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tharussian45 11-11-11 05:30 PM

Tower Heist Movie Review
The 99% Strikes Back

“Tower Heist”

By: The Film Informant

The staff that runs the Tower, New York City’s priciest high-rise apartment building in Brett Ratner’s new film, “Tower Heist,” shares something in common with Occupy Wall Street: they’re both in the bottom 99-percent income bracket. Josh Kovacs (Ben Stiller), the Tower’s building manager, could very well be one of the protesters camping out in Zuccotti Park under the skyscrapers of Lower Manhattan with a sign that reads, “We are the 99%.” Only while OWS objects to the entire banking system, Kovacs’ problems are with just one banker.

Namely, Arthur Shaw (Alan Alda), the Tower’s penthouse resident and one of the richest bankers in New York. And when Shaw flushes the Tower staff’s pensions away in a pseudo-Ponzy scheme, Kovacs doesn’t just go to the park, he sets out to rob Shaw blind.

As written by Ted Griffin and Jeff Nathanson, sharing story credit with Adam Cooper and Bill Collage, “Tower Heist” is a formulaic farce that nonetheless hooks from start to finish with fleshed out characters whose high-stakes problems are, in today’s world, all too relatable.

The dynamic interplay between Kovacs, our Robin Hood, and Arthur Shaw, the king from whom Kovacs aims to rob to give to the poor, so to speak, is the movie’s driving force, and in setting the duo up Ratner doesn’t miss a beat.

Shaw, an investment banker whose net worth puts him in the top 1-percent, wakes up every morning fifty-two stories above Central Park amongst “white neighbors.” He kicks off the day with a swim, eyes locked with his beloved, Benjamin Franklin, i.e., a larger-than-life $100 bill plastered across the bottom of his penthouse pool. On the other side of the river and in the bottom 99-percent is Kovacs, who wakes up in Queens closer to earth with an ex-con neighbor. He gets his morning exercise walking to work.

Ratner masterfully contrasts the Tower’s luxuriant, WASP-y veneer with the teeming underworld of ethnically diverse staffers whom Kovacs leads. Maids, doormen, security guards, concierges, shoe shiners and bellhops, harking from all corners of the globe scurry about the Tower’s austere back rooms endeavoring to meet their guests’ every whim and fancy, no matter how condescending or arrogant.

But Shaw treats that staff like they’re his old frat brothers, insisting that, even though he’s got his own private island in Belize, he’s still just an Astoria boy like Kovacs. Alan Alda gives Shaw a subtlety that’s otherwise absent from the movie. His initial specious grins yield insidiously to evil sneers — as the truth is revealed so is his inner malice, which seeps out drip by snobbish drip.

Turns out Shaw, who agreed to handle all Tower staff pensions and triple their worth, is a fraud. After he’s taken into FBI custody Kovacs must inform his staff that their pensions have evaporated. It’s from these dire straights that Kovaks resolves to round up a band of Merry Men and rob Shaw for all he’s worth: a “safety net” of cash hidden somewhere in his cavernous apartment.

That’s when Eddie Murphy, who delivers a career reviving performance as Slide, Kovacs’ ex-con neighbor, comes into the picture. Kovacs hires Slide to lead a class in Robbery-101 for the Merry Men, a crew of down & out characters that includes a former Burger King employee, Enrique (Michael Pena); Kovacs’ brother-in-law, Charlie (Casey Affleck); and a fired financial manager and former Tower resident, Mr. Fitzhugh (Matthew Broderick).

The unlikely bandits strike a chemistry that makes for one of the funniest groups of misfit men since “The Hangover.” In a picture of foolishness, Ratner bunches them together at a white table cloth restaurant across from the Tower (Slide’s treating, though not with money). As the stooges peer out the window through binoculars and formulate a plan, it seems utterly hopeless. At the eleventh hour they’re joined by Odessa, played by Gabourey Sidibe (“Precious”) who can go toe-to-toe for laughs with Murphy.

