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Zeiken 05-03-03 04:30 AM

X2: X-Men United
Woah! You all see this flick? It was amazing despite the numerous differences between the movie and the comics, and its always nice to see hallie berry in action :). What'd you guys think?

Kong 05-03-03 01:10 PM

Kong didn't really like it. It isn't that the movie is bad by any means, but, like the first one, it just failed to capture Kong's interest. There are too many characters for the movie to explore adequetely; they showcase their powers, but not much more. Certainly the biggest weakness was the film's opening action scene. That scene was very well done, and none of the other action scenes ever quite lived up to it.

Still the movie did feature some cool sequences, and good direction. Kong could see how people would have a blast watching it.

**1/2 of ****

Zeiken 05-03-03 01:47 PM

I think they just tried to fit too much of the original storyline into the second movie.I mean phoenix, already?

Tuna 05-04-03 10:39 AM

Well, it is satisfying for comic readers or people who know the original story (like me! :D) to be given hints at those story lines. I noticed the orange glow and the hints for that and now im ahead of hte game :p

Holden Pike 05-04-03 10:42 AM

Much better than the first entry, lots of fun, all very well done. And I for one I happen to LOVE that they're bringing the Phoenix story arc in already. I was happy they let Wolverine kill some folks this time too, and Magneto escpaing his prison was a treat and a half.

Now, bring on The Sentinels next flick, then The Fall of the Mutants. Need to get more of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants together (The Blob, anyone?). And how about Alpha Flight as a secondary support group?

I'm sorry. Is my misspent geeky youth showing? :yup:

theshape82 05-04-03 10:46 AM

fantastic movie
i just love being able to point out some of the major chars from the comics(which had the smallest roles in the movie)
it's always fun

Tuna 05-04-03 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
Much better than the first entry, lots of fun, all very well done. And I for one I happen to LOVE that they're bringing the Phoenix story arc in already. I was happy they let Wolverine kill some folks this time too, and Magneto escpaing his prison was a treat and a half.

Now, bring on The Sentinels next flick, then The Fall of the Mutants. Need to get more of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants together (The Blob, anyone?). And how about Alpha Flight as a secondary support group?

I'm sorry. Is my misspent geeky youth showing? :yup:
Yeah i was suprised when they did the Wolverine thing but of course i was happy. I was also thinking about the Sentinels being amazing in an Xmen movie, and also Apocolypse would be a nice villain :eek:

Holden Pike 05-04-03 10:49 AM

I do wish they had kept Colossus a Russkie, but that's a fairly minor quibble. I'll look forward to more of him next time. And nice little cameo for Hank McCoy/The Beast too. Bring him in fleshy this next flick, then have him full-on hairball by the fourth.

Nightcrawler was just so off-the-charts fantastic! The opening scene alone is worht the price of admission.

Tuna 05-04-03 10:51 AM

Did anyone catch the scene in the beginning when Mystique goes into Stryker's computer and a list of mutant names come up for half a second, and they showed "Remy Lebeau" as one name. I guess they were trying to show they didn't completely forget about Gambit :furious: but i found it funny how that was Gambit's "small role"

theshape82 05-04-03 10:54 AM

they need to bring in the ragin cajun
him and beast and bishop and cable and how about havoc while we're at it

linespalsy 05-04-03 11:38 AM

i havent seen it yet, but it really dissapoints me to hear that they didnt make collosus russian. damnit, i was looking forward to a steady string of lines like "great lenin's ghost!" and what not...

Yoda 05-04-03 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
I do wish they had kept Colossus a Russkie, but that's a fairly minor quibble. I'll look forward to more of him next time. And nice little cameo for Hank McCoy/The Beast too. Bring him in fleshy this next flick, then have him full-on hairball by the fourth.
Didya' notice the name "Remy LeBeaux" on the list of mutants Mystique was perusing on Lady Deathstrike's computer? I love those subtle little nods. I believe I read about it beforehand, though...that one's tough to catch. And I agree: Colossus looks undeniably badass.

Originally posted by Holden Pike
Nightcrawler was just so off-the-charts fantastic! The opening scene alone is worht the price of admission.
Amen (no pun intended). Magneto's escape, though, was only a hair behind it in terms of clever spectacular kickass fabulousness...or something.

