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GodsOtherMonkey 02-12-10 12:25 AM

Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
I think he should. One should finish what one starts. Or continue the franchise on the big screen, anyway.

There are three more stories needing to be told.
All of the original main cast could be in those (at the old folks home).
Plus there is a huge expanded universe of writing.

He just needs to higher a director and produce them faster, say one every eighteen months or two years instead of three.

If we are going to keep getting these expensive FX movies, then George needs to get back on the ball.

Or a Willow sequel. Not the book thing he did but a story about Willow.

George Lucas needs to get to work on his bread and butter money maker.

Swan 02-12-10 12:31 AM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
Three more stories?

Why has no one told me about this before?!

Austruck 02-12-10 01:10 AM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
I remember the original plan of three trilogies way back in the '70s, so it's certainly not new.

But honestly, what more of this story do we need to see? It's not like they were getting any BETTER...

Project Steel 02-12-10 02:11 AM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
I personally hope that he doesn't make any more. I remember seeing the original three as a kid, and I still love them now. Then Lucas went and changed them, saying that he was just fixing the special effects, but he actually changed some scenes too. Such as he made it where in the cantina scene in Star Wars: A New Hope, he now has Greedo shoot first, then Han shoots him. In the original Greedo never even had the chance to squeeze off a shot. That really irritated me, because Han was not a goody two shoes good guy, he was more of an antihero, at least originally, but now he only shoots in self defense....whatever. I don't even think that you can get the original unaltered trilogy on dvd.

Then George Lucas makes the three newer movies, which were much worse. Sure the special effects were better, but who cares. Now they don't even kill storm troopers any more, but droids. Come on, why water this saga down even more. The worst part of it is that I always saw Darth Vader as scary and mysterious, an ultimate villain, but now after seeing the three newer movies all I see when I look at Darth Vader is a punk kid with a bad temper that got beat up, then rebuilt, and is now supposed to be an ultimate villain. It just doesn't work for me anymore.

It's weird because Lucas created the Star Wars universe which I grew up with and love so much, but then he came back and tainted it. I wish he that he had stopped after Return of the Jedi and left it alone. At this point I'm torn between still thinking of him as a genius or wanting to slap him across the face for ruining a great thing.

My understanding is that it was also his idea to put aliens in the last Indiana Jones movie. Sure Lucas why not ruin that too. Needless to say, I hope that he doesn't make any more Star Wars or anything else ever. It's time for him to retire.

FILMFREAK087 02-12-10 02:16 AM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
Don't give Lucas any ideas, he'll make prequels to the prequels. *shudder*

jrs 02-12-10 02:17 AM

Originally Posted by GodsOtherMonkey (Post 601678)
Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
Theatrically, he has. The Star Wars storyline on the big screen has been already put to rest.

Harry Lime 02-12-10 02:20 AM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
I don't mind the prequels, not a huge fan or anything, but those three films (not as much the third but definitely the first two) and what he did to the original trilogy in '97 weaken the legacy that was the original trilogy. I vote NO. Lucas should stay out of the creative process that goes into making films and stick with the technical aspects ILM and Skywalker Sound are so good at.

GodsOtherMonkey 02-12-10 01:45 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
I think the first three movies were classics because;
1) Many of us saw them first as children and had that special magic going for us.
2) There had never been anything like it before. Logun's Run was the biggest sci-fi around at that time and there is no comparison.

Star Wars was such a huge leap forward - Phantom Menace took CG to the level it is today (with Sith moving forward leaps again).

retake - Lucas brought in many assistant directors, including Spielberg, to make the new movies. After watching I - III a number of times, I have to say it's hard to find anything that compares in size, scope and filmcraft.

