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thmilin 10-24-01 06:37 PM

There's this other forum I belong to, they call it a "b|tching" thread - if something bad or frustrating happened in your day and you just need to share and whine and would like a shoulder to cry on - post here! :) this makes it perfectly ok and it won't interrupt other people's reading pleasure in other threads. ;)

my complaint ...

i'm moving and am part of 24 Hr Fitness (cough@ssholescough) - they're a gym that's common over here on the westcoast, which is why I joined. now, i call them up and they tell me I can't move to another club unless I UPGRADE my membership, aka, pay the b@stards more money. they suck. if they have it their way, i have to drive farther away from my home just to go to the gym, then drive all the way back - that's 20 min or MORE (traffic in the mornings!) of time i could be spending working out or whatever, plus gas. grr. why can't life be easier?? :(

Steve 10-24-01 07:18 PM

I'm moving to Houston, Texas sometime in November. Now, I'm no big fan of Virginia, but I've been to Houston and I hated it to death. What really sucks is that I have to be with my family. I don't like being near my family more than I have know, the whole teenage rebellion thing :).

Also, I have to do my junior research paper for my English class. No matter that I'm not going to be here when they're graded, I stil have to write a 7 page paper. F that.

I like this thread, thmilin. :)

sadesdrk 10-24-01 07:20 PM

I work at a gym for membership...there's so many complaints about that gym...I don't know where to start.
One thing is that I work in child care for the gym...that has like two members with children! I spend 5 hours on Wednesdays doing school work or watching Sesame Steet(I don't mind the Sesame Street).
A thing that happened to me today...I went for a walk around town with me mum, and guys would do those horrendous cat calls and honk their horn. I mean really, that's so childish. Did a guy ever think he could get a girl by yelling things to her from a moving vehical? Only thing I gave them was the bird.:D

Yoda 10-24-01 07:46 PM

C'mon, it must've been flattering. Rude, but flattering. :D Anyway, I'm ticked because instead of answering a support question through email, the hosting company told me to call their 1-800 number, where I waited on hold for like 5-10 minutes. The support was very helpful once I got through, but I d*mn well better not have to wait on hold everytime I need to contact support.

sadesdrk 10-24-01 08:13 PM

Ooooh...1-800-numbers are notorious for ticking me off!
-Just a few minutes ago...I was trying to get a hold of a friend on Yahoo Messenger.Their little smiley face icon (telling me they are online)was lit up.So I sent a few instant messages.They didn't return them.Perhaps they were engaged in a conversation with someone which case they should have told me so...or put a busy sign on their smiley face! I am very irritated! Our previous conversations have led me to believe that we are why the cold shoulder? Hmmm...I feel like kicking someone's @ss! Just kidding...but I do think this person owes me an explaination and/or something to make up for their inconciderate behavior...what do you think?

Yoda 10-24-01 09:49 PM

Perhaps...although sometimes I have to get up from my computer quickly and without time to leave any kind of away message on, or change my status. I wouldn't take it as a personal insult so easily...I'm notorius for leaving away messages or just leaving the computer to do something else. :)

sadesdrk 10-24-01 10:54 PM

Hmmm...I don't know. Yahoo even has an offline messaging system.I didn't even get a "sorry". Anyhoo...I'm over it. I just don't enjoy the feeling of being snubbed. I don't think anyone does. It's confusing.

thmilin 10-25-01 12:33 AM

glad you like it, steve!! ;)

oh, oh, OH!! you wanna talk about 1-800 #'s?

Earthlink DSL. I've been having all sorts of issues with them lately.

1. I call. I have learned the menu by now and the instant it connects I dial what I need to get to my department. Then some music. Then the operator, saying, "We are experiencing high call volume. Your call will be handled in the order it was received. The next representative will be available in ... over one hour."

I hang up. I call back some time later. "The next representative will be available in ... 53 minutes."

Two calls later the operator finally says 24 minutes, which I think I can hang with. On hold but on the computer at work, I wait ... and wait... I look up at the clock. 40 MINUTES have passed. I hang up. I call back.

"The next representative will be available in ... 53 minutes."

What the hell?! I got skipped AND lied to!!

