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sadesdrk 12-16-01 03:28 AM

Fight Club: The Tab
Okay. I don't know about everybody else...but I get into confrontations sometimes. I have this thing, this hang-up, about respect. I just want people to extend some f*ckin' courtesy once in awhile.
Now, I know you all think I'm Miss Prissy Peach. Well, I get angry. Really, really angry. Most of the time about stupid drivers ( so I can relate with ya patti) but a lot of the time, it's sales clerks and managers.

What I want to use this thread for, is to air out your agressions. If you got in a squabble with someone from work...lemmie know. If you got nasty with a person who took your parking spot...lay it on me. I wanna hear about it, and offer some encouragement to those of us who don't bend over. WHO WON'T TAKE SH*T!

Here's my first story: 12/15- RUMBLE AT ROSS
I had been waiting in line for 20 minutes. Guy at the head of the line needed a price check. I was patient. Clerks can not find the same mirror with a tag to scan.
I am still patient. I can't leave this line...all the lines are long...if I line will no doubt, begin to move. SO I STAY.
Finally, it is almost my turn...wait, what's this? The current register chick, is going on a break...she needs to count her drawer out and the new register chick needs to count her's, in. The store manager is TRAINING the new clerk, how to do this. I become annoyed. I say, nicely as I possibly can," May I be helped on a different register? I have been standing in line for almost a half an hour."
The manager says no. I argue with her. Our voices get loud. I take my stuff to a different register and plop my stuff down. The manager tells the chick," Don't ring her up. She has to wait. She'll have to move."
" Oh yeah?!" I say," You gonna move me?"
The manager lady conciders my height. She looks scared. The chick rings me up and I leave. Walking by the manager lady, I lift her name tag up off her blouse and read it," Mechelle Brady. Store Manager. Well...I'll be back in a week to see if you're still here."
Then I left. Felt good.:)

* I didn't start this fight. She could have easily let me go ahead through someone else's line. She just wanted to demonstrate some authority. That's just plain rude. I know from years of being in customer service-aim to please. I was a waitress before my current position. Sorry. This thread may not go anywhere. I just need to vent.:rolleyes:

Sir Toose 12-16-01 10:28 AM

Hah! I love it! She'll be worried about it all week. When I was in college I worked at a large department store. There were times when I thought the customer was being rude and I would send them off... they usually went to the store manager and got what they wanted anyways but not from me. Your case is not one of those... I would have walked you over myself and taken care of it.

patti 12-16-01 01:05 PM

it is interesting how humans behave in waiting's the old "hurry up and wait" mindset........"rushes" are some kind of phenomenon.....a line starts to form and suddenly everyone bolts up the join the line because it's getting longer...and they want to get in there before it's too long. i always feel people staring at me in line. i rarely look at anyone.....but i scan peripherally.........i HATE when people stand too close to me, talk too loudly (to their friend) about whatever it is they think anyone else wants to hear about.......AND WHAT IT THIS when people just HAVE to get their STUFF ON THE godd*mn revolving belt!? some lady will be stepping on my heels , just riding up my @ss....and WOW!! she has a bottle of juice and a salad in her arms..........WHOA......CAN'T HOLD ON TO THAT LOAD MUCH LONGER!!!!!! she just has to set it down as SOON AS i move three centimeters up so she can reach forward to unload the heavy burden ...and then just continue to HURRY UP AND WAIT!!! i can also usually FEEL when the person behind me who is similarly riding up my derriere, and kind of pacing side to side.......wants ME TO OFFER THEM TO GO AHEAD OF ME...because they are in a hurry......they have two items and i have four.
i should take you along with me can kick butt for me..........i'd rather just ignore them and try not to be too irritated by it all. better to look at the good stuff.

sadesdrk 12-16-01 01:39 PM

I don't know what it is about me that attracts these horrible situations. One ROSS again...I was waiting for a parking spot, I had my blinker on and everything. This woman on the opposing side of the spot, I mean, she wasn't even properly alighned for the spot! Jumps in with HER blinker on, like she's gonna take my spot! I thought to myself," No you don't!"
So as soon as the car pulls out, it blocks the dumb lady from going in, cuz she's on the WRONG damn side; and I pull right in.
Well...the lady swings her big-@ss car right up behind mine, and rolls down her window. She starts yellin' at me, before I'm even out of the car!
When I do get out, I just ignore her, and begin to go in the store. She yells," When you come out, you just SEE what I've done to your car." That gets me. I love my little, red car. I spin on my heels and walk right on up to her car and say," Was that a threat?"
She says," You took my spot. I've been driving around for a long time."
I say," You even breathe on this car, and I'll find you. I swear it. I've commited your lisence plate number to memory...shouldn't take long to track that ugly thing down." Then I left and went in the store. I watched her out the window. She sat there for a minute looking at my car, then she drove away.

