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McConnaughay 05-22-23 03:09 PM

I Bought a "Movie Lot" (120 Mystery Movies)
TLDR: I bought a movie lot. I will post 20 films of the 120 everyday I can and together, we will assess how much I got ripped off.

When I first moved out on my own, I had an excess of DVDs in my collection that I wanted to purge. I have never been one who will go to a flea market or eBay and try to sell off movies (it isn't worth the hassle to me), and so, what I did was - I kept all the movies I valued, and I "rid" myself of anything I didn't want.

It was a bold and, perhaps, hasty decision on my part.

Basically, I bought a large binder, stored all the DVDs and pitched the cases (I did keep all the box-art for each, however).

Lately, I have found myself regretting the decision.

Back then, I didn't know what type of space I would be dealing with. I moved into a two bedroom trailer, and assumed I would one day move into a small apartment. Instead, my wife and I bought a house!

Now, I have three bedrooms, a garage and a basement, and not a whole, whole lot to put in it ("Look at all this space for activities!").

Due to that, I had a change of heart, and now, the investment of one day having a basement filled with movies is an appealing (but stupid) investment.

Someday soon, I hope to create a definitive list of my entire collection (I had a thread way back, but that isn't accurate anymore).

I decided to head to eBay and buy a Movie lot or Mystery lot, or whatever you want to call it (basically, I bought 120 movies for $90).

This is something I have wanted to do for ages, but something I have always been too chicken shit to actually commit to.

Since my review website has generated around $100 in income, I am letting myself justify a somewhat goofy purchase by calling it an investment.

I am not expecting much, to be honest. This is entirely out of my own curiosity - that little excitement to receive from buying a set of Pokemon or Baseball cards as a kid (a gateway to gambling!).

I have bought cheaper collections prior, and have been "burned", so to speak. I am expecting a lot of black-and-white Westerns and episodes of Bob Ross.

Best case scenario, I am hoping to find a couple films I haven't heard of, a couple action movies I can log for review, and maybe a handful of horror movies too. If I can find twenty films out of the 160 movies that I eagerly want to review, I would call that a win.

In-order for this investment to pay off, each film has to be worth approximately $0.75 in total.

For fun, I thought I would share the results with you. My current plan is to look at 20 films a day until I run out. Starting tomorrow.

For now, have you ever bought a movie lot?

RMNT 05-22-23 03:41 PM

Re: I Bought a "Movie Lot" (120 Mystery Movies)
I personally have never heard of them before, but of course they would exist. Excited to see what you got!

McConnaughay 05-22-23 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by RMNT (Post 2388879)
I personally have never heard of them before, but of course they would exist. Excited to see what you got!

A lot of who buys many of the lots are resell shops, etc., folk who want to fill out their store with low cost items and sell them at a higher price. Some people buy them for fun though (like me).

There are a lot of them on eBay and I see them a lot at Comic Cons I attend.

McConnaughay 05-23-23 11:07 AM

Alright, so I opened the box and looked at the first twenty films and, ...

Early on, I felt like a balloon having the air let out of it.

1.) The Suspect (2006 crime thriller with Eminem's friend Future from 8 Mile)
2.) Something to Sing About (TV film with Eddie from Family Matters)
3.) Miracle on 34th Street
4.) Red Sky
5.) Message in a Bottle (boring looking romantic comedy with Kevin Costner)

Although I am curious if any of you have seen them, for me, I wasn't at all interested. These are [Duds] in my opinion (again, if you've seen them, tell me I'm wrong).

I was starting to fear that the whole collection would be a bust.

6.) The Core (a science-fiction film I am mildly interested in) *
7.) Daredevil (a mediocre superhero film that I do intend to one day watch again and review) *
8.) The Lion in Winter (an older Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn film I may watch as a way to diversify my portfolio of reviews) *
9.) Casino Royale (I have been meaning to watch the James Bond movies, I call it a small win) *
10.) 50 First Dates (classic, albeit average Adam Sandler film) *
11.) Mississippi Masala (older Denzel Washington film. Reviews are good. I'm not too interested though. *
12.) Project Almanac (average-looking time travel film) *
13.) Million Dollar Baby (I have been looking to review Clint Eastwood's filmography, so I actually call this a good win). **
14.) Transformers (a small win, I liked the first 2007 Transformers film) *
15.) American Wedding (actually completes my American Pie collection, and my wife hadn't seen American Wedding. Small win. *
16.) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Small win. I already had it, but not as a single film) *
17.) Independence Day (Small win. Never seen the film. This is a digitally remastered version.) *
18.) A Bread Factory: Part One and Part Two (no idea about this film. Have any of you seen it?) *
19.) The Brothers Bloom (not familiar with this film, but I'm familiar with the actors. Somewhat interested. *

