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sadesdrk 12-20-01 01:58 PM

What's Your Sign Baby?
I've got my little book out, and if anyone wants to, I can tell you your deepest darkest personality traits.

Here's what it says about Geminis:

Work Attitude:
"...if you're involved in repetitive work or forced to tolerate stupidity, a great deal of stress can build up. In such cases it is very important to find ways to ease the tension." The Fight Club Thread?:laugh:

" It must be remembered that the Geminaian mind needs continual stimulation." :laugh:

" You will eventually develop constancy in love, but because of your low boredom threshold, you will have to think hard before making a final commitment."

" While they are warm and sexy, they MUST learn to consider their partners needs." DAMN!:mad:

" ..may tend to overdramatize minor upsets." I don't.;D

Yoda 12-20-01 02:05 PM

I'm August 13th, I think that makes me a Leo. I don't believe this stuff for the most part, though. I think you can tell just enough about a person by their birthdate to make it sound like the stars are telling you something. :)

Sir Toose 12-20-01 02:06 PM

Toose is an Aquarioose...
Tell me about all my naughty qualities...

Arthur Dent 12-20-01 02:09 PM

Re: What's Your Sign Baby?
Originally posted by sadesdrk
Work Attitude:
"...if you're involved in repetitive work or forced to tolerate stupidity, a great deal of stress can build up. In such cases it is very important to find ways to ease the tension." The Fight Club Thread?:laugh:

" It must be remembered that the Geminaian mind needs continual stimulation." :laugh:
These two are correct for the most part, but they are generalizations that could fit for a lot of people, not just Geminis.

Yoda 12-20-01 02:11 PM

Yes, exactly, Arthur. Oh, and Toose: if they're naughty, they ain't qualities. :)

spudracer 12-20-01 02:12 PM

I are a Aquarius. :D

sadesdrk 12-20-01 02:22 PM

Hmmm...Toose and spud are BOTH Aquarius, but you couldn't be more opposite. I'm gonna need exact birthdates( not year) to make an accurate prognosis.

Art Dent: If you knew me better, you'd know why the traits I posted are unique to me, yeah, I'm sure they apply to lots of people, but not on the levels they apply to me...;D

T- a Leo...ooooh...I've got some dirt on's what it says. See if this fits:

" Anyone with a Leo emphasis to their personality, has a creative streak; perhaps through writing or painting. You need a creative outlet/hobby of some kind...something directly to the fine arts." Hmmm...MoFo?:)


" Elegance and the finer things as well as comfort, will be as important in this sphere of your life as well as in every other. You will lavish gifts and love on your partner to ensure stability, as you are both generous and warm-hearted." Aw...T.;D


" You are easily bored with excercise, so vary your routine as much as possible. A health club, with it's varied activities, should keep you happy."

What do you think?

Yoda 12-20-01 02:43 PM

Hmmm. Well, I hate to sound arrogant, but I do spend money on others pretty freely, so I guess that would make me generous. I'm not much into the fine arts, though. Like EVERYONE, I have a creative streak, but nothing major. I don't paint, and I write, but not in a very artistic way. I suck at web design, too. So I don't think that part was all that accurate.

I dunno about the excercise. Could be. I am the "give the girlfriend a gift" type of guy, though. I like doing that sort of thing.

Conclusion: sort of like me, but not enough to make me a believer. :)

Sunfrogolin 12-20-01 02:49 PM

Aquarius, Jan 25th here. That's freaky! :eek:

sadesdrk 12-20-01 02:55 PM

Hmm..well, that was the very general one. I could look at the calander and get your exact birthday, to pin it down a little.

Spud's birthday is Feb. 13th.- Let's see:Again, this is kind of general, as I don't know a lot about the technicalities of when you were born. Such as time of day, and what not.

" Tendancy to be stubborn. Original; very logical, if not slightly unpredictable."


" You will always need a measure of independence. The moon on your day makes this a little of a contradiction, as you are also, very romantic. You love all the trimmings of romance; flowers, candle-lit dinners, cards, gifts."

" You probably enjoy cold whether. Perhaps you enjoy winter sports, and these will be good for you have excellent circulation..." I know a little something about spud, that makes me laugh at this.:laugh:

* You may not be good with money, but you like to keep up to date with the latest things. You are easily attracted to the glitz and glitter of newer and better things. Try a budget on for size, learn to manage your money, so you are freed up to buy those finer things.:) I'm surrounded by Aquariuses...that's not great for a Gemini...:eek:

thmilin 12-20-01 03:25 PM

depends on what your info source is. a generic book will indeed give you generalizations. a chart drawn specifically to the astronomical situation at the exact date, time, and location of your birth will give you startling, and particularly spot-on details most specifically relating to YOU.

the last of course requires time and money. you could learn yourself and draw your own chart but most people don't have the patience. if you write it off as a realm of the "new age" and say it's just a way for new agers to earn money, true, but someone else could say the same of Christianity, vegetarianism, Scientology, or school. all make an income. all have a "higher" goal. the point is to actually give something a full on chance or respect that it does indeed work - if practiced properly - before writing it off. hence, I'm not a vegetarian but believe it can contribute to a healthy body and respect that for other veggies, or vegans. most of us hate school but recognize it's good for us. religion ... depends on what path you follow. and so ... astrology is a true science, I believe. we talked about science before, how it moves to envelop newly discovered facts. astrology does this, and is a far more ancient realm than modern science. why shouldn't it be possible that it can actually "work" or apply?

so, no, you don't have to FOLLOW or seek out or apply astrology. but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. and that doesn't mean those who believe it does are clueless folk who make you shake your head with a smile.

anyhoo ... i know i've written on this before ... and on my own beloved sign. ;) (libra)

LEOs - not necessarily "creative" in the arty sense, but they are known to be gregarious, sociable, pleasant people. They like people to like them. They like attention. They often do things that will garner attention, not necessarily in a superficial sense, but because it's fufilling to them to do good things and get good attention and appreciation for it. They find and create solutions in a public sense, which is where "creativity" can apply. You created a forum - drawing upon resources, people, and what talents you do have to create a realm that you hope will garner public attention for your skills, and eventually, an income.