Early in pre-production the film’s working title was “Trump Heist.” Despite the use of Trump’s unmistakable building, the title was scrapped for one more anonymous and perhaps politically safe – “Tower Heist.” Doubtless, Trump didn’t want his brand associated with such fictional corporate villains as Shaw.

But when pitches for “Trump Heist” first circulated Hollywood in 2005 such concerns were non-existent and for Trump the title was likely good for business. Financial markets were still three years from collapse, nobody knew the name Bernie Madoff, and “occupy” was just another word.

But as those protesters in Zucattie Park and others like them in hundreds of cities worldwide will tell you, it’s a different world today. The 24-hour news cycle runs endless reports on high unemployment, the threat of default, and the villainous Shaws of Wall Street who are to blame. Into such a world “Tower Heist,” a topical and riotously funny comedy, enters quintessentially as a welcome diversion, at least for the bottom 99%.

lundy1026 11-11-11 09:21 PM

Re: Tower Heist Movie Review
I don't want to read it yet because I havn't yet seen it but I wanna know what you thought by giving me a rating on it lol. How many stars do you give it??

tharussian45 11-21-11 01:05 PM

Re: Tower Heist Movie Review

JessicaMonroe 11-21-11 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by tharussian45 (Post 779282)
Wow! I've not seen the movie yet I will admit but the trailer made the movie look really weak so I'm surprised that it is being reviewed well. It just came off as cheesy and another dumb comedy. Almost like Oceans 11 meets Night at the Museum if you will.

urkillinmesmalls 11-21-11 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by JessicaMonroe (Post 779312)
Almost like Oceans 11 meets Night at the Museum if you will.
probably because night at the museum was another ben stiller comedy.

ashdoc 11-10-13 04:45 PM

Re: Tower Heist Movie Review
Ashdoc's review---

Manhattan !!.....The skyscrapers of New York city......

Two of them may have gone down , but many more are here to stay......

.....And each one has a story to tell.....

So whats this story ??

Well , on the top of one of these towers sits an old man who's swindled a lot of innocent people out of a lot of money.....

He thinks he's very smart ; He's made a lot of people invest their money with him , and he's made the money disappear into thin air.....

......And he's so smart that even the FBI cannot pin him down , and they gonna have to release him soon.....

He thinks he's a master of the universe , and nobody's gonna be able to catch him.....

But he's made one small mistake.....

Err....actually a beeeeg one.....

He's also made the people who work in his tower invest and lose money on him.....

Small poor people , he thinks.....What can they do to his majesty ??

'' But dont forget the wrath of the meek !! For it is they who shall inherit the earth !! ''--So said Jesus Christ....or something like that.... I actually tend to forget his exact words.....

So who's going to be the Jesuslike messiah who's gonna save these poor little meek downtrodden ( I think I have used too many adjectives ) people from their predicament ??

Yeah , he's the manager of the tower.....a mighty good man.....a man with a real heart.....

......And he's mighty angry that his poor little meek downtrodden friends ( here go the adjective's again ) have been robbed out of their money......

So he's gonna give the swindler his comeuppance and rob him back.....

But how ?? He's heard from a friendly FBI female agent ( a mighty good woman , maah sir , and a woman with a heart of gold ; a heart that seems to tick for our manager cum messiah ) that the swindler's got a lot of cash stacked somewhere in his penthouse at the top of the tower.....

.....And he's gonna rob that to pay every penny back to his friends.....

To do that he takes the help of the friendly neighbourhood niggaah--a crook .....

But complications develop as the niggaah , crook that he is , decides to rob the money on his own......

Never mind !! The spirit of our avenging angels is such that they decide they can do without him as well.....

So there's two people trying to rob the money--our messiah and his bunch and the niggaah all alone.....

So who's gonna get the money ?? And who's gonna stumble upon some real solid gold ??

And who most importantly , is gonna stumble upon the proof that will send the swindler cum crook cum smartass cum master of the universe ( adjectives again !! ) to jail for the rest of his life ??

For knowing all that , ladies and gentlemen , watch THE TOWER HEIST.....

.....For though I already watched , I am not gonna tell......


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