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Iroquois 07-09-09 07:05 AM

Copied from my review thread.

I seriously doubt that most people on this forum need an introduction to this film, but I'll throw one in anyway. The notorious comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, whose 2006 mockumentary Borat caused a wave of controversy due to the bulk of its humour consisting of the titular character, a weird hybrid of every politically incorrect stereotype about foreigners, being set loose on unsuspecting Americans and enacting one big practical joke on everyone he meets.

Brüno follows virtually the same formula, except this time Cohen plays one entirely different character - a gay Austrian fashion reporter who's obsessed with the superficial culture of fashion, celebrities and sex. The plot (at least what there is) revolves around Brüno, once a famous Austrian fashion reporter, getting a bad reputation in the industry after ruining one particular fashion show. He sets off for America, hoping to achieve nothing more than to become famous. However, as you can expect, all his attempts to do so are multiple and disastrous.

Okay, so onto the film itself - er, okay. Brüno very nearly got an NC-17 in America (and up until a few days before its Australian release, had an R18+ which was later worked down to MA15+, thus making it a little more "family-friendly") and even in what I suspect is an edited version, it still pushes the boundaries of good taste quite far. There were countless groans emanating from the audience as a result of sequences I probably can't describe in this review, but needless to say that if gross-out humour isn't your thing, you'd do best to steer away. Of course, that's pretty obvious, but what about the laugh factor for the people who can take it?

Of course, this is just opinion, but Brüno is just not that funny. It's got a handful of good laughs spread across its brief running time, but they are spread rather thin and there are quite a few sequences that are both prolonged and largely (if not totally) unfunny. Whether he's doing some ridiculous pratfalls or maybe just some random off-the-cuff remark, there's plenty here that just seems like he's trying too hard to out-do Borat. That or he's not trying hard enough. I have no idea. Even the parts that I genuinely laughed at were parts that I knew were more or less on the same level as the ones I didn't laugh at, and I'm sure that other people will probably laugh at the parts I didn't like and vice versa. It makes the whole comedy aspect seem very uneven - given that most comedies aim to be consistently amusing all the way through, the sporadic nature of Brüno's humour is a strike against it.

While I admit that it's actually not a bad film, it's not exactly great either. While Borat, for all its faults, was at least a reasonably fresh character-based take on the whole "candid camera" brand of comedy, Brüno falls fairly short by more or less repeating the exact same formula that Borat had, with the only real changes aimed at trying to push the envelope of good taste, and while it's still a fairly in-your-face experience, it's still not that great. Enjoy it for what it is, but don't try and expect a comedy blockbuster.

n3wt 07-09-09 08:01 AM

Re: Brüno
Very nice review dude :up:

I havent seen it yet but I was thinking that I doubt it would be as funny as Borat.

spudracer 07-09-09 09:50 AM

Re: Brüno
Great review, Iro. This is one of those that I can't find a reason to watch, yet I want to, anyway.

Johnny Chimpo 07-09-09 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 547390)
Great review, Iro. This is one of those that I can't find a reason to watch, yet I want to, anyway.
+1, for both comments

Pedz 07-09-09 11:10 AM

Can't stand this guy, hate Ali G and Borat. Also the character he plays in Sweeny Todd. Glad he get's beaten to death with a kettle.

Yoda 07-09-09 11:41 AM

Nice review, and cool to hear early word on it from someone we know, too. :) Not that it makes sense for me to anticipate things much, but this is the kind of reaction I was expecting. It's not going to be as good as Borat. That'd be stunning. But Cohen's a genuinely funny guy, so it's bound to work overall. Seems like the "pretty good, but not as good as Borat sentiment" is well-nigh universal.

Pyro Tramp 07-09-09 04:53 PM

Re: Brüno
Seeing it at midnight screening in couple hours. How you see it so soon!?

Pyro Tramp 07-09-09 10:18 PM

Was bit disappointed. Laughed a lot, not always for right reasons. The film has almost exactly the same trajectory as Borat but tries to be more outrageous, imagine that naked hotel scene spread across the movie. There are some funny moments and there are moments i had to look away, think Pink Flamingos. I'm sure a lot of the laughs were more awkward than anything else, it's like Sexy Celebrity The Movie. It's not as clever as Borat nor is it as successful in weaving in a strong enough narrative to what is more a sketch show. It also never makes much a sympathetic characer out of him or anyone else. Far too much penis.

