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meatwadsprite 04-15-09 01:55 AM

100 Meaty Favorites

What do I want to achieve with this list ?

My last (current ?) list in no way represents my current taste in film , I think about 50-60 movies have changed from the old list and many of them from the old list seem dumb to me now.

Either way , my intentions are to recommend all 100 of these movies to you and give you a better idea of what to recommend to me. :)

On what criteria do these films enter the list ?

This is not a list of the biggest achievements in film making history (although many of them are in fact huge achievements) , they are the 100 movies I enjoy the most.

I constantly have held off making this new list until I found 100 movies I deeply enjoy - the lowest score I would give to any given film here would be a
. I admit it's obviously not a perfect list yet (which would be 100
movies) - but it is indeed a great representation of what I like film wise.

So let's get this started ...

rice1245 04-15-09 02:00 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
how exciting

Harry Lime 04-15-09 02:23 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
Wait a tick! I thought you already made an updated list with your thread entitled: Best of the Best Top 100 Films. I was so happy to see 2001 on that list, now you're telling me it's just not true. It can't be considered your old list because it was just finished, and I've seen your old list before - it's the one with no names for all the little red x's.

meatwadsprite 04-15-09 02:29 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
Originally Posted by Harry Lime (Post 520011)
I've seen your old list before - it's the one with no names for all the little red x's.
I won't make that mistake again ! Names for all the red x's ! :cool:

meatwadsprite 04-15-09 02:50 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
100.Toy Story;2520story.jpg

If all your toys get up and talk to each other and no-ones around to see it does it really happen ?

Even if I may never have the need to watch this movie because it's practically word-for-word embedded into my brain after hundreds of viewings , it wouldn't feel right to not include the movie that inspired me to watch films in the first place.

This was one of the very few movies I grew up with and I still applaud it for it's original premise and extremely natural , fluent voice acting performances.


"I've set my laser from stun to kill"

Even if it's 3D animation looks extremely dated when compared to Pixar's latest , it's clever ideas often make up for the lack of advanced lighting and meticulously detailed characters seen in their newer movies.

Imaginative story with a great cast of character actors.

Harry Lime 04-15-09 03:03 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
Nice start Meat, I'll distribute some rep throughout and as a result indicate the films I appreciate seeing on a top 100 list.

Iroquois 04-15-09 04:10 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites

Oh, I can already taste those meaty
"leading-man" parts in my mouth.

Sorry, title instantly made me think of that.

meatwadsprite 04-15-09 04:30 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
99. Army of Darkness

Sam Raimi's over the top comic book successor to two of the most annoying films I've seen. Even though I absolutely hate Evil Dead and don't particularly enjoy the second one - they aren't anywhere near similar to the third.

Bruce Campbell now plays the fully realized Ash , a complete jerk ass who wields a shotgun and a chainsaw. The same hyperactive camera work from the second one , continues to make a lot out of nothing - allowing a minimal special effects budget to still look great. How awesome is it when he picks up the skeleton and breaks him over his knee ?

Very funny action/horror/fantasy flick with a very unique visual style.

98.The 40 Year Old Virgin

Apatow set the tone for a wave of lewd comedies with heart and launched Seth Rogen , Paul Rudd , and Carrel into the spotlight with this one. It sets foot on dumb comedy territory from time to time , but luckily you have the right guys playing the right characters in these situations making them much less dumb.

Spot on casting , such a wide array of completly insane characters - I can't help it but laugh every time I see them. The more downplayed jokes are play my main attraction though , like Michael McDonald constantly playing in the store or the complete disreguard for any reality to how video games are played (N64 controllers used on the xbox).

"Because when I remove the blade I keep in my boot from it's sheathe it can not return until it has spilt blood"


Frame by frame animated robot aside , this movie's look and sound is a much more integral part of the experience. Clear , crisp action scenes set to an exciting score - a simple premise done right.

meatwadsprite 04-15-09 06:42 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
96. Doubt

Strong actors at work , an elegantly paced mystery that explores well it's various themes. It's especially well pieced together allowing you to arrive at a different conclusion upon each viewing.

