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DarkAce 08-04-09 02:24 AM

The Dark Knight Review

This is the sequel to the movie Batman Begins, which illustrated how Batman came to be, in a new modernized way. People were not too keen about the first movie, although people suddenly got quite excited when Heath Ledger was announced to play the part of the Joker. The movie was an instant success and a sequel was in planning.

However, Heath Ledger passed away, due to a drug overdose. And now the creators are unsure what they are going to do. Heath Ledger really got into character for this movie, and many say that is the reason he died. He needed to be so crazy for his role that he adopted drug use to help him seem more crazy in his scenes.

I now leave you with this warning... this review will be highly controversial. I will tell it like it is, and wil NOT sugar coat it in any way. So if you think The Dark Knight was the greatest and it should get 5 stars, then don't read on...


Scarecrow, is still at large but a group of Batman wannabee's have taken to the street to try and capture him, but Batman quickly breaks the news that there can be only one Bat in the Bellfrey that is known as Gotham. Meanwhile, a new villain, who has surfaced after his escape from Archem Asylum. The Joker. And he is swiftly making his way through town, commiting murders, robbing banks, and being a natural pain in the ass.

Batman, assumes he is just another nut and can be easily taken down, but soon realize's that the Joker is no laughing matter at all... The Joker maintains a plan at all times, even though he says that he never has a plan, you can tell that everything was carefully mapped out. A game of cat and mouse with the Joker soon turns deadly as Rachel and the towns elected official, Harvey Dent are captured. Soon Batman must make a choice that will determine the fate of Dent, unfortunately this leads to the man known as Two-Face, who really only cares about the act of chance.

Batman then realizes that bothTwo-Face and Joker need to be stopped, so he takes to the street in one final effort to save Gotham, but in the end he must become a Dark Knight.


The storyline for this movie was good, but it definatley could've been better. I mean some things just don't add up. But for the most part, the story keeps on going and people get into it. I myself thouroughly enjoyed Batman Begins, and gotvery excited after watching trailers for TDK. But, to my disapointment, the story just wasn't well thought out, and at somepoints it had me yawning, just wanting to get to a good part. The movie is three hours long, and it could've been cut down as there are some really unneccesary scenes. But like I said, it is not an awful plot.

score that... 6/10


The characters in this movie are crucial to it's success. They needed strong villains who were compelling to watch, but at the same time they needed actors who could support their character. Heath Ledger did well, considering him being a gay cowboy up in Brokeback Mountain, didn't really give me much respect for him. Heath did win some respect in this movie, but some scenes are better than others.

The man who played Harvey Dent is not the greatest actor in the world which is why you only see Two-Face for short scene's in the movie. For some reason he just wasn't very believable, and I sort of lost interest in him after ten minutes. Although his makeup was awsome.

Christian Bale plays Batman, and he is good at it. Although, it bothers me beyond belief that he sounds like he smoked twenty packs of ciggarettes right before he put on his Batman suit. That's just really unnecessary. However, he does play a good Bruce Wayne, and Batman for the most part, so props to him.

I don't understand why they never picked a prettier girl to play Rachel. Anyway, here is a list of some characters in the movie and their descriptions...

Bruce Wayne/ Batman- The caped crusader. By day he is a rich snob. But by night, he turns into Gotham's savior.

The Joker- A psychotic killer. Other than that not much is known about him. There is no background story. All we know is that his clothes are custom, he has no other aliase's, and there was nothing in his pockets except knive's and lint.

Harvey Dent/ Two-Face- Gothams newly elected official, who gets into trouble and turns into Two-Face, a killer who's victims lives hang on the balance of a coin.

Rachel- Batman's love and harvey's squeeze.

Comissioner Gordon- Police Officer who happens to be firends with Batman, and finds himself in quite a bit of trouble in this film.

In the end the character choices for this movie were very good, although the actors tha play them might not have been the best choice.

score that... 8/10


As mentioned, the characters in the movie were great picks although the actors portraying them didn't quite live up to expectation. Bale, is a good Batman except for whenever he puts on his cape he develops a throat disease andspeaks unclearly. Now, obviously he does that to cover up his real voice, but come on, you can tell it is Wayne, even if he talks like that. Harvey Dent also is a pretty poor actor. I have only seen him in two other movies, and only one of them was okay. So, he doesn't really strike me as a great supporting actor. Rachel also wasn't as pretty as you might expect, and she on;ly has two speaking lines so you can't really judge here.

The only good actor was Ledger, as much a it pains me to admit it. But he did present the Joker in a way that was both new, and exciting. He has a great voice for his character, and he is constantly at his best, although sometimes it is a bit too much. But he really does do a good job, and it is ashame he died. Although, drugs were a bad choice, and he was a render to stay away from drugs.

score that... 5/ 10


The movie uses little to no CGI or green screen effects at all. The directors decided to utilize Chicago as their filming spot, due to the fact that is very modern and almost Gothamesque. IT fits the description of Gotham and every way. And it was a smart choice.

