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MyRobotSuit 05-20-04 11:14 AM

Interview the Person Below You
Answer the questions and then ask some for the next person.

Keep it at 3 questions or people will thow eggs.

01 - What is your favourite Book?

02 - What are you afraid of?

03 - When was the last time you felt nostalgic?

blibblobblib 05-20-04 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by MinionTV
Answer the questions and then ask some for the next person.

Keep it at 3 questions or people will thow eggs.

01 - What is your favourite Book?

02 - What are you afraid of?

03 - When was the last time you felt nostalgic?
Throw eggs ay? :suspicious:

01: This is subject to change. The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

02: Moths and falling from a high height.

03: Two nights ago. I was sitting with a group of new friends that i have only recently met and begun remensicing about my first year in Plymouth when one of my friends drunk his own wee. Aaah those were good times...

Now for your Questions!

01: What do you prefer? Olives? or capers?

02: Tell me about your mum...

03: What would be your last meal if you was/are on death row?

moviefan20 05-20-04 12:44 PM

01: What do you prefer? Olives? or capers?
02: Tell me about your mum...
My mom is tall, with brown hair, she is a manager of our cleaning business.
03: What would be your last meal if you was/are on death row?
Ice cream, Middleswarth Potato chips, Dr. Pepper, Strawberries and whipped cream, a gyro, McDonalds' Chicken Nuggets with bar-b-q sauce.

1. Where have you traveled?

2. What do you do for fun?

3. What is your favorite game to play?

Hondo333 05-20-04 12:47 PM

Blibs Questions
1. I dislike both but i guess i hate Olives less

2. Her name is donna, She is 37 or 38 (can't Remeber) and trained as a teacher, But works as a education officer teaching teachers how to teach about social justice issues. She is pretty easy going but very passionate. She has curly hair and is 5' 3''.

3. An all you can eat Buffet, ;D, No probably My dads home made Kababs.

MF20's Question

1. California, England, Paris, Bangkok and around most of Oz

2. Lots of stuff, Simple stuff mainly, Watch Movies, Listen to music, Chat with freinds, Be with family, Write, Sleep, Not Work

3. At the moment, BattleFeild: Veitnam, I also like GTA, The Monkey Islands and Metal Gear Solid. Board Games, I like Risk.

Next Person

1. If you could relive any year of your life, What one would it be and Why? (a year you have already lived)

2. What is the most Alcahol you have ever drunk in a single night?

3. Have you ever been serously depressed? Why?

Piddzilla 05-20-04 12:59 PM

1. If you could relive any year of your life, What would it be and Why? (a year you have already lived)

Probably the last half of 2001 up to the middle of 2002. That period I was in total harmony with everything and life was easy and careless.

2. What is the most Alcahol you have ever drunk in a single night?

Hard to say. Probably close to a full bottle of liquor.

3. Have you ever been serously depressed? Why?

Yes. I was unhappily in love and not happy about the direction my life was taking.

Next person!

1. What is your most precious possession? Why?

2. What is your most memorable musical experience?

3. What is the first thing you would do if you were elected the President of USA? Remember! You are aiming at getting re-elected!

Hondo333 05-20-04 01:14 PM

1. Material Possesion? My bed, Or my Grandfathers Watch.

2. I've had a few, The first time i heard The End while... :dizzy::dizzy:... You know ;), The First time i heard Black Dog, Listening to Disintergration By The Cure for the first time and sitting there listening to it the whole way throught, By my Most Memrobale would have to be the first time i heard Where is my mind, I listend to it once and was austruck, I then put it on repeat for 3 hours straight.

3 Applogise, To all the pepole American and Non-American whom the US government has harmed and whom has sufferd injustices due the the USA.

Next Person

1. What does Stairway To Heaven mean to you?

2. Why is it that your Favorite Band is your favorite?

3. Why is it that your Favorite film is your favorite?

Sorry about Spelling... Very Very Tierd

MyRobotSuit 05-20-04 01:46 PM

1. What does Stairway To Heaven mean to you?

It makes me want to buy one. She's so lucky. A fantastic tune surrounded by fantastic songs. Led Zepp 4 (or untitled) is a great album.

2. Why is it that your Favorite Band is your favorite?

Well Radiohead are my favourite band because I've followed them throughout most of their career. I've seen them twice and I honestly think they are the best band in the world at the moment.

3. Why is it that your Favorite film is your favorite?

Blade Runner sums up all the things I like about a film. The soundtrack is amazing, the acting is great and it's a film in which you can watch again and again and find something new. I wish I lived in that city, it's so horribly beautiful.

ok here we go....

