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Raven73 12-18-15 09:01 AM

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Well, the Force awoke, stumbled around blindly in the dark, muttering something about star wars, stubbed its toes on some toys, and went back to bed. Then I yawned.

I am a huge Star Wars fan. I was hyped about the movie and I really wanted to like it. Sorry to say, I was disappointed.
WARNING: "The Force Awakens" spoilers below

What movie is the following plot from?
Begins on a desert planet
An evil empire led by a dark lord are searching for a droid carrying important information
A teenager loses their family
The Millennium Falcon blasts its way out of the desert planet
A young woman is captured by the dark lord and interrogated
A death star with a death ray terrorizes the galaxy
A father figure dies and someone yells "Noooo!"
X-wings fly through a trench and destroy the death star

It's almost as if Abrams, struggling with writing the next Star Wars chapter, just threw up his hands and said "I'll just re-do Episode 4!"

We were not introduced to any interesting new worlds, or technology, or vehicles, or weapons, or alien races. I wondered what the point of BB8 was - he was pretty much the same as R2D2.

Nobody in my theatre applauded when it was over.

They were smart to make a ton of money on merchandise before the movie came out.

Optimus 12-18-15 09:29 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Ime not a big Star Wars fan, but your the only person ive heard say anything negative about this movie. All ive read is praise, i even read someone say its as good as the original. JJ Abrams is fantastic, and i cant believe that theres nothing new added to this movie.

Omnizoa 12-18-15 09:39 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Force Awakens is definitely a retread of the original Star Wars, but it is also a remix and completely intentional. The scenarios unfold very differently, and the new characters interact with each other in very different ways, but that much was necessary. It could be argued that the other Star Wars sequels were retreads because they performed the tired old traditions of dolling out the "slow opening text crawl", or "hero must apprentice himself to a wise old master", or "jedi mind trick, didn't we do that already"?

A significant reason so much of the original films return is simply to appeal to longtime fans who've drifted away from the series since the prequels. You would most definitely be in the minority if the movie eschewed fanservice altogether in favor of all new everything.

Goldleader 12-18-15 10:35 AM

Spoiler Warning

The film has some problems but over all its a great film and a huge step up from the prequels.

I won't get into the bad parts as I don't want to be a moaner about this film, we had enough of that with the prequels.

Some of the good parts for me:
  • Kylo Ren is an excellent bad guy and has the fear of Vader and seemed to be what Anakin should have been in the prequels.
  • The space ship battle scenes were amazing and how they also blended into ground action was very good.
  • Ray and Fin were both good characters and both could act
  • The killing of a main character was a good choice
  • Stayed away from spoilers and I think JJ did a good job in the marketing as to what Luke was going to be in the film to draw then attention away from who Kylo Ren really was
  • I want a BB8
  • It felt like a Star Wars film, using live action First Order troops made a big difference
  • It was very funny, in a good way like in Empire
  • All the effects were very good, and also the sound, music and monster costumes all very good
  • Not having Luke appear until the end was a great way to setup the next film

Looking forward to watching it again to pickup bits I missed and now fully ready for 2017 and Episode VIII

Yoda 12-18-15 10:38 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Blanket reminder, to no one in particular: be incredibly careful about spoilers. Even vague ones. When in doubt, put a spoiler warning on it or (better yet) use the spoiler tags. People have been waiting for this for a long time, so don't ruin it for them. I've already had a few things spoiled for me just by virtue of running this site and hiding other people's spoilers, and trust me, it's not fun.

Goldleader 12-18-15 10:48 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Sorry, I have updated with a warning

Gatsby 12-18-15 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by Raven73 (Post 1424984)
Regarding spoilers...

Isn't this section called "Reviews"? The whole idea of a review is that we're reviewing what we've seen, no?
The whole idea of a review also includes considering the chance that maybe others haven't seen the reviewed film yet imo.