Wasn't perfect (and the little hint to the big X-fans as to the franchise's direction at the end of the flick was beautiful), but on par with the first, I though, if a little more disjointed. I didn't find the potential disaster as threatening this time around (no real suspense), but I did find the power gimmicks and such far more clever, and the action generally more impressive. Damn fine movie to kick off what'll surely be a monumental summer.

jrs 05-04-03 06:53 PM

The movie rocked! I'm seein it again this week. :) I have one question....I haven't stayed through the credits so what's the message for the X-fans?????

Yoda 05-04-03 06:59 PM

It's before the credits. Look closely at the water.

jrs 05-04-03 07:01 PM

Oh yeah that ! :D :yup: ;) "The Phoenix".

Beale the Rippe 05-05-03 02:09 AM

I loved the movie. Out of the mutants, I loved the new addition of Nightcrawler, and I thought Magneto was as cool, if not cooler, than he was in the first. (Magneto is my fav character by the way). I also was very happy with the role of Brian Cox. I'm glad he is finally getting some more good roles. A great under-rated actor that one.

As for the future, I'd like to see Phoenix, more Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Gambit, possibly Beast and a little more Colossus, and the sentinels. I would love to have Mastermold as the secondary villian. (Just imagine the visuals possible....). Well, if all or some of that appears in the next movie, I'll be one happy camper.

On Kong, I loved the numerous characters. I feel it adds depth to the movie and provides more oppertunities for coolness.

On Holden, Alpha Flight is cool and all, but I think they should stay out of X-Men. I for one am not in favor of a crossover. But Alpha Flight movie? Thats a great idea! They should start production immediately. An Alpha Flight movie all on its own would be awesome.

Kong 05-05-03 03:28 AM

Originally posted by Beale the Rippe
On Kong, I loved the numerous characters. I feel it adds depth to the movie and provides more oppertunities for coolness.
It's not really the quantity that bothers Kong, but rather that the film doesn't have enough time to explore them much further than there powers. We learn a little about Wolverine, but not too much of the other characters. If Kong was an avid reader of the comics it probably wouldn't be as bothersome, because Kong would already know the characters, but the movie should be capable of standing on it's own.

stiltman 05-05-03 10:36 AM

First off, I just saw this yesterday, and it was great!! It holds true to the comic pretty well, but you don't need to know a thing about the X-Men to enjoy this. Non-stop action, and some great characters as well. Hugh Jackman delivers a very cool Wolverine, which the film spends the most time developing his character. Brian Cox also gives a great turn as the villainous General Stryker(I'm hoping we haven't seen the last of him). Loved the opening sequence with Nightcrawler in the White House, Magneto's escape from prison, and Wolverine's gratuitous big fight scene at the end. I loved the cameos by Colossus and Kitty Pryde and the Beast.

I'm with Kong on the cast being way too large for its own good. I don't mind seeing my favorite mutants showing here and there, but there just isn't enough time to develop them in a two hour flick. Anyone who collects comics knows that just about 60% of all comics on the shelf today are some type of X-Men spin-off, just because their are too many characters to fit in one or two books. Even if they kept the cast as it is now, it's still a tad large, and I suppose next sequel, we're going to be getting a few more additions. It's a minor gripe at best, but I'd have loved to have seen more of Cyclops than the five or so minutes of screentime he got this film.

And that's about all bad I can say about this movie. Otherwise, it's loads of fun. Summer fluff at it's PG-13 best. Enough of a plot to link all the action scenes together, and all the actors jump into their roles very well. Can't wait for the next installment, with hopefully a Sentinel or two, the Pheonix, more Nightcrawler, and possibly even a fastball special.

spark_no1 05-05-03 02:36 PM

I saw it to day and i disagree way kong the film was brill i woud of liked too see a 3 hour movie with all the x men i liked the action but there should be more and im glad they didnt go for the matrix feel cos i like to no wen sumtin aint a cheap rip off thats the mistake they made with spiderman but it did need it in sum bits

jrs 05-05-03 02:58 PM

Can't wait to see the 3rd!!!! ;)

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