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Jeff 04-30-24 02:59 PM

I gots to quit smoking
Has anyone here quit this nasty expensive habit? I'm gonna give it another go, maxed out my credit card, and just have enough cash for 2 cartons, which would mean no spending money for a whole month, sponging off dad, but if i can quit i can have my fill of burgers, pizzas and more films!! Just ordered all 4 of the Criterion Harold Loyd releases, not sure if i have sufficient funds, but i will have them sooner or later.

This book might help

TONGO 04-30-24 04:31 PM

ON nicotine pouches are very effective, and cheap. I use them, and they work. Now tapering off of them is the next step.

Nausicaä 04-30-24 04:42 PM

Re: I gots to quit smoking
My Mum and Grandma were heavy smokers, they always told me when growing up to never start smoking and gave me reasons why. They didn't tell me I can't but just why not to start.

Never touched a ciggie in my life.

I hope you can quit smoking. :yup:

Also, don't start vapes, you turn into an arsehole. At least cigarette smokers knew not to smoke around others. Rarely walked through cigarette smoke on the street but the amount of times I have had to try and dodge a cloud of vape shite...

Captain Steel 04-30-24 06:48 PM

  • Exercise, exercise, exercise
  • Substitute your oral fixation with gum chewing, tooth picks, nuts, seeds, sugarless hard candy or mints, anything you can keep in your mouth except cigarettes.
  • Take up a musical instrument you play with your mouth.
  • Deep / relaxed breathing exercises (you'll find these are very similar to the way smokers breath when inhaling & exhaling - eventually the same feelings of relaxation can be achieved through controlled breathing rather than inhaling cigarette smoke).
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Practice reading aloud, public speaking, singing, whistling (all difficult to do with a cigarette in your mouth).
  • Daily meditation to relax & relieve stress.
  • Keep healthy, crunchy snacks on hand throughout the day, such as fresh vegetables - carrots, celery, peppers, etc. - the more you have to chew, the more your mouth is occupied - and you won't gain excess weight with vegies.
  • New hobbies / projects: one of the leading causes for people to resume smoking is simple boredom - don't let yourself become bored.
  • Avoid others who smoke or situations / environments conducive to smoking (if alcohol creates a craving for cigarettes, then avoid alcohol as the two usually go together).
  • Announce your goal to quit smoking to your friends, family and co-workers & ask for their support.

doubledenim 04-30-24 07:23 PM

Re: I gots to quit smoking
You'll quit the day you decide to. The physical withdrawal is only a couple days, the mental withdrawal will take some time. Make the process as simple as possible, giving yourself less opportunity to fail.

Mr Minio 04-30-24 07:41 PM

Re: I gots to quit smoking
Jeez, my addiction isn't that bad I guess.

GulfportDoc 04-30-24 07:48 PM

The hardest part about quitting smoking is THINKING about quitting. I used to break out into a cold sweat when I'd think about quitting. But when I decided to quit, it was relatively simple. It took some time to adjust to not having the habit of picking up a cig, especially in company, but otherwise I was surprised at how easy it was. And it was lovely not thinking of myself as a 2nd class citizen-- only being able to smoke in designated areas, etc.

It's probably easier to quit when an individual has evidence that smoking is hurting his health. I used to get throat pains, and was afraid I'd given myself throat cancer. I waited 3 months after quitting to go to an ENT doctor to have my throat checked, fearing the worst. Fortunately I was fine.

Smoking is pretty uncommon these days. Instead we have those annoying cell phone addicts..:)

SpelingError 04-30-24 07:57 PM

I imagine quitting smoking must be really hard, but best wishes to you.

FilmBuff 04-30-24 09:32 PM

I'm sorry to say, I don't have any words of wisdom that would be helpful. The closest I've ever come to something similar was this one time, many years ago, when I came to the conclusion that I had become addicted to caffeine. Like, really addicted to it.

I decided to go cold turkey, and I got some bad headaches for like a week.

I do still take caffeinated beverages every now and then, but I definitely try to keep my consumption of it as low as possible - definitely under 100mg a day, less if I can.