95.Thank You For Smoking

A touching drama about a father striving to teach his son what's right , while tackling his own thin morals - also a hilarious satire on the marketing of cigarettes. Handles divorce and what it's like to be a child of one in a very realistic manner.

94. Takeshis;27-Image2.jpg

Kitano's surreal , personal deconstruction and reassembly of his own films and his own life makes for great entertainment. A hilarious parody of his own relationships with his fellow actors and production crew - as well the relationships he has with the yakuza in his every day life. Eventually it all unwinds into chaotic violence and complete insanity - so it's right up my alley.

"What do we do now ?"

93. Pom Poko

Yep , this is my raccoon pick - everyone has one right ? Wonderfully animated flick about the balance of life - it doesn't try to hit you with obvious messages and instead lets you draw your own conclusions by showing you the story from balanced eyes.

92.Star Wars Episode 1 : The Phantom Menace

The Star Wars universe runs so deep with many planets , creatures , and stories - so many great ideas are explored with the blessing of amazing CGI animation. Huge exciting action scenes and beautiful computer generated scenery make this my third favorite Star Wars flick.

It introduces a ton of new characters while giving you a whole new perspective on the original ones. Very amusing seeing C3P0 (still voiced by Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2 back in their young years.

It may not pack as much acting talent as the original trilogy , but Liam Neeson sets a great example for everyone in the movie that they are in fact in a galaxy far far away.

91.Rear Window

This one allows you to see a murder unfold from a birds eye perspective , among many other things. Amazing set design allow everything to unfold from behind the view of a window - although how interesting would it be without the key players (James Stewart and Grace Kelly) on the top of their game ?

90.12 Angry Men

Here's another one that takes place in primarily one room , strong acting performances all around make for a highly entertaining murder mystery solved right in he midst of a jury decision.


There's something about this movie I don't like , yet I keep coming back to it time after time - it's definitely grown on me. What I do like though is Jack Nicholson's great performance , busted nose and all.

Iroquois 04-15-09 06:44 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
Just so you know, you have two #97s.

Also, I must seek out Takeshis - haven't seen a Kitano film in yonks.

meatwadsprite 04-15-09 03:26 PM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
88.Rain Man

Very blunt story of a relationship between long lost brothers , two very convincing performances from Cruise and Hoffman make this one worth watching again and again.


One of the rare recent comedies that holds up after multiple viewings , assuming you are able to connect with the goofy main characters you should have a blast. There's so much more effort and time put into this that you won't see with many other comedies (especially teen comedies) - it's well shot , has numerous details about the characters , and continually uses enjoyable and fitting music.

Oh yeah and end credits :eek:

"Take the vest off , you look like Aladdin"

86.Dial M for Murder

Another murder mystery from Hitchcock that has held up especially well , again it offers another perspective of the murder - this time by letting you know exactly how it will happen.

85.Fight Club

The movie everyone loves to hate on this forums , yeah it's every young male film casual's favorite - but only for a reason. Edward Nortan and Brad Pitt's performances bend and stretch from being preachers to buddies to something else. Filmed with master precision , it's got a very dark and grimy feel just from the visual style - let alone the themes of anarchism , nihilism.

84.After Hours

This poor guy can't get a break , when he follows up on a date with a mysterious woman - his night becomes a descent into the rabbit hole. Often hilarious and undeniably strange , it's completely different from what you've seen from Scorsese - except for the quality in which it's made.

83.The Hunt for the Red October

The perfect cold war thriller set primarily in the sea. Countless great actors here and crisp beautiful visuals. It lacks the blood and guts from McTiernan's Die Hard - but makes up for it with the historical tension between these two countries.

There is another Cold War film on my list too , with the completely opposite message - as this one shows the reluctance and wise judgment that never allowed the war to start.