20.) The Dead Center (I had never heard of this film, but it definitely has my attention. This is the first major win from the collection. I look forward to seeing this film.) ****

In summation, I would say the first 20 films have made out pretty well for me. (I believe I have made $19 in value for the first 20 films, not bad.)

Chypmunk 05-23-23 11:44 AM

An interesting exercise, good luck with it - it's certainly a 'mixed bag' thus far :D

For me the 'picks' of that lot would be The Fellowship Of The Ring and Independence Day but I'd imagine that most people who were interested in owning them would already have them.

Miracle On 34th Street has been made a few times, the 1934 version was one of only a small number of Christmas films that would usually be granted leave to stay on in this house when it aired. Wouldn't call it a 'dud' unless you really don't like Christmas films at all, though I would readily admit to not being fussed at this point as to whether I ever see it again.

Personally I didn't care much at all for either The Core or Project Almanac whilst The Dead Center I gave a 5.5 but as I only watched it in September of last year and remember virtually nothing about it I'm not sure I'd even half-heartedly recommend it.

Seen a cpl of the others (Daredevil, 50 First Dates and I believe Transformers) but nothing much to add about those really.

Best of luck with the remaining hundred....

McConnaughay 05-23-23 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by Chypmunk (Post 2389046)
Miracle On 34th Street has been made a few times, the 1934 version was one of only a small number of Christmas films that would usually be granted leave to stay on in this house when it aired. Wouldn't call it a 'dud' unless you really don't like Christmas films at all, though I would readily admit to not being fussed at this point as to whether I ever see it again.
I'd call it a dud. To each his own though. I'm not a big Christmas movie fan. :p

Sad you didn't like Dead Center, for my sake, I hope you're mistaken and it's amazing. (If nothing else, it's a different kind of film, which is enough to make me interested.)

McConnaughay 05-23-23 11:59 AM

Re: I Bought a "Movie Lot" (120 Mystery Movies)
I'm curious about the Bread Factory film. I have never heard of it, but it has critical acclaim and is a two-part film.

McConnaughay 05-24-23 10:45 AM

21.) White Christmas (No.)
22.) Victoria & Albert (No.)
23.) The Identical (box-office bomb with a 6% on Rotten Tomatoes, starring Seth Green)
24.) Maid in Manhattan (No.)
25.) Think Like a Man (No.)
26.) The Accidental Husband (this film also has a 6% on Rotten Tomatoes
27.) Betsy's Wedding (No.)

28.) In Her Shoes (This isn't the type of film I would usually watch, but, you know what? I'm willing to watch it. The reviews are alright, I like Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette, maybe it will be alright) *
29.) Sweet Home Alabama (Another that I wouldn't normally watch, but am willing to keep an open mind about. Reese Witherspoon is likable enough.) *
30.) Saint (This film might be enjoyable. It looks like a stupid dumb-fun action film with Val Kilmer in it. I've wanted to watch his new documentary for awhile, and this might be an enjoyable film to watch.) *
31.) Finding Forrester (Looks like Good Will Hunting with Sean Connery - I like Sean Connery. Oh, ... and it's directed by the guy who did Good Will Hunting.) *
32.) A Love Song for Bobby Long (Not super interested, but I may watch it.) *
33.) The Marksman (Stupid fun looking movie with Liam Neeson. I'm down.) *
34.) Anger Management (Classic Adam Sandler flick. Will watch it with my wife who hasn't seen it. Small win.) **
35.) The Boondock Saints (never seen the film, but I'm actually modestly interested) **
36.) Funny People (Love this film. Sadly, I already own it.) **
37.) Dude, Where's my Car (Classic film I've never seen. Will check it out.) *
38.) The Mummy Returns (not into The Mummy movies, but my wife is.) *
39.) Don't Mess with the Zohan (Another Adam Sandler movie. Not really into it, but my wife wants to watch it.) *
40.) The Wackness (fun-looking 2000s comedy / drama with Josh Peck) *

I didn't make out as well with this batch. I would say I made about $15 worth of value from the batch (and I'm being fairly generous with it). That's $34 so far with 40 films.

