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sadesdrk 03-01-02 10:50 PM

The Sh*t List!
I think it needs to be said: Some things are sh*t and we need a thread where we can rag about 'em. This is the Games, Tabs and Lists forum; is it not?! Let's List!!!:furious: Just go with some random things that make your sh*t list for the day. I don't want an essay on what bothers you...otherwise, you'll make my list!

1. When you call a wrong number, by accident; realize it before the person answers; hang up; and the freak *69's you! I hate that! They always say something really smart like," Did you just call me?" Then you're forced to explain to some stranger, what happened. What a waste of my time!

2. I hate when I'm in a good mood, and I log into MoFo and the threads are just littered with personal attacks made on me by one, Silver Bullet. Really chaps my hide, baby.

3. I hate 4 way innersections! They hold a special spot on my sh*t list. Nobody knows when to go! I end up playing traffic police and waving people through. Sometimes, people hesitate when it's their turn, so I start to go, then they start to go; so I stop. Then they stop. It's like AGH!!!! Ride a BIKE!:furious:
edit: I forgot something. Lime flavored candy. I mean, what the hell?! Limes are so stupid.

patti 03-01-02 11:46 PM

Re: The Sh*t List!
Originally posted by sadesdrk
When a freak *69's you! I hate that!
i would have to agree with that. :yup: no stranger is gonna 69 me!:nope:

Limes are so stupid.
yeauh, kill em' all.


patti 03-01-02 11:52 PM

......but seriously folks........i'd agree that 4 way stops are a pain in the @ss when drivers are too hesitant.

my all time topper for the sh*tlist is people that ram up my @ss in the grocery store checkout line.....THEY JUST CAN'T STAND WAITING AND HAVE TO START PUTTING THEIR FRICKEN' GROCERIES ON THAT FRICKEN BELT THE SECOND I MOVE A FRICKEN MILLIMETER AHEAD....I WANT TO BASH THEIR HEADS IN WITH MY FROZEN OJ! .........ahem..uhmmm...yeah.


mecurdius 03-02-02 01:42 AM

I hateit when you go to see LOTR and people come out and say, that had no ending, what the hell?

Marcellus 03-02-02 05:01 AM

When I buy a ticket for an R16 movie, and they give me suspicious looks, and have to double check my ID :furious:

Snoozle 03-02-02 10:36 AM

I hate when I anwer the phone, "Hello, this is Susan" and the caller says..."Uh, Tammy?":furious:

spudracer 03-02-02 10:46 AM

I hate people that are older than me and act more immature than me. No, it's not any of you, it's someone in my town. If you really want to know what went down PM me. :D

Ordering at a fast food place such as Taco Bell, or Arby's, the guy double checks your order and still manages to screw it up. :furious:

People that try putting a DVD into a VCR, I kid you not when I worked at the video store this happened a couple of times.

People that drive 2 miles UNDER the speed limit just to stay on the cops good side. Too bad the speed limit is 35!!!!

People that pull out in front of you when it's obvious you're going fast and it's not a 4 lane road.

People that consider a sh*tload of bumper stickers a wise investment.

People that buy dogs chain em up in the backyard and only go out there to feed them.

10% off sales. WTF!? That ain't a sale.

Yoda 03-02-02 12:10 PM

People that buy dogs chain em up in the backyard and only go out there to feed them.
We've got something similar over at my house. Our next-door neighbor is apparently p*ssed at us for buying the house adjacent to his. I think he said he wanted to tear it down so it could serve as one giant yard for his Rottweilers.

L .B . Jeffries 03-02-02 12:17 PM

Man O Man there's a lot of hatred on this site

I can't bring myself to go as far as saying I hate something or someone maybe dislike but hate that's just to strong a word for me. I really dislike the word Hate. there's my 2 cents if anybody cares.


Snoozle 03-02-02 01:29 PM

I guess you only hate saying you hate something.

Snoozle 03-02-02 01:31 PM

Actually, you hate the word 'hate', but seem to think you can get away with just 'really disliking' the word 'hate.'

patti 03-02-02 01:46 PM know this is just a "get it off your chest" thread......i don't think the word hate should be tossed around either....i almost never use it....but i consider this thread a place for playful exaggeration---i wouldn't really bash someones' head in with my frozen OJ... :laugh:

The Silver Bullet 03-03-02 07:07 AM

Really chaps my hide, baby.
Check your PM's Sades.

sadesdrk 03-03-02 12:58 PM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet

Check your PM's Sades.
I did; Soothed the chapped part; doesn't heal the wound.:)

What makes my sh*t list today:
1. The flashing ad telling me I won. Grrrrrrr.

2. I have a song stuck in my head. It sucks. It's a good song and I don't want to burn it out.

3. Checked the price of scanner/fax/copier combination thingie...and damn! So exspensive! Why?! AGH!

Fez Wizardo 03-05-02 12:01 PM

People who have no respect for toilets.

Just because it's not yours it doesn't mean you shouldn't take care not to piss all over it ye fecking animal.

(and people who don't wash their hands after-- urgh)

(yup I just went to use our work facilities only to find them...well...use your imagination)

spudracer 03-05-02 12:09 PM

I feel your pain Fez.

Here's today's list:

1. Wal-Mart in not having A.I. on the shelf yet. :furious:

2. @#$##@ Cold that doesn't want to go away.

sadesdrk 03-05-02 12:09 PM

ew. I agree. I used to work in a movie theater and we had to do bathroom checks. I can't even tell you the horrors I've seen.:eek:

patti 03-05-02 03:02 PM

How PERFECT is this toilet topic for the Sh*t List thread?!!!! no kidding......what moron leaves a public toilet unflushed?

i see it all the time...makes me sick.....they should be shot. :yup:

OG- 03-05-02 05:48 PM

This happened to me today and it really f'ing pissed me off:

I'm driving down the 234bipass, coming home from school, in the left lane and some guy in a bigass pickup truck speeds past me in the right lane (had to be going more than 70mph) and then pulls infront of me and goes like 40 in a f'ing 55!!! Why in da hell would you speed past someone who is going faster than you, and pull infront of them, then slow down. I don't f'ing get it. So then I had to pass him and ended up flying through a redlight which made me feel like an *******. F that big pickup truck. F it hard.

F'ing physics test put me in a bad mood. F physics too!!:furious:

Fez Wizardo 03-05-02 06:06 PM

How old do you need to be to get on the roads in America?

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