I know a wee bit about other signs but most about sagitariusses and librans. ;)

spudracer 12-20-01 03:26 PM

It really says that about me, or did you make some of that up??? That's weird that it says that. I do have some problems with money and hate to budget, but I manage to always keep some money in hand.

sadesdrk 12-20-01 04:21 PM

I didn't make it up...the stars don't lie babe!:D huh? Lemmie see:

well for starters, both you and I are air signs. That's cool.

"...delicacy of approach, and love of balance, harmony and comfort."


" Social intercourse is very important to you, and you probably show an automatic intrest in everyone you meet. No doubt a wide circle of friends. You tend to be self-critical." Sounds like we share these air qualities.;)


" tend to fall in love with love itself...and sometimes confuse that notion with loving your partner. Do not let your fondness for romance and romantic settings be a substitute for the real thing." Thmmie, I don't know if you are prone to this, but I surely am. I reacted to this when I read it.:(


" You may be prone to headaches. You are big on pampering yourself and should indulge this tendancy through means like, steam baths or saunas, after a work-out. You have a major sweet tooth and should always be mindful of it. You do have a quick metabolisim, and this will be of some assistance here."

How does that sound thmmie?

Sir Toose 12-20-01 05:31 PM

Ok Sadie February 4th...
Bare my soul for all to see...

Posted by Master TWT:
Oh, and Toose: if they're naughty, they ain't qualities
I beg to differ... there is no light without darkness, no yin without yang... I see what you're saying especially about the word choice but we're all split.

Yoda 12-20-01 05:45 PM

See, that's where I disagree. I see right and wrong as absolutes. Regardless of what right is relative to what's wrong, what's wrong is still wrong. Just because one is needed to IDENTIFY the other better, it doesn't change what it is. :) Naughty is just that -- naughty. I'm sure I'm being overly critical of something meant as a goof, though.

thmilin 12-20-01 05:58 PM

yep, pretty much me ... well that's the general. more detailed reads on libras have us weak in the lower back (very true) and so indulgent as to be unhealthy (i'm dangerously close sometimes). the physical concern for us is our kidneys and lower back, which I mentioned already. i do have a wicked sweet tooth. and i do enjoy indulging myself ... shoot, i have so many pretty scented candles in my house my friends make fun of me. the first room i took care of when i moved into my new place was the bathroom - setting is everything. we libras need beauty, to make it and be surrounded by it.

as for social ... we are known to be social butterflies, to the point that other signs, like the scorpio, assume we're fickle. but we're highly loyal and being an air sign, very intellectual, moral, and theoretical. we don't believe in betraying, though it looks like all we care about is appearances. appearances are important, but not the be-all.

now, while all these things may have strong tendencies, that's just like having the "alcohol" gene. your environment and how you grow up can alter these. so, i CAN be a social butterfly but often am a hermit - which is unusual for a libran.

the date in question ... Oct. 18, 4:36 pm, Vallejo, CA.

Sir Toose 12-20-01 06:07 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
I'm sure I'm being overly critical of something meant as a goof, though.
And being that I know you so well I won't take offense to it :)

sadesdrk 12-20-01 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Toose
Ok Sadie February 4th...
Bare my soul for all to see...

Oh this is interesting. Toose, your moon is in Gemini, as is mine. Check this out and see if it doesn't fit:


" are eternally youthful and an excellent communicator. You will be forever talking and voicing your opinions and will have an instinctive urge to communicate with others. Superficiality is one of your more serious faults, and could be a major stumbling block for you. You could be very mistrustful about your feelings. Make sure you don't rationalize your emotions out of exsistance, or surpress them so they are never freely expressed." sounds more like me, than you.:)


"Geminian duality may well have an effect upon your love life. You could end up having two partners, both of whom you love, for quite different reasons. While you have the ability to talk yourself out of bad situations, why treat anyone unfairly." I swear that's what it says. Word for word.


"Prone to anxiety and stress, it would be a good idea to learn a relaxing technique. Maybe yoga after a strenuious work-out. This wil help you develop an inner calm."

"Your attitude towards money is make it fast and make a lot. You are clever in your money making abilities, but becareful not to be too clever, and cross the line into scam artist. Monet comes to you naturally and easily. Spend it wisely."

May or not be you, but given what I know about you, some of it is accurate enough.:)

spudracer 12-20-01 07:30 PM

It's scary how close to truth this stuff is. You're giving me goosebumps Sadie. BTW, check the DVD Forum...:D

sadesdrk 12-20-01 07:41 PM

I'm freaking myself out. Goosebumps eh?;D Going to the DVD.

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