Iroquois 07-11-09 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 547451)
Seeing it at midnight screening in couple hours. How you see it so soon!?
Because Australia rules.

The Prestige 07-14-09 08:07 AM

Sorry I missed your review earlier, bro. Yeah, um, gross out humour just isn't my thing, and i'm GLAD I read your review before deciding whether or not to see it otherwise I would have been setting myself up for a long long night from the sounds of things.

Borat was quite funny, I admit. But this just seems...I dunno. Almost like a cash in?

Sexy Celebrity 07-15-09 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
it's like Sexy Celebrity The Movie.
Pyro, you get the door prize! If there was one. I came in this thread specifically to see if someone was gonna compare Bruno to me.

I haven't seen Bruno yet, however. But want to.

TheDOMINATOR 07-17-09 11:37 AM

Re: Brüno
I went and saw Bruno last night. I don't feel compelled to write a review of my own about it, but I agree with basically most or all of what Iroquois said in his. I'd give it
as well.


Hail to the Fuhrer!


Spikez 07-24-09 10:06 AM

Re: Brüno
Buh, I am not going to watch that, I hate Sacha Baron Cohen, thx for the review though.


Yoda 07-24-09 12:15 PM

Re: Brüno
Might wait to rent this one. It's really getting panned by most moviegoers, and pretty much everyone seems to agree it's more about shock than laughs. I'll definitely see it at some point, but I'm not nearly as excited as I was pre-release.

Johnny Chimpo 07-24-09 02:39 PM

Re: Brüno
^ a wise decision Yoda. It wasn't horrible. But its a DVD release one for sure..

r3port3r66 07-24-09 03:26 PM

Re: Brüno
It will be a shocker for any heterosexual man. That's for sure. It really, really pushes its R rating.

iluv2viddyfilms 07-26-09 04:43 PM

I don't know if I'm going to see it or not. I did enjoy Borat, but I don't think it was that great of a film, and while I do think Sacha Baron Cohen is funny I always recognize that his type of humor isn't exactly cerebral or very difficult. That is not to say it doesn't take courage and balls, but it isn't the most clever form of humor when the humor relies less on watching the comedian but more on other people's reactions to it.

Seeing a white guy walking around with his pants around his thighs and his underwear sticking out saying "What up my *****, gotta place we can park our black asses" is not humorous at all in itself. But it in a fancy hotel reception area, it's still not funny. What is funny are the reactions of the people and wondering what must be going through their mind.

Shock value I reckon. That's the limit of his humor, which he is quite good at because it requires he stays in character and keeps a straight face, which I can't fault him on that. Can't be an easy thing and very few people could pull it off the way he does. What many people can do is mimick stereotypes. It is not that clever or funny to play on the greedy Jewish people or inept dorky whiggers.

So yes I enjoy Borat, and I appreciate Sacha Baron Cohen for what he does. I just don't think what he does is all that special, just good escapism entertainment and nothing more.

People make way more out of him than they should and when people like Barbara Walters or whoever talk poorly of him on "The View" they're only helping his cause.

Yoda 07-26-09 04:49 PM

Re: Brüno
I agree. And I think it's part of a big movement towards awkwardness-as-comedy. We see it on The Daily Show, where some interviewer asks vaguely inappropriate or disingenuous questions of politicians or otherwise serious people -- usually with the help of some tricky editing, no doubt.

It has its moments, to be sure, and can be funny, but I find it kinda tiresome after all. Most of it doesn't make a larger point, it just recognizes what's considered polite or normal, and does the opposite. Maybe funny sometimes, but not really impressive from a comedic standpoint, and I don't think it has a lot of rewatchability.

junaid 07-27-09 09:47 AM

Re: Brüno
Borat was a cool movie; i hope this one is too

CarnivalCorpse 07-29-09 07:26 PM

Re: Brüno
Screw this movie

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