McConnaughay 05-25-23 11:00 AM

So, when I bought the collection, it was actually buying two (60 movie) lots and so, this is it for the final movies in the first lot. I believe this is the best yet. To the eBayer's credit, he actually included an additional nine films!

41.) Bend It Like Beckham (I don't have an interest in this film. My wife said it was a lesbian trap movie and I am not sure I know what that means. :p)
42.) The Brothers (It's a romantic-comedy film and I don't recognize anyone from it. Reviews are alright, but it looks like it won't interest me very much.)
43.) Finn's Girl (It looks like a drama about abortion. I am not super interested in it, but I may check it out.)
44.) WiseGirls (It appears to be a crime film with Mariah Carey. Not particularly interested.)
45.) Lone Wolf McQuade (Chuck Norris Western film. Not super interested in Chuck Norris movies.)
46.) The Riot Act (period-drama, not super interested.)

47.) Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Pt. 2 (I may one day watch the Twilight films, but I will never seek them out. So, this works out.) *
48.) Abandon (negatively reviewed crime-thriller, may watch it.) *
49.) Clash of the Titans (not super interested, but not a bad get.)
50.) Just Married

51.) Pride and Glory (mixed reviews, but it has Colin Farrel and Edward Norton so I'm at least somewhat interested.) *
52.) Are We There Yet? (not super interested)
53.) The Missing (Western with Tommy Lee Jones and Cate Blanchett. I'm interested.) *
54.) Man of the House (goofy-looking comedy with Tommy Lee Jones. Not super-interested.) *
55.) Hitch (classic comedy with Will Smith. It's fine.) *
56.) After the Sunset (Brett Ratner movie, ew.)
57.) Dragonfly (somewhat interested.) *
58.) The Death of Kinghoffer (It's an ... Opera?)

59.) Date Night (comedy with Tina Fey and Steve Carrell. Sure, why not?) **
60.) A History of Violence (Cronenberg film, I feel that.) ***
61.) American History X (I've been needing to watch this.) ***
62.) Avatar (timely) **
63.) Horrible Bosses 2 (a lot didn't like this film. I enjoyed it.) **
64.) Ready Player One (I could have realistically seen myself buying this in the five dollar bin at Wal-Mart.) ***
65.) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (this means I now have the first and second separately from this purchase. Sweet.) **
66.) End of Watch (I like this film. Cool get.) ***
67.) X2 (I already had this film, but still a cool get.) **
68.) Seraphim Fails (Western with Liam Neeson. I'm for it.) **
69.) 21 Grams (like the director, looking forward to this.) ***

In total, this next section really brought things together for me. I would say it brought $34 in-value (exactly what the previous 40 brought in) to the purchase for me personally. Feeling a lot better about it now.

So, I'd say I have made $68 worth of my $90 investment back and I'm only halfway through!

McConnaughay 05-26-23 10:44 AM

Re: I Bought a "Movie Lot" (120 Mystery Movies)
This next batch wasn't as good as the last. I'm hoping it improves with tomorrow's set!

71.) Match Point (Woody Allen, ew.)
72.) Confess (2005 film. Not super interested)
73.) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (first double, sadly - but the batting average has been really good for this to be the first)
74.) Terminal Island (Tom Selleck movie. Not super interested)
75.) Black Sheep (Chris Farley / David Spade movie. Not super interested.)
76.) 21 (Kevin Spacey movie. Not a big believer of separating the artist from the art, so I'm not particularly interested.)
77.) Calendar Girls (No interest)

