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FiLm Fr3aK 07-20-02 12:16 AM

Oh my god, you guys.
Signs is awesome!
I still have tears on my face as I write this.
This movie takes you on a whole series of emotion everything for hair standing up on the back of your neck freakin out, to tears on your face from a combinaiton of joy and sorrow!

For any of you who havent heard of/seen the trailers for:
Signs is a thriller from the same guy who made Unbreakable & The Sixth Sense. A movie about a man, his brother and kids who finds crop circles in their filed. Since that is really all the trailers let you know for sure that is all I will put here.

Visit the official site HERE

Other then that I just say go see it.

This movie begs to be seen on a huge screen with surround sound so go fork out the $8/$9 to see it in the theatre on August 2nd, I know I will.

firegod 07-20-02 03:20 PM

A movie about crop circles... :rolleyes: Right about now, the 3 or 4 British guys responsible for most crop circles on this planet are laughing their asses off.

Yoda 07-20-02 03:41 PM


We already had this discussion in the "other" thread on this flick; the crop circles are as much a McGuffin as anything else. Like The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, this film is going to be about finding your place. It'll also be highly suspenseful.

Anyhoo, I happen to think the idea of crop circles being warnings or signs of some sort is a rather clever one. The whole crop circle phenomenon is worth of just one major motion picture, don't you think? I certainly do. Especially if that motion picture is helmed by the man (M. Night Shyamalan) himself.

FiLm Fr3aK 07-20-02 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Yoda
hehehe.... yea! BOO!!!!!!

this film is going to be about finding your place. It'll also be highly suspenseful.

Yoda, you are gonna love it as much as I did.
It causes you to question things about your life, even though they have absolutely NOTHING to do with crop circles or phenomona in any way. There is so much underlying in this movie. It was beautifully done.

Yoda 07-20-02 11:45 PM

Originally posted by FiLm Fr3aK
Yoda, you are gonna love it as much as I did.
It causes you to question things about your life, even though they have absolutely NOTHING to do with crop circles or phenomona in any way. There is so much underlying in this movie. It was beautifully done.
I think you're right. :) I expect to really, really enjoy this flick. I'm a huge fan of M. Night's work (you'll all see how much I like him sometime within the next month or so, by the way), and I love a well-written, well-shot, suspenseful movie. This appears to be all these things and more. I can't wait!

Thanks for your review. It's cool as hell as that you've seen it and bothered to talk about it here with us. :cool:

Logan 07-20-02 11:50 PM

Originally posted by FiLm Fr3aK

It causes you to question things about your life, even though they have absolutely NOTHING to do with crop circles or phenomona in any way. There is so much underlying in this movie. It was beautifully done.
Shyamalan's work to date has already accomplished that, Sixth Sense definately, and Unbreakable also did to a marginally lesser degree. A decent film usually contains some form of underlying symbolism and or meaning. There are many movies which can cause you to question your existence/'s just so many people manage to overlook most of them.

If you cannot find enlightenment here, what makes you think you can find it anywhere else?

Yoda 07-20-02 11:54 PM

I agree...'cept I don't quite follow the relevance or importantance (or even the alleged validity) of that quote.


Logan 07-21-02 12:04 AM

It is a quote concerning the "questioning of ones life and existence" which is why I thought it fitted nicely.

It could also be construed as a compliment for MoFo. Read it how you like.

Yoda 07-21-02 12:10 AM

Well, I understand that, of course. I'm curious, though; what context does it come from, specifically?

Logan 07-21-02 12:45 AM

Hard to be entirely specific with a quote from Buddha but......for example. Instead of travelling the world looking for mental and spiritual enlightenment or a sense of personal identity (knowing yourself). The answers to all of the questions you seek are not really as difficult to find as you thought and can be found in one place......inside you. Therefore if you really want to know who you are, why you are here etc. Then look within yourself, you don't need to travel far and wide to do that as you are more likely to glimpse the "truth" you desire at home.