Question: If she was going to park where I parked. What store was she going to go into...and why didn't she park somewhere else? Why did she just leave? Because she was a crazy b*tch! I attarct the craziest of b*tches!

spudracer 12-16-01 03:05 PM

When I first saw this thread, I thought it was a tab for how many times we've seen Fight Club. :laugh: Good idea Sadie!!

I really don't get into fights with people since I don't work with "my age" customers anymore, just little kids. I get mad at them, but I cool off since they aren't old enough to really know better. They should, but they don't.

I'm really not one that likes to get into arguments, yelling contests, or full on brawls, but I will make it clear that what I want is right behind your fata*ss if you're in the way. I can never think of a time when I've gotten into an argument with someone working at the store I'm shopping at, or someone shopping at the store I'm shopping at. I like watching other people get into fights about the last Harry Potter action figure or whatever seems to be the hot item that Christmas season. It's always a laugh riot.

Something I do hate, and one day will mustar up the courage to yell at someone for not taking the shopping cart to the little cart holder thing when they're done, instead of leaving it right there where someone would like to park and can't cause your lazy a*s put your damn shopping cart in the way.

I had this problem yesterday, but didn't do anything about it since the kid was fairly young. I was at Taco Bell, in another town, getting lunch. There was the big o guy ahead of me that was ordering just about every damn thing on the menu. Finally the people that was ahead of me got there stuff and another register became open. While I was waiting on that though, the big guys kid was running all over the place and was driving me crazy. Why can't people hold onto one kid while they are taking care of something??? IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?!?!?!?!?

patti 12-16-01 04:33 PM

that's not too much to ask at all Spud......but there are just a ton of inconsiderate people out there who don't give a sh*t about anybody..........they let their kids fly around, getting in everybody's way, screaming, knocking things over, etc. i believe people shold keep their kids reigned in- especially in crowded public places like malls, and markets, and restaurants. you might not be able to keep your kid quiet and pleasant, but you can keep them out from under passerby's feet.

sadesdrk 12-16-01 04:42 PM

When I worked at this expensive, fast paced, Italian restraunt called, Cirino's...this family had this child that was running all around the place and crawling under tables and stuff. The family was totally oblivious. I told the waitress who had their table, to tell the mom and dad to put the kid in his chair. She didn't want to do it since she thought it would reflect on her tip. We fought about it for awhile...then I came up with an idea. I caught the kid playing in our fountian, in the middle of the restraunt, so I went over to the mom and said," Your son is drinking water from our fountian. We put bleach in it. You might want to keep him in his chair from now on." She jumped up and grabbed her kid. He screamed the whole rest of the meal so they left early. Just proved to me, that it was easier for the parents to enjoy their meal by letting the kid run around and disturb other people, than it was to have control over him. People are SO selfish.:rolleyes:

patti 12-16-01 05:08 PM

i wouldn't be at all surprised if that woman simply looked at you, angrily, and let her child continue cruising around again two minutes also wouldn't be a surprise to have them complain about the dangers of your fountain.....seeing as how it has bleach in it......and young children "might accidentally" drink from it. heh heh.
do you also recall the state of the floor after some people dined there with kids? i've seen horrible messes beneath and all around the table; they don't have to scrub the floor, but they could pick up a few of the rolls, pats of butter, forks, and pizza chunks as they leave..or as they are dumped onto the's all a matter of consideration.