The fact that no CGI and Green screens were used is a great point about the movie. If Batman is standing on a 200 foot ledge, looking over Gotham, well guess what. Bale really was doing just that. I mean, they really blew up a hospital too. (No there were no people in it. you guys are sick.) But that shows some real commitment here.

score that...10/10


Well, here is the category which makes almost no sense to me at all. They censor TDK enough that it is a family friendly movie, howver, the goal was to reimagine it and take it away from the comic book style of Batman, or the Superfriends. So it really doesn't add up. Especially with some of the scenes that are a bit more innapropriate. For example...

The Joker kills a ton of people, but there is never blood. Howver, Harvey's have melted face is openly shown.
Batman never says ****, but the Joker Does make reference to testicles.
They never really show any gore, but the Joker describes a knife slitting his mouth open with great detail.

See? Some things in the movie don't add up. You are better off just making it rated R and getting some really great action scenes in there, as long as you focus on the story and not just gruesome killing, but do show some blood and what not, just not excessive amounts.

score that... 4/10


The Dark Knight does reimagine many of the elements that made the Batman of the 70's so stupid. It also reinvents many classic characters such as the Joker. Unfortunately when it comes down to it, the film was simply too long and I had to pee by the time the action was heating up and there was thirty minutes left. So, it was an entertaining movie, but it just didn't deliver all it could have, and people made it out to be better than it actually was, mainly because they love Heath Ledger.

But in the end, I would say that unless you are a Batman collector, then don't buy this DVD. Just add it to the Netflix List, or go rent it from a redbox. On to the final score.

6/10 the movie just wasn't what people made it out to be. I would recomend watching it, but don't pay 5 bucks to rent it, and don't pay 25 bucks for it on blu-ray. Just go to a used DVD store and buy it for 5 bucks like I did, or add it to Netflix.

Harry Lime 08-04-09 03:02 AM

Originally Posted by DarkAce (Post 554295)
I now leave you with this warning... this review will be highly controversial.
Woah, well I can't say I wasn't warned about this controversial review that I'm sure will be discussed on this site for years to come. You really nailed it there in your review, and it certainly deserves to have an entire thread devoted to it.

Iroquois 08-04-09 03:09 AM

Re: The Dark Knight Review
Reviewing The Dark Knight is so 2008.

cetana 08-05-09 09:11 AM

I liked this movie a lot! The actors did their jobs in a wonderful way and the scenes were really cool! There was a whole atmosphere of mistery and tension throughout the whole movie that gave me chills on my spine! Great one, indeed!

Spikez 08-05-09 10:59 AM

Re: The Dark Knight Review
Hmm, I respect your opinion, but I found this one of the greatest movies of all times.

El Prezidente

meatwadsprite 08-05-09 11:44 AM

Re: The Dark Knight Review
The Dark Knight is family friendly ? Well , there goes my ticket purchase. :(

Caitlyn 08-05-09 11:54 AM

Interesting review… but you need to do some major polishing up as your age was definitely showing… and not in a positive way. Case in point, your wording pertaining to Ledger's previous role in Brokeback Mountain was terrible… and the fact you had to pee during the movie was a little more information than we needed to know…

I suggest you read some of the member reviews in the upper Review Section of this forum for pointers on how to write a good review...

Pyro Tramp 08-05-09 12:11 PM

Re: The Dark Knight Review
Are you trolling or just stupid?

DarkAce 08-05-09 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by Caitlyn (Post 554667)
Interesting review… but you need to do some major polishing up as your age was definitely showing… and not in a positive way. Case in point, your wording pertaining to Ledger's previous role in Brokeback Mountain was terrible… and the fact you had to pee during the movie was a little more information than we needed to know…

I suggest you read some of the member reviews in the upper Review Section of this forum for pointers on how to write a good review...
The borkeback mountain was my own opinion, thrown into the mix. Belivev me I have nothing against gay people, but seeing Heath Ledger as a gay cowboy just made me go "Uh.". For some reason, after that film, I just couldn't look at him the same way again. Also, I never really had to pee, That was more of me trying to illustrate just how long the movie is, I mean, hell, it is as long as a Harry Potter Movie.

Other than that, I am content with the way I write my reviews so I will not be looking at the other reviews.

DarkAce 08-05-09 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 554673)
Are you trolling or just stupid?
I am neither. I am simply being realistic. Unlike all of these people that wwent out and painted their wall with batman on it, and beat off to pictures of the joker, and dress up like him.

spudracer 08-05-09 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by DarkAce (Post 554295)
He needed to be so crazy for his role that he adopted drug use to help him seem more crazy in his scenes.
Pure speculation on your behalf. He didn't adopt drug use to get more crazy, he was taking sleeping pills because he was having problems sleeping.