Sleezy 04-15-09 03:37 PM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 520031)

meatwadsprite 04-15-09 04:15 PM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
82.City of God

Gritty crime film set in a third world country. Even though it's all about how terrible life is in this area , it looks amazing. Thoroughly original film that also serves as a greatly accessible introduction to foreign film.

81.The Bridge on the River Kwai

An amazing Alec Guinness performance guides this prisoner of war action/thriller with a noticeable lack of brutal violence. It forms a unique relationship between the prisoners and their captors - while working against itself with a closing in faction of soldiers set to destroy their comrades work.

I would love to see this one in the theater , with it's immensely huge shots.

80.Castle in the Sky

Very unique tale about a lost floating island , with many likable characters along the way. Studio Ghibli rivals Pixar as the greatest working animators of all time - this movie is a great argument that Ghibli is winning the battle , giant landscapes that aren't just incredibly detailed from the start - but actually animated.

79.Big Trouble in Little China

Immensely enjoyable action movie that parodies Chinese culture while still taking it seriously. Even if you think it's all cheesy and goofy , the main character's right there with you as Kurt Russel ridicules everything that happens around him.

78.Iron Man

Although it does step into cliché territory , the cast has such great chemistry I can easily overlook it's wrong doings. It really is the actor's superhero movie , but the few bits of Iron Man kicking butt are awesome.

77.Do the Right Thing

Spike Lee's definitive film , it's the only film I've seen that is kind of centered around racism - that doesn't actually incite it. Everyone will walk away with a different meaning from this one , but I'm sure most will agree it's an enjoyable film.

76.South Park : Bigger , Longer , and Uncut

I usually hate musicals , but this self aware parody of musicals and films in general is too much to pass on. The musical numbers almost all parodies of existing songs blend extremely well together and the minimal but effective flat character style of the show is fun to watch. So many tiny references to other movies as well , almost every other shot is a duplicate from another film.

"We accidentally replaced your heart with a baked potato. You have about three seconds to live"

75. Raiders of the Lost Ark

I would say the Indiana Jones films are among Spielberg's best and this one is a great introduction to the character and the cartoon sensibilities that run with the series. It looks amazing to this day , I mean these guys really knew how to make make a good looking movie - some of the best action sequences of all time.

Pyro Tramp 04-15-09 04:39 PM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
Definitely liking the new list meaty, bar one particular flick ;)

meatwadsprite 04-15-09 05:51 PM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
74. Battle Royale

Brutal and violent film that completely follows it's elimination premise , usually any film with this strong of an idea behind it will get muddled up and become something else - but this one just follows up on it's promise , becoming a sick reality television show. It's action scenes are shot in true anime form and it's surprising classical soundtrack works perfectly.

73. The Royal Tenenbaums

A perfect summary of Wes Anderson's work , moves stiffly and pays off with great musical moments or convincing acting in overwhelming situations. This is a perfect comedic cast and they're all in this one together.

72. Chasing Amy

Before Kevin Smith jumped off the deep end into cartoony nonsense films , he gave us one last comedy gem with the story of two comic book artists , a gay black man , and a lesbian. I totally buy the story because of the chemistry between Affleck and Joey Lauren Adams , they both have instant screen presence and if you think their love story is too hokey or stupid - Banky's there to balance it out.
"This is so f**king gay"

71. A Threevning with Kevin Smith

Even if his films have become terrible , he remains a great story teller.
Hilarious stories about working with Bruce Willis on Die Hard 4 and working on Clerks 2 - he doesn't get boring even though his session is about 4 hours long , I mean he really is a convincing story teller.

Maybe he should just tell you his entire film instead of actually creating it with actors and such.

70. Mulholland Drive

It would be a stretch to call me a David Lynch fan , but his surrealistic style of horror and weirdness is at it's peak here. Unlike many of his films it also contains a certain amount of depth that ties it all together and makes some sense out of seemingly total chaos - it also contains a record amount of great individual scenes.