L .B . Jeffries 12-16-01 05:32 PM

I'm the guy on the recieving end of costumors I used to work at grocery store and if they thought someone was going to steal you would have to watch the guy and wait till he leaved before you could catch him so I was watching this guy for like 4 min or so and he was lookin at the spice and herbs and he might have been stealing or not so there are two ways in my book to watch some one it's simple you either follow the guy around everywhere until he leaves or buys what he's got or your you go frickin HIGH-TECH on the guy and sneak around and catch him off guard well I tried both first High-Tech because if you not sure then your being reallt rude so then I just blantently followed the guy so back to the spices and herbs he got all frickin pissed and he starts yelling up a storm in front of tons of costumer I was just all calm with clinched fists waitin for the S$it to fly I'm tellin him it's part of my job and if you don't like the way your being treated you can talk to the manager so he goes the front gets the cashier to page the manager the manager says were sorry and all that other bullsh@t. after all the stuff the guy said he goes up to the cashier buys what he's getting and says I'm sorry it he was only doing his job and leaves know why did the guy go throught all that to come at the end and says that I was only doing my job I don't get it.

one story from the grocery story when people do grab and runs you got chase after them well this big f@cker stole some stuff with a buddy but he handed off the bag to his friend at the door so he thought we would chase the bastard but we did were flying down this alley way 3 of us after the big guy the other too past me grab the guy a push him to the ground the guy gets up reaches into his jacket pulls out a needle and yells I got F@cked aids man we all back off he's kind of out of it asking use why we chased him like he's this innocent guy coming closer to use with the needle were telling him if he keeps on comin he ain't going to like what he's going to get so he backs off and leaves and we walked back Now why do people go all innocent like they didn't do anything but just a min ago they were running from use and they also pulled out a needle and used it as a weapon I doesn't make any sense.
Glass pipe pictures

Yoda 12-16-01 05:50 PM

Nice idea for a thread...gonna move it to the "Games, Lists & Tabs" forum, though. Haven't really gotten in any blazing rows lately...I argue with my parents, I argue with my brother...but that's about it. I'll be sure to let you all know if it ever turns to fisticuffs, though.

sadesdrk 12-16-01 05:58 PM

Sorry T. I totally meant to put it in the tabs area. Just always forget we have that one.:) Cool stories L.B.J.
Doesn't it feel nice to vent and share?!:D

Steve 12-16-01 06:32 PM

I bet you guys who always get in fights are the same people who complain about your late fees at blockbuster. Why can't we just have a little patience with each other? Who cares if a line is long? Why does everyone get so bent out of shape over the tiniest, most miniscule things? So you wait a few extra minutes. What's the big deal?

sadesdrk 12-16-01 06:47 PM

I wouldn't be caught dead in a Blockbuster. It's not the waiting I have a problem with's the grumpy sales clerks who hate their jobs and the managers who can't manage their own lives, let alone a place of business, that piss me off.:)

patti 12-16-01 08:01 PM

get em' sades! ;)
steve- it only takes one person in a line to change the tone.......i am a very gracious and conscientious person out in the public/business world.......but i encounter incredibly moronic, insensitive, self-centered, and impatient, critical and LOUD people all the time. it sounds very nice to say "why can't we all just be calm and patient and not get all bent out of shape by the little things".....sure, till you get stepped on or run over enough times.......i'm not trying to say "if you can't beat em' join em'.....i'm learn that there are people who could care less about anyone but them selves....their time, their purchases, their service or the percieved injustices to them. they abound and they think they are the exception to every rule.

spudracer 12-16-01 08:05 PM

Here's a story, dont' remember the specifics, although I try to because it's just so damned funny....

It was a busy night, lots of people coming in renting movies. Everything is going fine, people are paying their late fees without contesting, and I think I've got a good night going, until... This lady comes in, and why they wait a year and then come back and give this story like they haven't rented in a long time they don't know if they have an account blah blah. So, I look the ladies name up, and tell her she has late fees on there. I tell her when this happens and then say, "Sorry, you need to pay these before you rent". She gets a little peaved and says that she shouldn't pay them because it's been so long. I told her that it's the way things work, and that if she doesn't like that she'll have to talk to the manager(which wasn't there..:D). We yell at each other for a minute or two, and by now the line has gotten long because everyone must flock to a line when someone gets in it, she says she'll never come back, and then I say, "Well, you're not hurting my feelings any".

Another story, and this happened towards the closing of the store, so it's more memorable. We had a family come in and they were real good about renting about half a dozen movies then bringing them back 2 days later or something. Well this time, they went out of town and "accidentaly" packed the movies and a couple of games they rented as well. I checked them in, told the daughter what the total was on the late fees, and a few minutes later up steams the mother. She goes over the story again, and I tell her that they need to be paid(my manager told me, never reward stupidity), she gets all mad, and pays it, then says she'll never come back(I love it when they say that).