Originally Posted by DarkAce (Post 554295)
Heath Ledger did well, considering him being a gay cowboy up in Brokeback Mountain, didn't really give me much respect for him.
What does that have to do with this movie? It simply shows that he has range.

Originally Posted by DarkAce (Post 554295)
Anyway, here is a list of some characters in the movie and their descriptions...
In case we didn't already know, right?

Originally Posted by DarkAce (Post 554295)
But he really does do a good job, and it is ashame he died. Although, drugs were a bad choice, and he was a render to stay away from drugs.
Again, speculation on your behalf.

Originally Posted by DarkAce (Post 554295)
I mean, they really blew up a hospital too. (No there were no people in it. you guys are sick.)
Oh snap, really? :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by DarkAce (Post 554295)
Unfortunately when it comes down to it, the film was simply too long and I had to pee by the time the action was heating up and there was thirty minutes left.
Gee, thanks for that little tidbit. That reminds me, one time, I was watching a movie and really had some stomach pains, so I went and took a poo.

It's not that I don't like you, because that's not the case. Your review was longer than the movie. Keep details about the movie (and your bladder) to yourself. Get to the point, quickly. You don't want to bore people by having them read a review for a movie that you found boring.

There are a few things you mentioned in which I agree with, but overall, purely information overload. I'll score that 4/10.

Pyro Tramp 08-05-09 01:27 PM

Re: The Dark Knight Review
Yeah errrm, i thought the film was pretty good yet did none of those things. Opinions fair enough but your validation was whack and also some of your facts were pretty wrong. The fact you think you've written a Nobel Prize winning piece and refuse to read other reviews doesn't help, for example not sure why you've included a 'brutality/blood/& gore' category whilst neglecting to cover any of the many themes incorporated into the film.

spudracer 08-05-09 01:30 PM

Re: The Dark Knight Review
My favorite, from the review... "CHARACTER'S"

Apparently, there's one person, in multiple costumes, doing all the work. :D

meatwadsprite 08-05-09 01:35 PM

Re: The Dark Knight Review
So if you think The Dark Knight was the greatest and it should get 5 stars, then don't read on...
So your review is targeting people who don't like the movie , convincing them why to not like it ?

The storyline for this movie was good, but it definitely could've been better.

Perhaps you could be more intricate ? You're pretty vague in your reasons why the story is boring.

You also criticize the acting solely on the basis that you don't like Batman's voice and that Maggie Gyllenhaal isn't hot enough - and that there wasn't enough gore in the movie , which baffles me completely.

I do think reading some critic reviews and better yet ;) MoFo user reviews could give you some insight how to construct your own reviews better and the spell check button wouldn't hurt being pressed.

spudracer 08-05-09 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 554700)
So your review is targeting people who don't like the movie , convincing them why to not like it ?
You know, I was going to comment on that, but I figured it was too easy.

Spikez 08-05-09 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 554695)
Pure speculation on your behalf. He didn't adopt drug use to get more crazy, he was taking sleeping pills because he was having problems sleeping.

What does that have to do with this movie? It simply shows that he has range.

In case we didn't already know, right?

Again, speculation on your behalf.

Oh snap, really? :rolleyes:

Gee, thanks for that little tidbit. That reminds me, one time, I was watching a movie and really had some stomach pains, so I went and took a poo.

It's not that I don't like you, because that's not the case. Your review was longer than the movie. Keep details about the movie (and your bladder) to yourself. Get to the point, quickly. You don't want to bore people by having them read a review for a movie that you found boring.

There are a few things you mentioned in which I agree with, but overall, purely information overload. I'll score that 4/10.

I give your review about the review a 10/10

DarkAce 08-05-09 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 554701)
You know, I was going to comment on that, but I figured it was too easy.
No. No. I just meant that people who thought the movie was the coolest thing since sliced bread, might not want to read it, as it might be controversial and spark some arguments, which are unneeded in this forum.

WBadger 08-05-09 01:59 PM

Re: The Dark Knight Review
Arguments, otherwise known as discussion should be welcome. It would be boring if everyone agreed or disagreed without explanation.

Sexy Celebrity 08-05-09 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by DarkAce
people who thought the movie was the coolest thing since sliced bread
Why was sliced bread ever cool? Bread is bland and it's full of carbs.

Thai food... now that's cool.

DarkAce 08-05-09 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by WBadger (Post 554714)
Arguments, otherwise known as discussion should be welcome. It would be boring if everyone agreed or disagreed without explanation.
No. Debates are welcome. Arguments are not.

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