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Austruck 08-23-06 10:45 PM

I can't be the only one here watching "24," can I?

Well, I'm actually trying to catch up to everyone who *does* watch it. God bless Netflix for catching up on TV series. I'm nearing the end of Season 3 so far, and watching the shows back to back to back like this, I'm noticing patterns:

-- Always have a mole inside CTU. It makes for extra excitement just when things are going right.

-- Have Jack Bauer shoot someone under iffy circumstances at least twice per season.

-- Have Jack go renegade every other episode, so that people back at CTU can pair off in groups of "helping Jack" versus "totally out of the loop with Jack."

-- Everyone in the series gets at least 15 minutes of total self-righteous overacting every season. It's in their contracts.

-- Viruses and bombs get released/detonated but then are found out to be false alarms, so that they can be released/detonated again ... at least three times in a single 24-hour day.

-- Apparently science has invented a cell phone that never needs its battery recharged, and CTU bought them all up.

-- No one ever eats or goes to the bathroom during an entire 24-hour period. I want to see an episode with Jack Bauer running that SUV through a Jack-in-the-Box drive-thru just once. And apparently they all wear Depends or something.

-- People at CTU who get wounded in the course of a day (shot, stabbed, whatever) can get by with very small amounts of medical attention before going straight back to work for another 18+ hours. They're then given another 15 minutes of self-righteous overacting to compensate.

-- "Brrrrrrr--dee-doop!" Those phones in CTU are really going to drive me crazy by the time I work my way up to Season 5.

-- This is supposed to be the most high-tech place on the planet, but yet, whenever it's convenient, even low-level employees can find a way to do something untraceable or go offline and off-grid and not get caught. Oh, and they're always the ones who work right in the middle of the main floor where everyone can see them.

-- Why doesn't that place have proper lighting, even in the middle of the day? It's like watching a crime scene scene from CSI with all that cool high-tech mood lighting everywhere.

7thson 08-23-06 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
-- Why doesn't that place have proper lighting, even in the middle of the day? It's like watching a crime scene scene from CSI with all that cool high-tech mood lighting everywhere.

Out of everything you have said this gets me the most. Certainly it is to enhance the "mood", but somone once in awhile turn on an overhead light for goodness sake!!!

I have watched the first two seasons on DVD so far and I have enjoyed them for the most part, I watched one on regular TV and the commericials ruin the flow. The "bathroom" thing is kinda prevelant in most movies and TV shows, so I can cope with that, everything else you mentoin is kinda funny and true., but for some reason I still watch...hmmmmm why is that.:)

shirble 08-23-06 11:56 PM

I'm fairly I'm the only person left who hasn't seen 24

Austruck 08-24-06 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by 7thson
Out of everything you have said this gets me the most. Certainly it is to enhance the "mood", but somone once in awhile turn on an overhead light for goodness sake!!!. . . I watched one on regular TV and the commericials ruin the flow. The "bathroom" thing is kinda prevelant in most movies and TV shows...
The overhead light thing is just hilarious. We always noticed this on CSI: They're always running into crime scenes (day or night) and they NEVER turn on a light switch. They always use flashlights and let it stay dark and eerie.

As for the bathroom/food thing: Well, fair enough, but in other shows they're not touting the fact that they're in "real time." So, is JACK BAUER also hitting the loo during the commercials, just like the viewers? :)

Yeah, I'm still watching on DVDs from Netflix so the commercials haven't been an issue for me yet. Neither has waiting for a week in between episodes. I remember doing this with "Lost" and really having a hard time with commercials and week-long breaks once I caught up and had to watch it "new" like everybody else.

Pyro Tramp 08-24-06 04:47 AM

I'm sure there are at least 2 threads scattered around. But nice points. There's plenty of similarities i've noticed from all 5 seasons, shame that some of them are from lazy writing . Love the show all the same though :D

Austruck 08-24-06 10:01 AM

Oddly, I did a search for "24" in the TV forum here and came up with absolutely nothing, which is why I started my own thread.

And yes, despite the big list I made, I find myself literally sitting on the edge of the couch (or leaning forward in my office chair) while watching every episode. It's just crazy. :)

Darth Stujitzu 08-24-06 03:07 PM

Still think the first 2 seasons are the best, from season 3 onwards things go a little off the radar. It almost appears as if they're making it up as they go along some times, also the increased new twists and turns don't always work.
Still hooked, but please kill off the more annoying characters like Chloe, Edgar etc.
And whilst we're at it, no more moles in CTU, lets have an advark in season 6!!!
Sorry, lost the plot again!!!

Austruck 09-01-06 07:05 PM

Chloe? Annoying? Surely you jest ... :rolleyes:

adidasss 09-01-06 07:52 PM

i'm in complete shock that this show won so many's right up there with she spies and alias....

allthatglitters 12-28-06 05:33 AM

Ahh, '24' is actually one of my resolutions for the new year. Probably the most shallow resolution, but I swear I will watch it this season, seriously this time. Great show. Jack Bauer is without a doubt the coolest television character on T.V right now.

Austruck 12-28-06 11:08 AM

I've never gotten to see it in real time. I watched the first four seasons via Netflix, so watching it like everybody else will be a change for me. And yes, Darth, I agree -- no more moles, please.

And haven't these people heard of 100-watt bulbs? Why is EVERY show on TV now poorly lit just for cool effects and ambiance? I always wonder how those CSI people can work in the dark with just a little night light above them all the time.


Sedai 12-28-06 05:11 PM

FYI - Best buy has all seasons of 24 on sale for 19.99 each this week only... Picking mine up in about an hour...

Pyro Tramp 01-08-07 10:37 AM

Anyone catch the first 4 episodes of Day Six? God start but they seemed to have hit the kinda mid season false end bit early. And the Curtis moment seemed to be a bit too scripted. Worth watching all the same.

Sedai 01-08-07 11:41 AM

Doesn't air until next week... Where did you see it?

Pyro Tramp 01-08-07 03:59 PM

First 4 got leaked on net i figure. Didn't even realise it was on, found torrents same day as i saw the trailer.

Austruck 01-13-07 07:53 PM

I solved my dilemma of worrying about Season 6 spoilers before I get done with Season 5 on Netflix: I broke down and BOUGHT Season 5 at Walmart this afternoon and now I'm doing a marathon 15 episodes before tomorrow night! How insane am I? :) I'm not even sure I technically HAVE enough time to do this ... I have a few things I need to do tomorrow. Ugh!

Rosco 01-25-07 12:34 AM

The only way to watch 24 is on DVD. You have to have access to multiple episodes because it is not uncommon to bang out 8-14 a day. Youd think thats a lot, but it really doesn't seem like it. having to wait and the commericals are no good.

Austruck 01-25-07 12:43 AM

Yeah, now that Season 6 has started, I agree that it really stinks to have to wait a week for each hour of real-time in the show. Feels downright weird. :)

But I still think it's better than trying to avoid spoilers until the DVDs come out. That has been a real chore for too long now.

Helio 02-05-07 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
..shame that some of them are from lazy writing.
That’s what spoiled the show for me. I loved the first season, but some episodes were definitely stronger than others. By season 3 I got bored with the absurdity of the program.
I think of 24 as a show that could have been great.

In contrast, a show like The Wire has some amazing writers who consistently deliver the goods.

Austruck 02-05-07 10:02 PM

I guess I have fun with the absurdity at this point. And I'm glad I'm not watching them back to back like I had to in order to catch up. That was like OD'ing on tainted crack or something. LOL

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