69. Southland Tales

Another surreal chaotic film - except this time done in action movie standard. Apparently it frustrates those who want it all to make perfect sense , well it's not that kind of movie - there are numerous loose ends and an equal amount of awesome scenes. Not to mention the perfectly cast Dwayne Johnson (The Rock).

68. Lawrence of Arabia

True 4 hour epic visual spectacle of life in the desert and how war is fought in the vast open reaches of sand. Great acting performances and an amazing screenplay make no waste of the enormous scope the visuals have to offer.

67. O Brother Where Art Thou

The Coen's have a knack for creating comedies that are funny because of their characters and this is a shining example. Beautiful lush cinematography , genuinely funny actors , and a humorous play on mythological story telling make this one to come back to time and time again.

66. 12 Monkeys

Gilliam's time travel masterpiece , I've seen many films from this director and it's no secret he loves to make them surrealistic and maddening - but his style really fits into context here and delivers on a much more emotional level than any of his other work has to me. Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt really shine in this , I would consider this their best performances yet.

The time travel movie for adults.

65. Apocalypse Now

I seem to be on a streak here , another downward spiral into madness. Filled to the top with enourmous breathtaking action scenes and spot on powerhouse performances.

You could call it commentary on war , but it goes much deeper than that.

meatwadsprite 04-15-09 08:15 PM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
64. Dazed and Confused

As far as I know this is a completely accurate representation of 70's suburban high school , tons of music and lovable characters.

63. The Departed

Scorsese's huge ensemble is a great adaptation of Infernal Affairs. Wonderfully weaves tons of characters and betrayals , back stabbings together into a fully realized thought out crime epic - with unforgettable performances.

"Microchips , I don't know what they are , you don't know what they are - who gives a f**k ?"

62. Shaun of the Dead

I'm not sure I've ever met someone who didn't like this one. Edgar Wright , Simon Pegg , and Nick Frost film debut is a glorious comedic homage to all zombie flicks.

"I'm not gonna say, you know, there's plenty more fish in the sea. I'm not going to say if you love her, let her go. And I'm not going to bombard you with clichés. But what I will say is this ... It's not the end of the world."


Toshiro Mifune plays two gangs against each other to rid the city of both of them in this genius samurai film by Akira Kurosawa.

60.Batman Begins

Christopher Nolan successfully created the first comic book movie to be taken seriously , with mature writing and realistic handling of crime and power Batman Begins set a new gold standard for comic book movies.

honeykid 04-15-09 09:38 PM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
Originally Posted by meatwadsprite (Post 520240)

68. Shaun of the Dead

I'm not sure I've ever met someone who didn't like this one.
Yeah, well, we've not exactly met. :D

Enjoying your list so far Meat.

Harry Lime 04-15-09 11:00 PM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
Great stuff Meat, looking forward to the rest.

TheUsualSuspect 04-16-09 12:01 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
I'm not a fan of Southland Tales.....

meatwadsprite 04-16-09 01:32 AM

Re: 100 Meaty Favorites
59.Almost Famous

Touching funny drama about living on the road as a band and a great exploration of criticism and rock culture. Frances McDormand is a blast in this one.


I don't particually like westerns and I can't stand Eastwood as a director , so this was probably one of the biggest suprises to me. I really enjoyed this one , an excellent cast plays out a meaningful story that constantly changes your views on it's characters.

57.Knocked Up

Great chemistry between actors and a much more mature realistic story make this the best comedy of it's sub-genre (the Apatow comedy) , a bold choice to cast his own family in this one and when it's all over you get an amazing end credits montage.

"You hear that ? Don't let him near the kid , he wants to rear your child !"

56.Cinema Paradiso

Great film for people who love movies , I'm up in the air now which version I like more - the directors cut or the theatrical cut. Numerous heartfelt scenes.

55.Saving Private Ryan

A visual feast with a lovable cast. Simple as that.

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