01 - Where would you want your ashes to be scattered?
02 - You get an extra eye, where would it go ?
03 - What thought could you use to make yourself cry ?

Hondo333 05-20-04 02:11 PM

1. Black Wall Reach, A small beach along the Swan River in perth my home city, I love that place.

2. Umm, on my ankle

3. I have never tried but i think thinking about my Mother Or Father dieing could make me cry.

Next Person

1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years,

2. How important is Money to you?

3. What do you honestly think of me?

Caitlyn 05-20-04 04:15 PM

1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years,

Hmm… not sure but I would like to be back on the Reservation....

2. How important is Money to you?

From what I’ve seen, money has a way of only creating problems so as long as I have enough to eat, keep a roof over my head, and buy/see a movie once in a while, or give someone else a little when they need it, I’m fairy content…

3. What do you honestly think of me?

As a friend... :)


1) If you could change one feature on your face, what would it be?

2) Did you ever talk to the monster in your closet when you were younger?

3) If you could follow one movie star around for a month, who would it be?

Equilibrium 05-20-04 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by Caitlyn


1) If you could change one feature on your face, what would it be?

2) Did you ever talk to the monster in your closet when you were younger?

3) If you could follow one movie star around for a month, who would it be?
1.) I'd change my hair, its too curly and thick.
2.) I used to throw things into the closet to try and huirt him. But I never met the lad.
3.)Catherine Zeta Jones

1.) What is one of your pet peeves?
2.) What do most people NOT like about you?
3.) What do most people LIKE about you?

Garrett 05-20-04 05:02 PM

1.) Bad grammar.
2.) My sometimes gloomy outlook on life.
3.) My sense of humor.

1.) Judas: Heaven or Hell?
2.) When was the last time you had a good conversation?
3.) What will I find down there?

Piddzilla 05-20-04 07:05 PM

1.) Judas: Heaven or Hell?

Wall Street.

2.) When was the last time you had a good conversation?

On the Net.. almost daily. In real life, alarmingly long ago.

3.) What will I find down there?

Your worst nightmare.

1. Who's the most infuential person of the 20th century?

2. Do you believe that some persons were born evil?

3. If you had to eat another human being, what part of the body would you eat first?

Agent 0 Zero 05-20-04 07:27 PM

1. Who's the most infuential person of the 20th century?
1. God

2. Do you believe that some persons were born evil?
2. Yes look at Joan Rivers,the guy who sings all of ricky martins songs , and MJ

3. If you had to eat another human being, what part of the body would you eat first?
3. I'd eat the hands, and would shout weres the beef into the night

1. What's your favorite song?
2. What makes you tick?
3. If you could have someone as a dinner guest at your home or were you live who would it be and why?

The Silver Bullet 05-21-04 04:04 AM

Originally Posted by Agent 0 Zero
1. What's your favorite song?
While My Gutair Gently Weeps by The Beatles.

Originally Posted by Agent 0 Zero
2. What makes you tick?
What a stupid question.

Originally Posted by Agent 0 Zero
3. If you could have someone as a dinner guest at your home or were you live who would it be and why?
Martin Scorsese.

Of my three favourite directors, he's the least pretentious and most probably the easiest to talk to.

01. Where did you spend last Christmas and who did you spend it with?

02. Have you ever been attracted, even slightly and in the most minute of ways, to a member of the same sex?

03. What's the first thing you can remember about your life that actually happened and has been verified by your parents and/or gaurdians as such?

Equilibrium 05-21-04 05:26 AM

01. Where did you spend last Christmas and who did you spend it with?

1.)Spent last christmas with my family at our home, this is after we went around shopping and looking at all the nice hotels and eating out.

02. Have you ever been attracted, even slightly and in the most minute of ways, to a member of the same sex?


03. What's the first thing you can remember about your life that actually happened and has been verified by your parents and/or gaurdians as such?

3.) I was One and a half, I was on a rocking chair facing a window. It was a bright and sunny day so all I remember seeing is the light go up and down up and down. I could never figure out why the light was going up and down, but now I know!


1.) Have you ever had a dream where you had sex with someone or something you did NOT like?

2.)Do you spend more than 7 or 8 hours a day on the computer?

3.)What is the most retarded thing you have ever done?

LordSlaytan 05-21-04 03:54 PM

1.) Have you ever had a dream where you had sex with someone or something you did NOT like?
Wow. Get to the root of a personality why don’t you? I have only had about four sexual dreams in my life, and none of them have really worked out the way I would have wanted them to, but there’s only one (my first) that was damn near nightmarish. I was around 13 or 14 when I had a dream that I was at my Grandparents house where there was this pretty girl that I wanted quite badly. The next thing I know, she’s on the kitchen floor spread nearly in half while I’m going at it, except she’s pouring blood out…and I literally mean pouring. She, half the kitchen, and I was soaked in blood, but the worst part was that my Grandparents were at the table watching the whole thing. Then I woke up.