78.) The Aviator (love the film. Already have the film.) *
79.) Up in the Air (George Clooney film I've seen, but don't own. I like this film. Good get.) ***
80.) The Italian Job (Fun looking heist film. Solid get.) **
81.) 27 Dresses (I am not interested, but my wife called it a solid get.) *
82.) Bad Boys 2 (I have never seen the Bad Boys films. If I receive the first film one of these days, maybe I will go through and watch them. Small win for that.) *
83.) The Biggest Little Farm (documentary I am not particularly interested in)
84.) Road Trip (looks awful, but it may be a fun film to throw on) *
85.) My Big Fat Greek Wedding (never seen it, might watch it. Mostly whatever about it.)
86.) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (another film with Kevin Spacey, this film was directed by Clint Eastwood though, which means I will likely do a review of it. Thereby, it's a small win.) *
87.) Raising Arizona (Neat. I have been needing to watch this. Good get.) ***
88.) The Weatherman (Another Cage film I have been needing to watch. Good get.) ***
89.) Austin Powers: Goldmember (Already had this film, but not as a single film.)
90.) Elizabethtown (like the cast. Not super interested, but I'll check it out.) *
91.) Live Free or Die Hard (like Bad Boys, I have never seen Die Hard. So if I can collect them this way, maybe I will do a marathon.) *

The amount of double-features / the extra films included in the lot (which were appreciated) has made my count a little inconsistent, haha. This wasn't a flunker of a day, but I didn't feel has enthusiastic. I would say I claimed about 18 dollars in value from it. So, I am at $86 of my $90 investment and I still have around forty films left.

McConnaughay 05-27-23 09:00 AM

I went ahead and decided to cave and look at the remainder of the films included in the lot (it's my day off and it takes a lot of time to look at them all, haha).

First, let's look at all the duplicates I received ...

90.) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (second copy)
91.) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (third copy)
92.) 50 First Dates (second copy)
93.) Don't Mess with the Zohan (second copy)
94.) American Wedding (second copy)

95.) Rent (would have been a small win. My wife loves it. Unfortunately, we already had it.)

96.) The Sixth Sense (one of M. Night's best movies. A classic I didn't own.) **
97.) 3:10 to Yuma (Western from James Mangold. Good get.) **
98.) Edward Scissorhands (Not a huge fan, but it's a classic.) **
99.) The Last of the Mohicans (Not super interested, but a small win.) *
100.) Spy Game (anything Brad Pitt is usually a small win.)
101.) Mission Impossible 2 (I have actually been meaning to watch these for ages, and I own all of them on digital - received from a friend. It's nice to have at least one of them physical.) *
102.) The Pursuit of Happyness (I like this film a lot. Glad to have it.) **
103.) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (not a big Transformers fan, but I liked the first film. The fact this is the second film and I have both makes it a small win.) *
104.) Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (Not a major Star Wars fan. Very much not a Prequel fan. This film is better than Phantom Menace, but worse than Revenge of the Sith. Small win.) *
105.) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (with this film, I now have the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy in standalone form. Doubles its worth to me, via satisfaction.) **
106.) Stargate (a stupid fun Sci-Fi. Small win.) *
107.) The Hate U Give (I'm interested. Strong reviews. Timely.) **
108.) The Holiday (romantic comedy film. Not super interested.)
109.) Pride & Prejudice (not super interested.)
110.) Rush Hour 2 (not super interested. If I had the first film, it might've elevated it to a small win.)
111.) The Sweetest Thing (comedy with Diaz. Not super interested.)
112.) Confessions of a Shopaholic (My wife's interested.) *
113.) Just Like Heaven (Not super interested.)
114.) Kingdom of Heaven (Not super interested.)
115.) The Vow (Not super interested.)
116.) What Happens in Vegas (comedy with Diaz. Not super interested, *but* the sheer number of Diaz movies I have now is enough to make it a single star.) *
117.) American Dreamz (No.)
118.) Footloose remake (No.)
119.) Elizabeth (No.)
120). We Were Soldiers (Not super interested.)
121). Matrix Reloaded (Have it.)
122.) Not Easily Broken (Not super interested.)
123.) Valentine's Day (No.)
124.) Sacrifice (No.)
125.) Cutthroat Island (No.)
126.) xXx: State of the Union (No.)
127.) Madea Goes to Jail (No.)
128.) A Dog's Journey (Saw the first film. Didn't like it.)
129.) Gothika (Halle Berry movie with Robert Downey Jr. I'll watch it.) *
130.) Mr. & Mrs. Smith (fun film) *
131.) She's the Man (mediocre film I feel like I've seen a bunch. Small win just because it's so familiar.) *
132.) Duplex (Not super interested.)
133.) Cellular (Could be alright.) *
134.) Pieces of April (Looks like it could be charming.) *
135.) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Classic film. I own all of them in a box-set, but that's okay.) *
136. Bruce Almighty (Classic Jim Carrey) *
137.) Twilight: Eclipse (again, not a Twilight fan, *but* I may one day watch them if I find the whole series this way, haha.) *

This wasn't our best batch. I would say for all the listed films, an added $24 in value was made to the overall lot.