By my own estimate, before I "quit" caffeine, I may very well have gotten used to 400mg a day, or more. :eek:

cricket 04-30-24 10:16 PM

I quit other crap but haven't quit smoking yet, but I have cut down. Give them up while you're young, the longer you go, the harder it is.

John McClane 04-30-24 10:31 PM

you can’t quit till you want to quit

it’s tough.

Citizen Rules 04-30-24 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 2458474)
I quit other crap but haven't quit smoking yet, but I have cut down. Give them up while you're young, the longer you go, the harder it is.
I never smoked but I've heard cutting down only helps your pocket book, not your health. The reason being a smoker who cuts down the daily number of cigarettes to say by half, ends up smoking the cigarette more times and holding the smoke longer meaning the amount of nicotine and other stuff remains the same in their body. A person then becomes a more efficient smoker, but not healthier.

Here's my quit smoking advice, based on how my uncle quit.
My uncle was older and a life long heavy smoker. He had to be rushed to the hospital because he was coughing up blood and couldn't stop. He was in the hospital for long while and it was touch and go. The doctor told him point blank, quit smoking or die. He threw away all his cigarettes, lighter and ashtray when he got home from the hospital and bought a big bag of sour lemon hard candy drops. Every time he wanted to smoke he grabbed a sour lemon drop instead. He quit and lived a long time after to a ripe old age.

cricket 05-01-24 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 2458479)
I never smoked but I've heard cutting down only helps your pocket book, not your health. The reason being a smoker who cuts down the daily number of cigarettes to say by half, ends up smoking the cigarette more times and holding the smoke longer meaning the amount of nicotine and other stuff remains the same in their body. A person then becomes a more efficient smoker, but not healthier.
Just speaking for myself, there's no difference in how I smoke, but there's a very noticeable difference in how I feel smoking less.

doubledenim 05-01-24 08:50 AM

Don’t know many cig smokers that “hold it in longer” 🤭 Not really how that type of smoking works. Illicit combustibles? Okay.

Was trying to come to this point the other day and someone above mentioned it. You have to find something that takes the place of the bernie. When you have something that you value more than the cigarette, it becomes easier.

I look at a lot of this stuff as a manifestation of the same behavior. Even if I don’t smoke anymore, I can still go off the rails eating late, knowing it’s going to make me feel like crap tomorrow. The day after bad nighttime eating is more of a hangover than drinking. And we pour doubles 🫠

Citizen Rules 05-01-24 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 2458536)
Just speaking for myself, there's no difference in how I smoke, but there's a very noticeable difference in how I feel smoking less.
:up:That's excellent, keep at it!

Citizen Rules 05-01-24 12:11 PM

Re: I gots to quit smoking
Just for reference:

crumbsroom 05-01-24 11:04 PM

Re: I gots to quit smoking
I quit smoking after a long while of being an absolutely disgustingly heavy smoker. And I wish I had advice how I did it. I honestly don't know. Just suddenly I knew how to stop.

But on a similar topic, does anyone know how to quit booze and drugs. Better than the crap advice I have to quit smoking. I've got a pen and paper at hand to take any notes.

FromBeyond 05-02-24 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by crumbsroom (Post 2458739)
But on a similar topic, does anyone know how to quit booze and drugs.

No 🤷

Stirchley 05-03-24 01:19 PM

Re: I gots to quit smoking
I was a chimney for 10 years. You never saw me without a cigarette. Took me two long years to stop - I kid you not. The hardest thing I ever did.

Robert Downey, Jr. said the wisest thing: It’s easy to stop smoking. The hard part is not starting again. So very very true.

Yoda 05-03-24 01:22 PM

Re: I gots to quit smoking
I think he swiped that from Mark Twain! "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I ought to know, I've done it a thousand times."

Never smoked, no issues with alcohol. Closest thing I've had is food, used to be quite heavy, and ultimately found a lot of help in the language of 12 step programs. A lot of the advice about serious addiction issues is highly applicable to any bad habit, even eating too much. And yeah, as some people have said, sometimes there's no life event or hitting bottom or anything, sometimes you just have to decide to do it, and then you do.

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