These are really great stories, and I used to have a whole lot more, but have forgotten them over time. It's always amazing how stupid people complain about the simplest of things. I've had people gripe a 50 cent late fee.

Oh, just remembered another story. I think I've told some of you this before, but this one happened at a time when I was happy to piss the customer off. :D

A guy calls up one's about 20 til the time we close, so he calmly says that he had rented a tape earlier, and it won't play. I then tell him that we are closing shortly, and he gets all mad saying he's not about to drive all the way out there that night. I then tell him that he didn't let me finish and that I was going to say that he could bring it out the next day. He then says, "Well, I have to work tomorrow. Doesn't anybody work anymore?" I then tell him that we're open until 9 and he can bring it out whenever he gets around to it. He then goes into how he lives all the way over on the other side of town, and wants me to pay his gas money to drive all the way out there. By this time, I'm starting to get ticked that some idiot is this lazy. I then tell him he has a lot of nerve for saying that crap, I go right in to saying that if I was his son(that's who the movie was for) that I wouldn't mind being able to pick out another movie in exchange,--Back at the beginning of this conversation he got into saying how he's already paid for the movie he has, how is he going to get a free movie when he still has to pay for it--he then said, "Well, you're easy to please", and hangs up.

I hope you follow the little part there at the end, it's a backtrack that you normally find in a book...ya know..;) Woooh...I feel better now.

sadesdrk 12-16-01 08:41 PM

Originally posted by spudracer
He then goes into how he lives all the way over on the other side of town, and wants me to pay his gas money to drive all the way out there. By this time, I'm starting to get ticked that some idiot is this lazy.
That is unbelievable.
Get this:
These women ( lesbians, I later discover) come into the Mexican Restraunt, my Grandparents used to own. I was their waitress. They were totally rude to me the whole duration of their meal. They tried ordering things, not offered on the menu, and changing everything around..." I want a pinata, but with a corn tortilla shell, not a flour one. Then instead of shredded beef, I'd like chicken. Then I want sour cream substituted for gaucamole." Things like that, but asking without saying please or thank you...
They full on had a make-out session in front of everyone, they burped loudly...just plain being obnoxious. Through all of this, I was able to keep a smile. Then, when they left, they left my tip in the bottom of a full water glass. I got pissed.
I ran after them and handed them back their change. I said," You forgot this." One of them said," Oh, that's yours hon." I dropped it on the ground and walked away.
On the verge of tears, I walked through the restraunt's patio, and a couple who had heard the whole thing, left me an extra five bucks as compensation. It made my night.:)

spudracer 12-16-01 08:45 PM

That's nice, the people that left you the 5 bucks. :D

I had a couple of lesbians come in with a list of movies involving Gay & Lesbian situations one time. I got really irritated having to look up all of these movies. We ended up only having two, the whole thing gave me the creeps though.

We also had a guy that would call up asking for a couple of movies(he did this all the time), and would want us to get them so when he came in all he would have to do is pay. We got tired of him real quick.

sadesdrk 12-16-01 08:49 PM

How does the porno situation work out? At the movie store I go to, they have this black binder, that the guys flip through. At this other one, there's this private room...I think it's so funny to watch the porn renters wander around like they're looking for other stuff...and then eventually make their way to the porn.:D

spudracer 12-16-01 08:57 PM

I usually like to tease my girlfriend and start looking at the porn stuff at Suncoast. She pulls me away very fast. :D

This is how frustrating stupid people got with me. I went and bought a bumper sticker for my truck that simply says, "Partnership for an Idiot Free America". One co-worker said sometimes I need to practice what I preach, but I laughed and gave her the finger. :laugh:

I guess in the last few days the grocery store was open we started marking everything off 25%, 50%, etc. One lady came up to my former boss, and asked politley if everything was marked down. He said yes, she then said, well you marked it up 35 cents. He told me he was really close to knocking her on her a*s.

patti 12-16-01 11:42 PM

did anybody hear about the story (this time last year) of a retail clothing store clerk who was attacked by a customer? the video was on the news....the customer seeking assistance "lost it" when the clerk "rolled her eyes" at some comment/question. the customer leapt onto the clerk, pulling her hair and punching her....straddled her on the floor and kept hitting......RIGHT OUT OF JERRY SPRINGER.... god save us all when we see Jerry Springer type scenarios on the nightly news.

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