Raven73 12-18-15 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1424985)
The whole idea of a review also includes considering the chance that maybe others haven't seen the reviewed film yet imo.
Duly noted. Sorry!

Raven73 12-18-15 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by Goldleader (Post 1424976)
Sorry, I have updated with a warning
Thank you!

Sexy Celebrity 12-18-15 06:15 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
This movie needs a thread where you can talk about the spoilers openly. Without having to use spoiler tags.

Raven73 12-18-15 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by Omnizoa (Post 1424955)
The Force Awakens is definitely a retread of the original Star Wars, but it is also a remix and completely intentional. The scenarios unfold very differently, and the new characters interact with each other in very different ways, but that much was necessary. It could be argued that the other Star Wars sequels were retreads because they performed the tired old traditions of dolling out the "slow opening text crawl", or "hero must apprentice himself to a wise old master", or "jedi mind trick, didn't we do that already"?

A significant reason so much of the original films return is simply to appeal to longtime fans who've drifted away from the series since the prequels. You would most definitely be in the minority if the movie eschewed fanservice altogether in favor of all new everything.
It's expected new SW films will deal with the same traditions, motifs, themes, etc., but this film went too far. It was almost like they copied the movie point-by-point. Abrams has a tendency to rehash a story - look at what he did with Star Trek: went back in time, re-did Wrath of Khan.

I won't give away another spoiler, but I'll just say that when a new generation steps up, the *baton* is supposed to be passed on to them.

After all the EU novels, you'd think they'd have more original stories to tell.

This is the worst SW film ever, IMO.

jrs 12-18-15 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1425163)
This movie needs a thread where you can talk about the spoilers openly. Without having to use spoiler tags.
Just search the net, I'm sure you'll most likely find something to ruin it for you.

Sexy Celebrity 12-18-15 06:50 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Originally Posted by jrs (Post 1425174)
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1425163)
This movie needs a thread where you can talk about the spoilers openly. Without having to use spoiler tags.
Just search the net, I'm sure you'll most likely find something to ruin it for you.
It's so people here could have deep discussions of the movie (if they're warranted, of course) without having to worry about the spoiler tag.

gbgoodies 12-18-15 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1425163)
This movie needs a thread where you can talk about the spoilers openly. Without having to use spoiler tags.

Why don't you start one?

gandalf26 12-18-15 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by Raven73 (Post 1425167)
It's expected new SW films will deal with the same traditions, motifs, themes, etc., but this film went too far. It was almost like they copied the movie point-by-point. Abrams has a tendency to rehash a story - look at what he did with Star Trek: went back in time, re-did Wrath of Khan.

I won't give away another spoiler, but I'll just say that when a new generation steps up, the *baton* is supposed to be passed on to them.

After all the EU novels, you'd think they'd have more original stories to tell.

This is the worst SW film ever, IMO.
Worst EVER lol!

It's either 2nd 3rd or 4th best, I haven't decided yet.

Does the plot being very similar to New Hope make it a bad film?

I'm very happy with it, repeat viewings will cement that I think. Also different directors are coming in to hopefully take it in new directions, but with hopefully more of what has come before. That's the strength of the Force Awakens I think, plenty of the same but plenty of exiting new stuff too.

ShadowMatt 12-18-15 11:02 PM

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - No Spoiler Review
3 Attachment(s)
The wise among you have avoided reviews because you were avoiding spoilers. If that is the case, know that they didn’t “Jar Jar this one up” and it’s good to go. I will endeavor to keep this review spoiler-free.
If you liked the original Star Wars, you’ll like this one. It was exciting and cool. Go see it.

Was it any good?

Yes, it was very good. I think I might see it again. It was that good.

Who was in it?
Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Adam Driver

Should I see it on the big screen or should I wait to rent it?

Yes, see it on the big screen. It’s worth all the hype.