All in all, Star Wars is Buck Rogers camp fun. Kiddy movies. Hey, that's why we loved them as kids. That's why the new ones were soft in many ways (kids movies). But, there is some harse violence (Vader killing younglings and getting singed). Sure, George weaves myth and mystery school teaching in, but all classic story tellers do.
Bottom line - still kids movies. I remember my dad hated the Star Wars movies. Said, "same old crap they been doin' a hundred years). That was 1977 and I thought he was crazy. He was right - in terms of what is was storywise and what Lucas was trying to create with a sci-fi series. The FX were revolutionary, however. And never had such a quality attempt been made before. George is the master of the space fantasy franchise business.

They are great fun and I would like to see the final three stories. Or even many other expanded universe stories told on the big screen, by ILM and Lucas.

Project Steel 02-12-10 02:22 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
It would be kinda cool to see three more movies, but just not written by George Lucas. He can read the scripts and approve or disapprove, but certainly not write them. He has lost his touch.

GodsOtherMonkey 02-12-10 03:04 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
I had a real problem with much of the dialogue in the new movies. The use of the word "human" really bothered me, as did the creation of the Midi-chlorians which pervert the sense of the Force, which is a kind of Chi, the all unifying energy field and needs no material organism because all organism are part of it "that rock, that tree" to repeat the little green man. George polluted his own story.

And I agree he should have never changed scenes in Star Wars - or that he should have even added the scene with Solo and Fett because it is redundant in dialogue and adds the words "human being" to Star Wars. What happened to a galaxy far far away?

But - since the damage is done, why not have some more? Anyway, I have both versions of the film, so ...

I like the creatures and worlds that ILM creates for Star Wars. I think ILM conceptual artists have always done their best work in the Star Wars galaxy. People go on and on about Pandora - that is one world and created by the ILM team as well. It actually looks like a composite of some the of the Star Wars worlds. Star Wars has dozens upon dozens. I would like to see more of those.

Star Trek has always been a huge failure in conceptual art. Even the new movie is limp in this regard. The sci-fi genre is still very vacant of good films or even fantasticly conceived films.

Also, there is a completion thing. George has tried to sell us the idea that the Star Wars movies are complete, but that is George reinventing again. When I was boy on the schoolyard and Empire Strikes Back was the hot ticket I had a friend who told me that Dartth Vader fought with Obi'Wan on a volcano and that is how he became disfigured. Vader lost and the Storm Troopers came and got him and rebuilt him. I was in awe at this secret knowledge my friend had. How he knew this I still have know idea; this was in 1980 and we were both twelve. Of course, I was a Los Angeles child.

I waited two decades to watch that battle. I was not dissapointed, I thought it the best part of the new movies. But there are other stories to the Star Wars saga that remain to be completed. I don't mean Clone War cartoons on the TV, either.

But the Clone War cartoons and the old Muppet specials with Luke also show the kid movie nature of Star Wars.

"Are you now ... or have you ever been?"

I think Lynch was rather funny, "... and I was talking with George and I started to get a spilitting headache" David points to a man in crowd who is nodding his head "you know what I mean."

Too funny.

All in all I would like to see Star Wars ViI VIII and IX more than I want to see a Indiana Jones 5.

Project Steel 02-12-10 05:57 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
I agree with you. The star war universe still leaves so much potential. I would love to see more movies about it, but I just don't want Lucas to write them. I have read some star wars books that were fantastic. My understanding is that the writers of the books have to get Lucas's okay before publishing them. So why not have some of these writers write some new movies and just get Lucas's approval, or why not even make movies from these other Star Wars books? I would love to see that.

Sedai 02-12-10 06:43 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
RE: Your friend back in 1980, GoM:

He or his parents must have read the 1978 Rolling Stone interview with Lucas, where Lucas expounds on the volcano scene, while also stating his real love in film is artistic, surreal, small films. I am thinking Lucas wanted to be a director like David Lynch, but has been forever lashed to making Star Wars films due to their large success. Back then He wanted to use Star Wars to jump start his career, then moving on to smaller artsy films, later returning to Star Wars once he had come full circle as a director and also once the tech had caught up a bit to his (clearly brilliant) vision.