2. So I'm paying for DSL. I don't even have an internal modem, just an ethernet card. So I'm going to move. I arrange things with my phone company. I call Earthlink. They say - we cannot transfer service until the new line has been activated for ONE BILLING CYCLE (aka, ONE MONTH). They need paper proof that i live at the new address and phone number!! Before they can even SEE if they can transfer service (cuz they don't know if the new place is DSL ready!!). So i get to sit on my butt for a month until i get a bill as proof i live there, just to SEE if I can get DSL. What am I supposed to do in the meantime? Send e-mail through carrier pigeons? PLUS i'll be paying for DSL for the month I don't have it! AND they're gonna charge me a transfer fee! may they all rot in hell.

sadesdrk 10-25-01 12:44 AM

That is way too frustrating. How did your head just like not pop off your neck?! The only thing that can tick me off that much, is driving. I don't even know how I manage to get from point A to point B. I've been coming up with new and creative ways to get back at people,without getting them so mad that they'll shoot me, (road rage is way bad here)sticking my tongue out seems to work. I like to drive below the speed limit for those irritating @ss-riders. I'm quite good at mouthing choice words too...and smiling sarcasticly. Nothing is more satisfying than a great sarcastic smile...i'm a pro at it!:D

The Silver Bullet 10-25-01 05:36 AM

Mainstream culture.
I hate it.

I can handle pop-culture, I even like it, but I hate mainstream culture.

spudracer 10-25-01 10:51 AM

Now how is this thread different from the "What Ticks You Off?" thread?? People talking about the same things.

Yoda 10-25-01 11:50 AM

Mainstream/pop culture? What's the difference? :)

sadesdrk 10-25-01 04:15 PM

Originally posted by spdrcr
Now how is this thread different from the "What Ticks You Off?" thread?? People talking about the same things.

That thread is tired spud. This one is better because we don't have to read the old bull crap.:) Besides, thmilin made this one...:D

spudracer 10-25-01 04:28 PM

I know, but there are a lot of threads that can go on and on and on...besides every thread gets crap in it after a while. Just look at your movie/actor game, or the Who Shall Badger With Me thread. :D

Just because a thread has more than 5 pages to it doesn't mean a new thread needs created. No offense thmilin, but I just wanted to state my point. TWT, is always making it clear that he doesn't like multiple threads of the same subject matter.

sadesdrk 10-25-01 04:33 PM

Hm...well I think it's fun to complain about stuff...and that other thread you mentioned was full with all that PLite nonsense. Who wants to look at that crap? BTW...I don't even post on my own Movie/Actor's rubbish.:p

Yoda 10-25-01 04:34 PM

Yeah, no big whoop. There's no right/wrong here. I think the What Ticks You Off? thread got off-topic with some bickering, though, so I think this new thread is cool. Ironically, Spud, you could list "This thread" as one of your dislikes. :D

spudracer 10-25-01 04:37 PM

Nah, it doesn't bother me...I just thought it was kinda weird another thread was started on something the other thread was on...well started on anyways

sadesdrk 10-25-01 05:18 PM

Changing the subject...did anyone see the Halloween South Park episode with Korn doing the parody of Scooby Doo ? Good times. Oh yeah, this is things we don't like. Ooops.

thmilin 10-25-01 08:22 PM

honestly I think I may have entered What Ticks You Off months ago ... and never returned. Not that it was so boring or long, but what i have noticed is that if you don't catch onto the wave at the start you dont' tend to stay and if you come in later after it's gotten rolling you do not get the conversation because you weren't there in the beginning to experience it. reading over it may or may not help - 5 or more pages of conversation in one swoop is something that wouldn't necessarily "absorb" so that you could just slide right in as easiyl as if there were only 1 or so pages or you were there from the start.

Also - the thread stopped showing up on the boards at the top and if I had realized, I would not have made this thread. I concede, you are correct.

But hey, a fresh start is nice. If TWT don't mind, onward!

thmilin 10-25-01 09:32 PM

OOOH-KAY! yet ANOTHER crappy schmappy thing.

why must companies be so incompetent? why must so many people suck?

Tuesday. 8 am. The phone rings. I refuse to answer it. But I am now awake.

8:30 am. It rings. I answer it. It's U-Haul, calling about the moving truck, to set up a time. I arrange it for 9 am - 3 pm Saturday. Back to bead.

9:00 am. Phone rings again. Another person from U-Haul, also wanting to arrange a time. I say, dudes -I just did! [and I know the 8 am was them so I say - you've called twice already! get your act together and leave me alone.] They say, well, what's the time, it's no written down for you. I say - 9 am to 3 pm Saturday.

Thurday. 5 pm. I just HAPPEN to call home to check messages. There's a message:

Hi, there's a problem with your schedule. We no longer have the truck size you wanted, or the time. All that's left is 7 am to 12 pm or 5 pm to Sunday Morning. Please give us a call when you get in. We're going to give you a 14 ft truck (larger than I wanted or needed) and the 7 am slot by default.

Then the chick leaves the company number. I dial the company number. It's some sleepy woman. I have to look up the number. The brat on the phone was one digit off.

So I call back. The guy on the other end needs about 3 turns of the story to get it, and in the end just says, yeah, sorry, no truck your size and no time you want, you got what you got.

my life has been this sucky oh, for about the past 2 years.

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