2.)Do you spend more than 7 or 8 hours a day on the computer?
I would say between work and home I spend just about that much time total. I get very tired by evening time and most often don’t feel like posting anything that takes more than a momentary thought. I save that for the second day of my three day weekend.

3.)What is the most retarded thing you have ever done?
One of my first professions was framing. During my first week on the job, my group and I had built all the walls that were to be hoisted up that day (It was a huge house that we were building). At that time, I didn’t know the lingo yet, so when my Boss told me to get something to tie the wall off (he meant get some 2x4’s to prop and nail) I ran around and finally settled on an extension chord. They all had a good laugh.

What song makes you melancholy about your first love, and why?

Name somebody on the forum that you respect, and why.

Name the crappiest movie that you love, and why.

John McClane 05-21-04 05:42 PM

What song makes you melancholy about your first love, and why? Accidentally in Love by Counting Cows. It's just because I was always happy when we were together. The song talks about all the happiest I had during my first love and it just makes me depressed.

Name somebody on the forum that you respect, and why. LordSlaytan. You've been so helpful and I'v learned a lot from ya. That's prett much it on that subject.

Name the crappiest movie that you love, and why. Dreamcatcher. It's got one of my new favorite actors and it's got some really funny moments.

1.)Have you ever broken in a body? (Give details on how, when and what bone.)

2.)If you could change anything in your life, what would it be and why.

3.)Name the most worse thing in your entire life that you've done and wish you could take back.

kaisersoze 05-22-04 03:57 AM

Originally Posted by John McClane

1.)Have you ever broken in a body? (Give details on how, when and what bone.)

2.)If you could change anything in your life, what would it be and why.

3.)Name the most worse thing in your entire life that you've done and wish you could take back.
1) Amazingly after many years of doing kung-fu, skiing, playing football (high school, NOT college or professional) I have not broken a bone. I had sprained wrists and ankles but thats nothing.

2) My IQ, I feel that I'm not too bad upstairs but I love puzzles and things that challenges the mind. However there are times when I get stuck on a puzzle or riddle that made me feel stupid... I would love to be smarter.

3) I feel bad for joining in on the bullying of the kid that was picked on in grade school. I guess at the time it was the cool thing to do ... I wish I can go back and stand up for the guy or at least just shut up and stay out of it.

1) Describe your most weridest dream.
2) Who has changed your life the most for the better?
3) Do you have difficulty trusting people?

LordSlaytan 05-22-04 04:07 AM

  • Describe your most weirdest dream.
    I have so friggin’ many. I’ll just post the oldest dream that I can remember. I was about four years old and I had a dream about Godzilla. I had just watched a movie about him and had a nightmare that he was walking down my street. It’s also the only dream I’ve ever had that was in black in white. I remember hiding under my Mother’s desk while listening to the special Godzilla roar and feeling the ground shake. I knew that if I hid there, he wouldn’t see me, but then my cat, Me’ Ling, ran out into the middle of the room where she could be seen, which prompted me to go rescue her. All of a sudden, there was this big yellow eye looking through the living room window as I held my Siamese cat in my arms…I woke up then.

  • Who has changed your life the most for the better?
    Myself. I want to say my ex-wife, father, grandfather…but most of the things I’ve learned have been through personal experience. It takes, sometimes, a few punches in the nose delivered by yours truly to have an effect.

  • Do you have difficulty trusting people?
    Yes. Why the hell did you ask that? Do you know my ex-wife?

NEXT #3:

1. Do you hate?
2. Do you despair?
3. Do you love?

kaisersoze 05-22-04 04:50 AM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan

NEXT #3:

1. Do you hate?
2. Do you despair?
3. Do you love?
1. Hate for?
people-no ; individuals-yes
challenges-no ; outcomes-yes
objects-no ; price for certain objects- yes

2. Despair
No, I operate under the you can't change the past outlook.

3. Love
I love a great many people and have love for many thoughts and ideas. I try to distant myself for materialistic things because I have a habit of losing them.

1. Have you ever looked up your EX or a person you were attracted to on the internet?
2. Do you believe there is a REASON/MEANING to life? if yes, what?
3. At a resturant, a customer leaves an enormus tip what do you do? <--- asked at my interview

WARNING: "my answer" spoilers below

You leave the money because it doesn't say you are the waiter.
apperantely there is a better answer

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