Yoda 07-21-02 12:56 AM

Oh, I don't mean that. I understand what the quote is trying to say...I was, rather, just wondering who he was saying it to, and when, possibly. Thanks anyway, though. :)

Sexy Celebrity 07-21-02 02:11 AM

I agree with that quote very much, Logan.

firegod 07-21-02 02:23 PM

We already had this discussion in the "other" thread on this flick; the crop circles are as much a McGuffin as anything else.

I don't care WHY that silly part of the plot is there; it's THERE, which is enough for me. Am I supposed to think that the idea is a good one because it is not supposed to be serious, but is supposed to draw people in? Uh uh.

It'll also be highly suspenseful.

The suspense won't work as well for me (if I ever see this thing) and many others because of the ridiculousness of concentrating on crop circles in any way other than as the hoax it is.

Anyhoo, I happen to think the idea of crop circles being warnings or signs of some sort is a rather clever one. The whole crop circle phenomenon is worth of just one major motion picture, don't you think? I certainly do. Especially if that motion picture is helmed by the man (M. Night Shyamalan) himself.

Yoda 07-21-02 03:22 PM

I don't care WHY that silly part of the plot is there; it's THERE, which is enough for me. Am I supposed to think that the idea is a good one because it is not supposed to be serious, but is supposed to draw people in? Uh uh.
Well, it is supposed to be's just not the driving force, really. The movie's concept isn't what's going to make it good.

The suspense won't work as well for me (if I ever see this thing) and many others because of the ridiculousness of concentrating on crop circles in any way other than as the hoax it is.
Pfft. It's a's just a possibility. It's a "what if?" kinda thing. Now, here's something you might find interesting: from what I understand, in the film, it's acknowledged that several people are able to create such a hoax...however, the crop circles start appearing too quickly and in too many places to be accounted for that way. Seems consistent with the world of today in my opinion...just with a little something extra thrown in. I love it, personally.

Sexy Celebrity 07-21-02 04:11 PM

Ol' Fireman isn't going to change his mind anytime soon. Surely, he must have found The Sixth Sense as equally, if not more, ridiculous since it deals with ghosts and the afterlife, something he's positive about that doesn't exist. M. Night Shyawhatta must give you headaches, eh?

FiLm Fr3aK 07-21-02 04:44 PM

ok...apperntly FireGod there isnt a sci-fi fan...
to each his own. His comments eerily were the EXACT same as my husbands...


I will add this :

A Crop-circle is a pattern impressed into fields of grain, usually, but also into ice, soil and reportedly even stands of trees.
The designs are usually comprised of circles. The crop or other medium is laid down in spiral patterns, sometimes woven.
Symmetry is a common principle in formations. Features include circles, rings, spirals, mathematical representations, straight lines, triangles and bars. They are most common in the southwest of England, and also found in Europe, North America and Australia.

The working definition of a 'real' crop circle is one which researchers agree is real, and which is not proven to be a hoax. This is only possible when:
experienced researchers are the first to reach a new formation. Most circles formed in standing cereal crops.
Stalks bent over at 90 degrees, unbroken.
Often pattern is layered, each layer with perfect swirl in unique manner.
Many circles have perfectly flat appearance, shiny in the sun.
No approach tracks in the crop. Especially noticeable where circles are in the middle of strips where no wheels have made worn paths.
EM effects upon people and video, audio equipment. (Illness; equipment failure; effects upon film, magnetic tape.)
FYI-->Some circles seem to cause illness of the stomache, headache. Others, euphoria.

Fact: In the area where 'real' crop circles occurs crops continue to grow, but do not stand up again.

When crop circles were first found in the 70's they were just that. Circles and were proven to be hoaxes a few years later. Over the years crop circles gained new features and behaviours.
multiple circles in patterns
bars; 'avenues' between paired circles
"insectograms"; combinations of circles, rings, bars with tributaries of spiral or key-shaped design
mathematical theorems; mandelbrot and julia fractal sets; proportional symmetries

Is it plausible that the original circles, proven to be hoax, caught the attention of someone/thing else. They Can be seen from VERY high altitudes. Could they not have been mistaken as a form of communication, thus starting the rash of circles that CANT be proven as hoax?