McConnaughay 05-27-23 09:02 AM

In summation, I consider my purchasing of the movie lots to have been a success! I believe I may $110 in value off a $90 purchase (and the added charm of its mystique / challenging me to watch new movies is an added value as well).

I began steps to new filmmakers I want to pursue (like Clint Eastwood), and I filled out my collection with a couple "safe-gets" I otherwise may not have went out of my way to find.

I will definitely do it again sometime soon (although, I will go with a new eBayer next time to keep my chances of duplicates to a limited amount).

Takoma11 05-27-23 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by McConnaughay (Post 2389445)
41.) Bend It Like Beckham (I don't have an interest in this film. My wife said it was a lesbian trap movie and I am not sure I know what that means. :p)
48.) Abandon (negatively reviewed crime-thriller, may watch it.) *
53.) The Missing (Western with Tommy Lee Jones and Cate Blanchett. I'm interested.) *
60.) A History of Violence (Cronenberg film, I feel that.) ***
61.) American History X (I've been needing to watch this.) ***
68.) Seraphim Fails (Western with Liam Neeson. I'm for it.) **
These are all good (though Abandon just barely lands in that category). Love Seraphim Falls.

Also, I saw you got Cellular, which I like maybe way more than it deserves, but it's kind of a favorite. Just the right kind of dumb with a surprisingly good cast.

McConnaughay 05-27-23 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by Takoma11 (Post 2389788)
These are all good (though Abandon just barely lands in that category). Love Seraphim Falls.

Also, I saw you got Cellular, which I like maybe way more than it deserves, but it's kind of a favorite. Just the right kind of dumb with a surprisingly good cast.
It's difficult to know basing on DVD covers. I will likely check it out. Everything that had Liam Neeson in it, or Edward Norton, or Nicholas Cage, etc., I immediately was interested in on name-value alone. Even when they're not "classics," sometimes all I want is a run film with charismatic people in it.

If there is one thing I have learned over the years is to love the "6 out of 10" movies. Even when they don't find their way in your Top 10, 50, 100, etc., they advance your relationship with an artist, filmmaker, or actor, you can see how they've improved, their habits, and ultimately, instill a deeper appreciation of them and their works (and sometimes they're just stupid fun)! :cool:

WHITBISSELL! 05-27-23 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by McConnaughay (Post 2389786)
114.) Kingdom of Heaven (Not super interested.)
Nooooo. It's probably in my Top 50. Maybe. Gothika is pretty good too. At least I remember liking when I watched it years and years ago.

WHITBISSELL! 05-27-23 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by McConnaughay (Post 2389039)
45.) Lone Wolf McQuade (Chuck Norris Western film. Not super interested in Chuck Norris movies.)
But .... Chuck dodges machine gun bullets in this. Someone's hard to please. :rolleyes: :laugh:

McConnaughay 05-27-23 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by WHITBISSELL! (Post 2389827)
Nooooo. It's probably in my Top 50. Maybe. Gothika is pretty good too. At least I remember liking when I watched it years and years ago.
This is one I may watch (so not all hope is lost), but I am rarely interested in biblical stories, etc.

Torgo 05-27-23 03:31 PM

If it's the theatrical cut of Kingdom of Heaven, I wouldn't bother. The Director's Cut, on the other hand, is one of Ridley Scott's best.

Thursday Next 05-27-23 04:21 PM

The Lion in Winter is a good film.

I also quite like both Just Like Heaven and Sweet Home Alabama as far as cheesy romcoms go.

Quite a fun project if you have the space!

McConnaughay 05-27-23 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 2389838)
The Lion in Winter is a good film.

I also quite like both Just Like Heaven and Sweet Home Alabama as far as cheesy romcoms go.

Quite a fun project if you have the space!
The hope of one day having a library downstairs in my basement is a real one. Haha

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