Should I see it in 3D or one of the other premium formats?
I saw the plain ol’ 2D version, but I can see how it would have been pretty cool in 3D. When I see it again (oh, yes), I think I’ll check out the 3D. Does it have to be in IMAX or other huge-screen version? Probably not.


I’ll say it again. If you liked the first one, you’ll like this one. A lot of us fans rushed to see the first prequel and were disappointed. There was no Jar Jar to be found, and the movie was better for it.

Rather than go it’s own way, as the three trainwreck prequels tried to do, this movie seemed to snap back to the feel of the original Star Wars. I think we have the makings of a new trilogy here, in the vein of the original trilogy. Will Hollywood muck it up and try to stretch it into four movies? I hope not.

A lot of the same action and plot twists were there. It’s not strictly a reboot, but it really is. This is kind of Star Wars: The Next Generation. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Who doesn’t want an excuse to return to the original Star Wars universe? And by “original,” I don’t mean the three prequel movies. Let’s all agree now that those things never happened.

A lot of the movie had the same old themes, only bigger and better. Several moments were a thrill and made the audience say, “Yeah!” It’s better seen in a crowd.

Just go, all right?

Is it family safe?
There is some light language. There is some light violence. A bunch of people are killed off-screen. There are some gun battles and light-saber battles. Nothing horrific you wouldn’t expect.

PG-13 | 135 min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 18 December 2015 (USA)

BrowningIdentity 12-18-15 11:12 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - No Spoiler Review
Very well summed up! I personally choose not to forget the prequels - I thought Episode III was actually good, and Episodes I and II are movies filmmakers can learn from, so they don't make the same mistakes that Lucas did.

I will also be going to see this again - at least once more! More, if time and money allow.

NedStark09 12-19-15 12:37 AM

Now let me first say Liked the movie well enough its even better then the prequels but at the same right it just was missing Star Wars Magic so it did not feel like a Star Wars movie should for me.

Now JJ did set up good characters some were fleshed out better then others but Rian Johnson is given good Characters to use build on and tell more back story for.

Rey Is a great Hero Character but felt allot of Info About Fin was left out which I hope will be explored. Its way too Obvious that Fin loses every Fight and is made too look like clone trooper but I just think JJ wanted Rey and her mystery too be center stage and Fins glory moment will happen later.

Kylo Ren well lets say I missed even General Grevious after Kylo awesome fact was melted away when he is revealed too be a punk like his idol was in The Prequels.

Han and Chewy were great but The Falcon was what saved this movie for she gave the best Star Wars performance.

Dont get me to comment about BB8 for Im kinda made Just because JJ was too scared to use CGI R2 we get a droid soccer ball that offends R2 fans.

Movie Receives
3 Valyrian Steel Swords which is about 3 Stars.

seanc 12-19-15 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by Raven73 (Post 1425167)
It's expected new SW films will deal with the same traditions, motifs, themes, etc., but this film went too far. It was almost like they copied the movie point-by-point. Abrams has a tendency to rehash a story - look at what he did with Star Trek: went back in time, re-did Wrath of Khan.

I won't give away another spoiler, but I'll just say that when a new generation steps up, the *baton* is supposed to be passed on to them.

After all the EU novels, you'd think they'd have more original stories to tell.

This is the worst SW film ever, IMO.
Your entitled to your opinion of course but have you read the EU novels. The six that take place after Jedi are basically just the trilogy over again and then again.

NedStark09 12-19-15 04:41 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
IDK I am wondering if maybe there are other jedi in hiding as always before we just assumed that Luke was the last one but knowing Emperor and Vader could likely read or sense Lukes mind. Do you think Yoda would tell Luke if there was more. vader sensed the whole sister knews.

I think Yoda had other business and Plans and these movies should shead more light on that Ben Kenobi had more Faith really then Yoda may have had . I am smelling The Order Of 6. Im willing to bet there will be enough to be the same number as the Knights Of Ren or maybe atleast 2 so Rey isnt fighting alone.

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