Lucas is, and always has been, a director of cinematic vision, and nuts to the dialogue and actors. I think he is incredibly gifted as a writer, as far as imagining and populating an entire civilization is concerned. When forced into small corners (ie, screenplays with actors), he fails entirely. I do NOT fault him for this.

The more I learn about making films, the more I think it's just to the left of impossible to do so successfully - without a little luck and chemistry, anyway.

As for the Heir to the Empire stuff, the Tim Zahn novels alleged to take the story of Luke, Leia, Han et al. - I would actually love to see it on screen. First off, we must see some Mara Jade action! I bet she'd have a crackin' set, too. :randy: So many stellar ideas in those books, and plenty of screen-worthy stuff, which could absolutely be done very well today. General Thrawn is a complex, multi-faceted antagonist, and he was damn scary in some regards. Cold, tactical, and logical, Thrawn suffered none of the failings of the over-confident Emperor Sideous.

The problem is...this is three fairly thick novels with literally dozens of characters and almost as many separate story lines. Clearly, some paring down will have to occur, and at first thought, some of the events in the film seem less important or less... epic. It's all tied together though - Zahn is a good writer, and he really did something special with this material, so I think it all has to be there. Here we are in 2010, and a shrewd cinema junkie, whom, from what I can tell, doesn't like crap entertainment, is creating a thread about these very stories. Remarkable, since pretty much any other licensed novels from established film franchises tend to slip into obscurity rather quickly.

To be honest, I love Star Wars, regardless of Lucas' attempts to change my mind. If crews can get good writing and direction going on a Star Wars project, I will probably go! I've been disappointed a few times already though, and I presume my patience is not infinite. ;)

"Oh no, Mara! Please don't...FORCE yourself upon me..."


WBadger 02-12-10 06:46 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?

GodsOtherMonkey 02-12-10 07:49 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
Sedai - you rock. You just aswered a thirty year old question in my mind. Awesome.

I agree about Lucas completely. THX is a fav of mine - an ultimate fav. But George never got back to making films, he turned into a corporation and big time producer as instead of a director.

His story ideas are fantastic - dialogue is another thing, however.

I think the idea of scrapping another triliogy and simply continueing on with a never ending series of Star Wars universe movies would be the coolest thing ever.

Why not a new Star Wars movie every two or three years for now on?

We got Star Trek, so why not Star Wars? I know which story I would rather watch.

It is a big universe George created and there are many stories - some go back thousands of years in the Star Wars universe. Endless money making machine that would also be entertaining.

The expanded Star Wars universe is vast, from my poking around online. I have only ever read Star Wars (ghost written by Alan Dean Foster) and Splinter of the Mind's Eye, by the same author. Splinter was the first expanded universe bood. I have never read any others. I read those as a kid, and stopped reading fiction long ago.

Luke and Leia get it on in Splinter, by the way. Hmmmmm. Doh!

mark f 02-12-10 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 601824)

"Oh no, Mara! Please don't...FORCE yourself upon me..."

Sorta looks like Scarlett Johansson...

Swan 02-12-10 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 601824)

rufnek 02-18-10 03:06 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
I thought the last three (actually the first three) of Lucas's films had pretty well finished off Star Wars. That whole franchise seems to be sinking fast. Why add more bad films to the series?

jrs 02-18-10 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by rufnek (Post 602817)
I thought the last three (actually the first three) of Lucas's films had pretty well finished off Star Wars.
It did.

jet57 02-18-10 06:59 PM

I think he can finish it if he wants to: I won't see the rest of it. The last episode I saw had so much Percival and the Holy Grail written all over it, that the originality is now lost: it's all been done before.

honeykid 02-18-10 08:59 PM

Re: Should Lucas finish Star Wars?
Did I just read the word "originality" in a sentence regarding Star Wars? Surely not.

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