Yes, I think 99.3% are infact ******** out for a good funny. But the simple FACT that ALL cant be ruled as hoaxes can not be ignored.


the movie DOES address the fact that some crop circles are hoax.
The movie is about crop circles. But more so the movie
WARNING: "Signs" spoilers below
is about a freakin preacher whom loses his faith after his wife dies in a horrible accident. Imagine HIS surprise when his children find crop circles in his field. This man who has no faith in ANYTHING that he cant see/prove. He even thinks the town red necks are responsible, refusing to believe anything else is possible.

When one of his dogs go nuts and attacks one of his kids, he STILL doesnt believe.

When the circles start being on the news popping up everywhere... he still doesnt believe.

Then the man, whom killed his wife calls and hangs up, so he rushes over there to kick his arse. Only to find him freaking out in his car, packed up ready to leave.... He apologizes to father, and tells him that the accident HAD to be, and that one of THEM is locked in his pantry....

He still DOESNT believe. ( I am not refferring to believe in aliens either.)


In my opinion, (and my dad's) the movie kicks ass.
For anyone who likes sci-fi, or even just the mooshy "finding yourself" movies.

firegod 07-21-02 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Jason
Ol' Fireman isn't going to change his mind anytime soon. Surely, he must have found The Sixth Sense as equally, if not more, ridiculous since it deals with ghosts and the afterlife, something he's positive about that doesn't exist. M. Night Shyawhatta must give you headaches, eh?
Nah, I liked Sixth Sense well enough. I also like some Christian mythology movies, vampire movies, zombie movies, etc. I'm not sure why I find crop circles to be so much more ridiculous, but I do.

Originally posted by FiLm Fr3aK
ok...apperntly FireGod there isnt a sci-fi fan...

You definately need to learn a little more about me. Hell, just check out my top ten for crying out loud.

FiLm Fr3aK 07-21-02 06:54 PM

Originally posted by firegod

Hell, just check out my top ten for crying out loud. [/b]
I did, and laughed. You like Terminator but REFUSE to see a movie that has crop circles in it...

So a time traveling mercinary robot is good, but circles in field..
no freakin way....
That is amusing.

Really man. to each his own. Dont see it...
You probably wouldnt like it much any way. I have read some of your posts and the movie
WARNING: "Signs" spoilers below
Heavily represents ones belief in God. In fact it is about a Father who has lost all faith and through the happenings of this movie is shown that his Faith is ttruly the only thing he had to begin with. Great movie... but for you.. probably not.

firegod 07-21-02 06:59 PM

Originally posted by FiLm Fr3aK

I did, and laughed. You like Terminator but REFUSE to see a movie that has crop circles in it...

So a time traveling mercinary robot is good, but circles in field..
no freakin way....
That is amusing.

Really man. to each his own. Dont see it...
You probably wouldnt like it much any way. I have read some of your posts and the movie
WARNING: "Signs" spoilers below
Heavily represents ones belief in God. In fact it is about a Father who has lost all faith and through the happenings of this movie is shown that his Faith is ttruly the only thing he had to begin with. Great movie... but for you.. probably not.
How many people believe in time traveling cyborgs? Not too many. Unfortunately, there are many gullible people like you that believe in crop circles, and I find that to be very sad. Maybe that is one of the reasons why I don't like the subject. *shrug*

Yoda 07-21-02 07:02 PM

I can see how that would bug's the same logic as Titanic's historical inaccuracy bugging me: some people are gonna believe it, and it spreads ignorance. However, I still think an excellent point is being made: it's not the fact that you don't "believe" in crop circles that has you less-than-excited about this flick. It's the fact that some others DO "believe" in them that seems to be causing the trouble.

If it helps you enjoy the flick any more, I seriously doubt M. Night (aka "The Man") Shyamalan believes his movie to be factual...just interesting and suspenseful. I don't think he's trying to spread anything more than an interesting over-the-top theory that should be fun to watch.

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