, and another kid saw it. He didn't like it that much, though he said "my son and his mate, loved it".

ElmoLovesYou 04-27-12 08:49 PM

My review.

DexterRiley 04-29-12 01:36 PM

Re: The Avengers
Ok so i watched it yesterday and have been trying to figure out a way to review it without giving too much away. Its the sort of flick that will be fun to discuss once everyone has seen it.

As origin stories go in the comicstomovieverse, I feel comfy sayen its a distant 3rd as i believe Iron Man and batman begins are in a tier unto themselves.

the list i think would go

Iron Man
Batman Begins

The Avengers
Fantastic Four
Captain America-The First Avenger


The Punisher
Green Lantern
Green Hornet

Right off the bat i should mention that Mark Ruffalo was great. I didnt once think of Ed norton whilst watching it, in the same way that i did when Cheadle stepped in for Howard in iron man 2 for instance.

Theres a ton more to say, but again i dont want to spoil anything, except to say the scene with Hulk meeting Thor for the 1st time is effen awesome.

Matcat 05-03-12 04:56 PM

Re: The Avengers
I watched it last Thursday and again Sunday. Completely blown away by how awesome it was. A great, entertaining and fun movie!

Masterman 05-05-12 10:24 AM

The Avengers Assemble
The Avengers: Assemble

4 out of 10

Well i checked out The Avengers last night at the cinema. Ime not great at reviews or anything like that but i thort i'd give it ago at and give my views of the movie. When i first heard about the Avengers i was thinking Meh, I loved Iron Man, Thor, and The Incredible Hulk, but Captain America and Iron Man 2 i found to be a big let down, i was really dissapointed in Captain America more than anything. I never thort that the Avengers would work with so many Characters trying to get the screen time, when Loki was announced as the villain that threw me completley of the movie. When the Avengers got released the reviews started flooding in ''Best Comic book Movie'' ''Better than the Dark Knight'' ''10 out of 10'' where a few quotes and reviews ive read around the web and magazines..... so now i had to check The Avengers out.

Well ime going to say the best thing about this movie was seeing The Dark Knight Rises trailer at the start of it. Its knowhere close to the Dark knight, its not 10 out of 10 and its not the best comic book movie out there, not even close. I will praise how well all the characters fitted into the movie, tho i think Tony Stark stealed the show with Iron Man. Captain America was the lamest character i've ever seen in a comic book movie and Loki as the Villain did nothing for the movie at all, he just didn't seem a big threat to them at all. The ending of the movie was like a rip off from Transformers 3, tho still very enjoyable and the best part of the movie. The praise this movie has recieved is crazy, i can't understand all the buzz at all, Iron Man was better, Thor was better and so was the hulk.

Overall entertaining, the movie in 3d was great, looked fantastic and the action towards the last half off the movie is great. The Avengers by no means is great tho and certainley doesn't deserve the praise.

Justin 05-05-12 11:13 AM

Re: The Avengers Assemble
Surprised. Given all of the good reviews I thought most people on here would be going crazy for it. Either way, I doubt I'll be seeing it any time soon. The amount of marketing has just about driven me insane.

DexterRiley 05-05-12 11:24 AM

Re: The Avengers Assemble
You know, for those of us old enough to remember cringe-inducingly bad television versions of Captain America and Thor, along with a TV Hulk whose greatest physical feat was ripping his clothes and knocking down doors, it's a a pretty amazing thing to see such classic long-standing superheroes be rendered so faithfully on screen (and on such a satisfyingly appropriate epic scale no less) by top-notch directing and acting talent.

Yes thats right, im pullen out the age card.

also op link to this quote if you would :

When the Avengers got released the reviews started flooding in ''Best Comic book Movie'' ''Better than the Dark Knight'' ''10 out of 10'' where a few quotes and reviews ive read around the web and magazines..

rauldc14 05-05-12 12:16 PM

Re: The Avengers
Great, great movie and popcorn flick. I'd like to say I think Iron Man and Hulk made the film a great one. As far as comic book movies go, I wouldn't put it at the top, but definitely in the top 5.

Yoda 05-05-12 12:43 PM

Re: The Avengers Assemble
Heh. "Rip-off of Transformers 3"? A good chunk of this movie was based on some of the older comics, ya' know. Dunno if that part was, but it might be. Also, this film was written before the third Transformers film came out.

Not liking The Avengers is potentially understandable...but not liking it because it's not like Batman? To each their own, I guess. I'll try to have a review up this week. Was going to bang one out quickly but I might want to see it again first.

The Prestige 05-05-12 02:04 PM

Looks like i'll have to go and watch this now since you lot are providing the positive feedback. I had originally planned to avoid at all costs but I guess it can't be less than 3 stars at this point. May go on Orange Wednesday.

DexterRiley 05-05-12 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 809335)
Looks like i'll have to go and watch this now since you lot are providing the positive feedback. I had originally planned to avoid at all costs but I guess it can't be less than 3 stars at this point. May go on Orange Wednesday.
i would strongly suggest taking in Thor and Captain America-First Avenger before going to see it if these sorta flicks are outside of your wheelhouse.

The Avengers assumes you have done so. As a stand alone film it makes no sense whatsoever.

wintertriangles 05-05-12 02:57 PM

Re: The Avengers Assemble
Would it be blasphemous to include the Green Lantern in the sequel? I mean, different universes, but any Green Lantern is capable of transcending that kind of barrier right? RIGHT?

What happened to Spiderman? Are they waiting for the reboot to cast him in or something?

Masterman 05-05-12 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 809316)
Heh. "Rip-off of Transformers 3"? A good chunk of this movie was based on some of the older comics, ya' know. Dunno if that part was, but it might be. Also, this film was written before the third Transformers film came out.

Not liking The Avengers is potentially understandable...but not liking it because it's not like Batman? To each their own, I guess. I'll try to have a review up this week. Was going to bang one out quickly but I might want to see it again first.

I wasn't comparing it to batman. Local newspaper reviews compared it better than the dark knight so I went in expecting alot, okay maybe I shouldn't have but I just didnt see anything special. Transformers came out first and maybe your right in saying the script was written first for avengers, but I sat watching the end thinking I've seen all this before.

Skepsis93 05-05-12 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 809336)
i would strongly suggest taking in Thor and Captain America-First Avenger before going to see it if these sorta flicks are outside of your wheelhouse.

The Avengers assumes you have done so. As a stand alone film it makes no sense whatsoever.
Well that rules me out. Already sat through Thor but I'm not seeing Captain America unless it's against my will. Expect my review for The Avengers in 3-4 years.

Yoda 05-05-12 02:58 PM

Re: The Avengers Assemble
Sony owns the Spiderman film rights.

Frankly, I think Marvel's ownership of only most (but not all) of these franchises might be for the best, at least for now. As good as The Avengers was, it's hard to imagine it packing in more characters without shortchanging some.

wintertriangles 05-05-12 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by Skepsis93 (Post 809349)
Well that rules me out. Already sat through Thor but I'm not seeing Captain America unless it's against my will. Expect my review for The Avengers in 3-4 years.
Yep, d/ling exists for the sole reason of things not being worth the money. Thor was a chore and I can't even imagine how worse Captain America will be if I ever see it.

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